Dear Editor
We have to ask:
- Whe did the propertied class begin to clear the land of the people?
- Howlong did ot take and is it now completed?
- What was the timescale between clearances and the industrial expansion?
We know that following the industrial expansion the working class became wage labourers, their working time and hours under the tight control of the propertied class. It still remains that this is the source of the power of the propertied class.
The length of the working day/week/the shift work/all variations of day work/night work are still owned and controlled by the propertied class.
Finally, everything that is made becomes the outright property of this class solely.
But we have seen a degree of organisation of the working class in the formation of the Trade Unions, for example. They fight to reduce the amount of people’s time stolen by the propertied class.
The struggle continues!
Silverknowes Gardens