Speaking in Tuesday, Calum Campbell, Chief Executive, NHS Lothian, said the healthcare system was under extreme duress as a result of an increase in the numbers of emergency patients, large numbers of delayed discharge patients and an increase in respiratory illnesses.
He said teams at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, St John’s Hospital, the Western General Hospital and the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People were all being pushed to the limit.
To help free up vital beds, he said that some relatives may be asked if they can provide care to their loved ones as an interim measure while those packages of care to help in their own homes are put in place by their local Health and Social Care Partnership.
He said: “These challenges are unprecedented, but they are also sustained. We need people in Lothian to help their own communities and the NHS.
“We have large numbers of people waiting to be admitted into a hospital bed, so I would urge everyone who is asked to provide care to their loved one to give the request some serious consideration.”

Dr Tracey Gillies, Medical Director, NHS Lothian, said: “Our teams will have carried out a robust clinical assessment before they discuss the temporary possibilities with patients and their families.
“We know that most patients want to return home as soon as they possibly can, especially at this time of year. This would also help our teams and the patients waiting to be admitted.
“Also, if you have a loved one in hospital who has been discharged and requires to be collected, please do so as early in the day as possible.”
The primary care sector in Lothian also experienced one of its busiest days to date on Monday (19th December) as they provided care to increasing numbers of adults and children, especially families with concerns around Strep A following recent increases in the virus.

Jenny Long, Director of Primary Care, NHS Lothian, urged people to remember that there were a number of winter viruses in circulation and to consider NHS Inform and their local pharmacist for help and advice, use over the counter medication, drink plenty of fluids and rest.
Cold-type symptoms such as a runny nose or mild cough are more likely to suggest a viral illness.
If you have a sore throat, but can eat and drink, and don’t have a very high temperature then it is likely to be a common virus and there is no need to contact your GP.

The most up to date information on Strep A can be found at