Police issue travel advice issued ahead of Storm Jocelyn

The Met Office has issued a new Amber warning for wind across parts of western and northern Scotland.

The warning is in place between 6pm tonight (Tuesday, 23 January) and 8am tomorrow – Wednesday, 24 January.

The following areas are expected to be affected by the Amber warning:

  • Grampian (Aberdeenshire and Moray)
  • Highlands and Eilean Siar
  • Orkney
  • Strathclyde (Argyll & Bute and North Ayrshire)

A Yellow warning for wind affected all of Scotland is also in place between 1600hrs today (Tuesday, 23 January) and 1300hrs Wednesday, 24 January.

Additionally, a Yellow warning for rain is in place and is valid between 0700hrs and 1800hrs on Tuesday (23 January).

Further information about the weather warnings and flood information is available on the Met Office and SEPA websites.

General advice for road users:

  • Plan ahead and avoid unnecessary travel
  • All road users should consider if they really need to travel during adverse weather
  • Consider delaying travel until conditions improve
  • If you are travelling on the roads, prepare yourself and your vehicle for the conditions
  • Ensure your mobile phone is charged and plan your journey, including an alternative route
  • Have sufficient fuel, warm clothing, food and water in case you’re delayed
  • Do not ignore road closure signs – they are for your safety
  • Congestion caused by vehicles may restrict emergency services and recovery vehicles from providing essential assistance
  • Listen to media broadcasts, including radio, for updates Traffic Scotland radio player | Traffic Scotland or visit Traffic Scotland | Trunk road traffic updates & route planner
  • Follow your local authority for the latest updates in your area via Facebook, X or their website
  • Other information can be found on the Met Office and Ready Scotland websites. For public transport information visit www.travelinescotland.com
  • Follow @trafficscotland on X for up-to-date travel information.


HGV and bus drivers should drive with extreme caution and be aware you may be asked to park at a suitable position by the police.

Drivers of vehicles vulnerable to being blown over should plan their route to avoid exposed areas or consider cancelling your journey until conditions improve.

Cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians should consider the risk of being blown over or into the path of other road users.

Rain / Surface Water

Drive to the conditions. Spray can reduce driver visibility.

Be aware of increased stopping distances. In wet weather, stopping distances will be at least double those required for stopping on dry roads.

Driving through areas of flooding can result in catastrophic damage to your vehicle. It may also result in the road becoming blocked with recovery required and may delay emergency services and road maintenance workers.

Motorists warned over stopping distances in the wet

Drivers have been warned that stopping distances will be at least double during the wettest months of the year posing a serious threat to all road users.

Motoring experts at LeaseCar.uk have urged motorists to follow six simple steps when driving in wet conditions to reduce the risk of accidents from occurring.

October to January are typically the wettest months in the UK and motorists should be aware that the highway code advises drivers to drive according to the road conditions as tyres will have less traction in wet conditions.

Image credit: Pexels

Drivers can more easily feel the lack of grip in the ice and snow of winter but in the wettest autumn months modern car tyres will grip the road effectively in the wet until they lose grip under hard braking often taking drivers by surprise.

Stopping distances are worked out by adding the thinking distance and the braking distance, which can vary depending on the road conditions and the condition of the car.

At 60mph total stopping distance is around 75 metres but in the wet this doubles to 150m – approximately the height of the Blackpool Tower.

Checking parts of the vehicle such as the condition of the brakes and tyres can help reduce stopping distances while managing the space to the car in front will make sure drivers have room to stop safely in the wet.

A spokesperson from LeaseCar.uk said: “It’s important for drivers to be aware that stopping distances will at least double in the wet.

“As we enter the wettest months in the UK it’s vital that motorists manage their speed and distance to the car in front to prevent any serious accidents.

“Motorists only need to visualise the height of the Blackpool Tower to better understand the distance they will need to safely stop their vehicle during the wettest months.

“Drivers should regularly check the condition of their vehicle paying particular attention to the brakes and depth of tyre tread as stopping distances will increase significantly in the wet if either are in poor condition.”

Here are the six simple measures drivers should take to reduce the risk of having an accident in the wet as recommended by LeaseCar.uk:

  1. Monitor tyre tread

Not only do stopping distances double in the wet, but threadbare tyres will grip the road even less meaning even greater distances before drivers can safely stop their vehicles. Tyre tread can easily harden in cold weather which can lead to further loss of control.

  1. Regularly check brake condition

If you’re noticing a delay in the car slowing after pressing the brake pedal there’s a high chance that the car has worn brake pads or the brakes have developed a fault. In the wet it’s crucial that the brakes work as they should otherwise already large stopping distances increase further.

  1. Manage the distance to the car in front

One good guide to follow is the two-second rule in the dry which involves picking a stationary object by the side of the road and counting the seconds between the car in front passing the object and you passing it. In the dry two seconds is the minimum time recommended. In the wet this increases to four seconds. If you are within four seconds in the wet, then give yourself more space to brake safely.

  1. Cautious driving

Wet conditions means less grip on the road. Driving at slower speeds and braking in a controlled way will help keep the car balanced in the wet and you in control. It’s also best to not press too hard on the accelerator to prevent the likelihood of the car skidding and the wheels from spinning on the wet tarmac.

  1. Check headlights are working

One of the most important checks to make is ensuring the headlights are in full working order. During the darker months having faulty lights can make it more difficult to calculate a safe stopping distance to the car in front.

  1. Take regular breaks

With the weather getting darker earlier during the autumnal months driving requires greater levels of concentration and can be more draining. It’s important to regularly rest at services to keep energised while driving as tiredness can increase the chances of an accident due to delayed reaction times.