Bump Start will be running their pregnancy and baby cafe on a Tuesday 10:30-12 at Stepping Stones Office.
If you would like to come along please call 0131 551 1632 or speak with your Bump Start worker.
Stepping Stones North Edinburgh’s young parents are making Christmas crafts to sell in the local pantry, with all proceeds going back into local charities.
We are looking to compliment our home made crafts with some other Christmas gifts.
Do you make gift baskets, wreaths, beautiful Christmas decorations? If so could you donate an item to our Christmas fayre?
Your generosity has two benefits in that the proceeds will go to charity but it also allows local people to buy something lovely that they may not normally be able to afford.
We would really appreciate your support.
It would also be great to see people pop by the fayre on the 8th of December!
We would like to invite you to our event ‘Can you see?’
This event is being planned and presented by our young parents. They will be launching a film they have made to combat the stigma around being a Young Parent and sharing their experience. This is a chance for them to have their voices heard on a topic that has a massive effect on them.
The event will be held on Wednesday 7th December at North Edinburgh Arts, 15a Pennywell Court.
1pm – 1.30 pm – presentation and film launch
1.30pm – 2.30pm – a more informal chance to speak to the young parents, network and find out more about the services provided by Stepping Stones. Refreshments and nibbles will be provided.
If you can make it along to either the presentation and film launch, and/or for a chat and a bite to eat afterwards , the young parents would appreciate your support!
Please RSVP to info@steppingstonesnorthedinburgh.co.uk
MONDAY 26 SEPTEMBER at 12:30pm
Mums from Stepping Stones’ Muirhouse group have received funding from Save the Children to run a Teddy Bears Picnic and they are organising the event themselves.
It’s taking place tomorrow (Wednesday 1 July) between 11.30 and 1.30 at the Haven Project at Craigroyston Primary School and is for families with children under 5.
Places are strictly limited, so if you’d like to join the party get in touch – call 0131 551 6132 before 3pm today to book your place!
North Edinburgh projects have been highly praised at the 2014 Children & Families Achievement Awards, with local organisations Stepping Stones, Forthview Primary and Circle Scotland among the prize winners.
Winner of the Working Effectively with Others category was the PrePare Fathers’ Group, comprising PrePare, Stepping Stones, South West Children and Families Team and Circle PrePare
Fathers were consulted on what additional support they would like and group work was identified. The aim is to increase paternal involvement in their child’s plan. A collaboration was established between Circle, Stepping Stones, PrePare and SW C&F Team. Together a group work programme was established within the framework and goals set out by the Early Years Collaboration.
Fathers learned about child development and the impact of parental substance use; attachment and resilience; stress and containment and gained a clearer understanding of where they can access support.
Morag Wilson, depute manger at Stepping Stones, said: “A massive congratulations to our Parenting Outreach worker, Anna Chrystal, who alongside her colleagues from PrePare, Circle Scotland and South West Children and Families team won the 2014 Children and Families Achievement Award in partnership working. The judge commented that ‘this innovative project is making a real difference to fathers, and their families.’ They have now been encouraged to put themselves forward for the Pride in our People awards 2014.”
Read all about it: Forthview to the Fore!
West Pilton’s Forthview Primary School won the Improving Literacy Outcomes category for their ‘West Pilton Reads: Developing a Community Reading Culture’ initiative.
The Forthview submission read: ‘Research shows that we only get better at reading by reading, and that we will only read if we want to read. After looking at this research and considering best practice, we investigated ways in which we could create a reading culture around Forthview Primary.
‘The teaching of reading has been unchanged for decades, with no significant improvement in achievement, especially in areas of disadvantage. We decided that it was time for a radical change of approach to fostering the enjoyment of reading.’
Judges were clearly impressed with the Forthview approach, and commented: ‘This innovative project provides help for the whole household, not just for children. An educational support for whole families, it benefits everyone.’
The Director’s Award for Outstanding Achievment went to the Active Schools Team and the Speak Up Speak Out campaign picked up the Convener’s Award.
Children and Families Director Gillian Tee said: “This is our 15th annual achievement awards and, yet again, I have been impressed by the high standard of applications. This year we have had an exceptionally high number of nominations reflecting the huge amount of work that is going on across a wide variety of services. The professionalism and commitment shown in providing the highest level of service for every child and family across Edinburgh was clearly evident.”
A full list of winners and nominees can be found below:
A group of staff and families from Stepping Stones took part in the ‘Race for Life’ at Holyrood Park on Sunday 16 June.
Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life is a series of 5k or 10k women-only fundraising events, which are raising money for research to help beat all 200 types of cancer sooner.
If you missed the June event, don’t worry – there’s another one coming up on Saturday 26 October in Holyrood Park. The twilight Race for Life starts at 7pm.
For further information or to register go to http://raceforlife.cancerresearchuk.org
Bump Start is a support service for pregnant women, with two bases in North Edinburgh at Pennywell and Leith.
The project has two main ways of helping women and their families. A Bump Start worker can work with individual families and help with a whole range of topics, and there is also a weekly group for pregnant women and their partners, parents and supporters called ‘The Pregnancy Café’ where everyone can learn more about being pregnant and preparing to be a parent. Dads – to – be are particularly welcomed at the café.
The team has public health workers from NHS Lothian, the CLD Health Literacy team, and Stepping Stones all working together to deliver the service and the project works very closely with the local midwives. If you are pregnant and think this type of support would help you please contact your midwife and she will then put you in touch with the Bump Start team in your area.
The picture shows the Bump Start team at their annual stakeholders event in Spartans Football Club, where the team was presenting the project’s independent evaluation which was carried out by COMAS.
A number of organisations were represented at the event including Multi-Cultural Family Base, CEC Community Learning and Development, Public Health NHS, Stepping Stones; CEC Social Work, CEC Early Years, Community Midwifery and Mellow Parenting.
Cathy Wood, North West Local Health Partnership
North Edinburgh’s Womens International Group are delighted with the success of last week’s Health Day – the first of it’s kind organised by the womens’ group based at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. Over forty women of all ages took part in a full day of events and activities in Royston Wardieburn – and while they may not all have gone home a lot healthier, they definitely went home happier!
From registration and refreshments at 10am it was a packed programme – Jane Jones gave a talk about ‘What Affects Our Health?’, there was Zumba and aerobics in the sports hall, pamper sessions and gentle exercise; all before lunch time!
A short presentation by local women got the afternoon activities underway, and this was followed by talk on Breast Awareness by Lynda Luke of the Breast Screening Service. Julie Smith gave a presentation on North Edinburgh Time Bank and Roberta Blaikie gave a brief contribution about North Edinburgh Credit Union. The final hour of the day was dedicated to social activities and fundraising for McMillan Cancer Trust in the cafe community room, with a nearly new stall and raffle.
Women’s International Group (WIG) said: ‘We would like to thank the following organisations for their support : Community Learning and Development, Royston Wardieburn Centre Management Committee, Pilton Health Project, North Edinburgh Arts, Telford College students, the Breast Screening Service, McMillan Cancer Trust, North Edinburgh Time Bank, North Edinburgh Credit Union and Stepping Stones. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the individuals who have given up their time or who have contributed to the raffle or nearly new stall and the local businesses who have made donations.’
Thanks to Community Learning and Development worker Lynne McCabe for the following Health Day pictures: