Rangers seek urgent talks following Cup Final report


Rangers are seeking an urgent meeting with the Scottish Football Association following the publication of the report in trouble at May’s Scottish Cup Final. The Ibrox club believes the report is flawed, and contains ‘factual inaccuracies and contradictions’. 

Continue reading Rangers seek urgent talks following Cup Final report

Local twirlers fly the flag for Scotland

Megan and Chloe

TWO local young women will fly the flag for Scotland when they take part in the World Baton Twirling championships in Helsingborg, Sweden next week – and they’ll carry the support of both local MSP Ben Macpherson and the Scottish Parliament! Continue reading Local twirlers fly the flag for Scotland

Fair play: £300,000 fund for sporting equality

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A Sporting Equality Fund is to be set up with the aim of increasing women’s engagement in sport, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced yesterday.

The £300,000 fund will be used to find ways to close the gender gap that emerges in the early teenage years when 71% of boys compared to 51% of girls say they are active participants in sport. Continue reading Fair play: £300,000 fund for sporting equality