Quay seals deal for three year West Granton contract

Quay Community Improvements, a social enterprise set up by Port of Leith Housing Association in 2016, has secured a three-year contract to deliver cleaning services for West Granton Housing Co-Op. Continue reading Quay seals deal for three year West Granton contract

Affordable housing: meeting the challenges that lie ahead

The housing sector and government will continue to work together to safeguard against the uncertainties created by Brexit and ensure affordable housing is available to all who need it, Communites Secretary Angela Constance will tell a conference today.

In a speech to the Chartered Institute of Housing Conference, Communities Secretary Angela Constance will reflect on a ‘decade of success’ on housing and regeneration, set out the challenges that lie ahead and how government and the housing sector might work together to respond.

The Cabinet Secretary will highlight:

  • The need to take action to address an ageing population, and ensuring more suitable housing and services to help individuals continue to live independently and at home
  • Tackling the damaging effects of UK Government’s welfare cuts, and meeting the challenge of combating child poverty
  • Safeguarding against the impact of Brexit, which could see a loss of 8.5% of GDP in Scotland by 2030 and threaten 5,000 EU citizens working in the construction sector

Speaking ahead of the conference Ms Constance said: “High quality affordable housing is about more than just bricks and mortar – it provides safe, warm homes, helps create a fairer Scotland, and delivers great economic benefits. As we look to the challenges that lie ahead, that will become ever more important.  

“The UK Government’s approach to Brexit threatens jobs, prosperity, and workers. Welfare cuts are plunging more people into poverty. And an ageing population presents big questions in how we support independent living and increase a flexible housing supply.

“Against that backdrop we are taking firm action. Since 2007 we have delivered almost 71,000 affordable homes and committed to delivering at least 50,000 over this Parliament, and we are spending £100 million a year protecting people from the worst impacts of the UK Government’s welfare cuts – cuts that threaten to push more children into poverty. But there is more we can and must do.

“We have given Councils long term planning assumptions totaling £1.75 billion to March 2021 – providing the guarantee needed to deliver our ambitions. As we look to beyond 2021, I want to begin engagement with the housing sector on the best ways to deliver affordable homes that meet the needs of our changing population. We will build on the great work already done as we take new and innovative approaches to ensure another decade of success.”

More Homes Scotland is the overarching approach to bring together all activity to increase supply

During her speech, Communities Secretary Angela Constance will set out a priority for everyone in Scotland to live in a high quality, sustainable home, which is affordable and meets their needs. Ms Constance will reiterate the importance of the four housing and regeneration outcomes and suggest how these might underpin the government’s approach:

  • A well-functioning housing system, where homes are first and foremost for living in, rather than for storing up wealth.
  • New and existing homes reaching high quality and sustainability standards, with all householders benefiting from the same high standards of accommodation and consumer protection.
  • Homes that meet people’s needs, with the housing market becoming more flexible to allow people to meet their changing needs, including new housing for older people.
  • Sustainable communities grow and develop, with people able to afford to stay in the communities they grew up in, if that is what they want.



Social housing in Scotland: latest statistics

Scotland’s Chief Statistician has released Social Tenants in Scotland 2016, the second annual statistical compendium publication on social tenants and social rented housing in Scotland. The report covers topic areas such as stock, household characteristics, housing flows, and rents and income levels. Continue reading Social housing in Scotland: latest statistics

Short term lets report doesn’t address real issue, say Greens

Andy Wightman MSP, Housing spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, said a report published yesterday by a Scottish Government expert panel falls short of critically analysing the impact of the collaborative economy on individuals and communities in relation to short-term lets.

The Green MSP is calling for local councils to be given powers to control the rapid growth of short-term lets to ease the pressure on already limited housing stock, and address constituents’ concerns about anti-social behaviour and loss of community.

Research for Mr Wightman’s Homes First campaign shows that many landlords are operating lucrative short-term letting businesses, and many are not paying non-domestic rates, depriving local authorities of funding for local services.

Mr Wightman said: “While the report contains some useful evidence and recommendations, those concerning short-term lets are framed very much by what is in the vested interests of the industry, AirBnB in particular. They fail to properly analyse and come up with proposals for the real problem which is the conversion of homes to commercial enterprises, and they are dominated by proposals to experiment, gather data, and explore viability when what is need is action very soon to stop any further loss of homes and community in Edinburgh.”

Collaborative Economy report

Home truths: Edinburgh’s housing stock depleted by short-term lets

Capital-ism: Edinburgh landlords fill their boots while waiting lists grow longer

More than 30 landlords are operating lucrative short term letting businesses in Scotland’s capital, a new report reveals, adding to the pressure on Edinburgh’s housing stock.  Continue reading Home truths: Edinburgh’s housing stock depleted by short-term lets

Building a fairer Scotland?

A 28% funding increase will help deliver at least 50,000 affordable homes over this Parliament, as announced in the Draft Budget by Finance Secretary Derek Mackay. Communities Secretary Angela Constance said that, while the target is challenging, the government has shown that it can deliver. Continue reading Building a fairer Scotland?

New homes for Christmas

Social Bite’s waterfront village homes to be ready by Christmas

social bite

A new village for homeless people will be up and running before Christmas. The Social Bite Village on Granton’s waterfront will be made up of 10 two-bedroom homes that can be moved and transported. Continue reading New homes for Christmas