A new course to support locals who want to make North Edinburgh stronger launches next month

‘So, What Now?’ a new course to support locals who want to make North Edinburgh stronger launches in November.
Firstport, Scotland’s support agency for start-up social enterprises, has launched a new workshop series ‘So, What Now?’ as part of their What If… North Edinburgh Programme.
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on communities big and small, and this course is designed to tackle those concerns arising out of the pandemic, as well as existing ones, and provide an opportunity for people to plan for the future.
The six-week workshop series will help individuals identify actions to take to help their local community and develop the skills to get these ideas up and running.
Starting on the 2nd November 2020, the ‘So, What Now?’ group will meet weekly to discuss concerns, take part in upskilling sessions, and access tailored training to support their ideas. Participants will finish the course with the skills and knowledge to get their ideas off to the best possible start.
The course will be run by the What If… North Edinburgh manager, Julie Smith, who already lives and works locally to the North Edinburgh Area to support individuals and groups starting community focused projects and businesses.
Julie Smith, workshop lead, said: “It can be difficult to talk about hope when we are in the middle of a pandemic – but throughout this time we have seen how people power makes a difference.
“The course we’re running – So, What Now? – is designed to provide space and opportunity for people to meet, share their experiences with each other and explore the possibilities for creating new ways of solving old problems in the community. It is about travelling hopefully towards the future, embracing opportunities to develop as a person, a group, and a community.
“The course is really for anyone who wants to get involved in their community, people who have ideas about developing projects or businesses but are not sure what to do, and those who would like space and time to think about what they want to do in the future.”
The workshop series is open to anyone living or working in North Edinburgh, particularly individuals passionate about social concerns in the area, with insight into what needs to be changed, and looking for inspiration and support to make a positive difference in the community.
An information session will take place between 10.00am-11.30am on Wednesday 28th October for anyone interested in finding out more.
This course will be held digitally; however, it will be as interactive as possible. Anyone requiring assistance to take part in the course is encouraged to get in touch with What if North Edinburgh so they can support their request.
More Information:
Register for the course here: https://www.firstport.org.uk/business-support/what-if-edinburgh/wine-registration/
Sign-up for an informal coffee/tea chat with Julie: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/so-what-now-what-ifnorth-edinburgh-course-info-event-tickets-126041903727
More information about the What if North Edinburgh programme as a whole: https://www.firstport.org.uk/business-support/what-if-edinburgh/