Nightmares: Child psychologist uses drawing experiment to help children get a better night’s sleep

Is bedtime a nightmare for you and your child? You’re probably not alone, three quarters (73%) of children aged 4-12 have night-time fears, such as monsters and bad dreams.  

To help combat this, Happy Beds spoke to over 100 young children across the UK to find out what children really want in a ‘good’ monster under the bed to protect them from these fears. 

Educational Child Psychologist, Karen Jones, has unpicked the most common monster characteristics from the experiment and applied them practically, explaining how these tips will help children get a better night’s sleep.  

Five expert tips to help children sleep 

1.     “A monster who plays music to fight off the baddies” 

Tip: Play a lullaby 

A person lying on a bed with a baby

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Once your child is in bed, you rely on them feeling relaxed enough to sleep, however, they’re much more likely to enter into a stressed state if they’re sitting in the dark and tuned in to every noise. Playing relaxing music can be key to keeping them calm enough to sleep. 

2.     “My monster smells of my favourite fruit, raspberries and strawberries” 

Tip: Spray familiar scents 

Try spraying a familiar scent, such as mum or dad’s perfume or aftershave in their room or on their bedtime teddy. Smell allows a child to feel calm and protected thanks to the sensory recognition it creates and it can be a great way to soothe a child. 

3.     “A monster with blue fur and red paws” 

Tip: Utilise primary colours 

A person lying on a bed

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Whilst we tend to feel like pastel colours are always best as they are calming, when you’re decorating your child’s bedroom, consider brighter, primary colours – such as those that their favourite superhero wears or that they would recognise from a playground. 

4.     “My monster has a special glitter cape when I get scared” 

Tip: Make a calming glitter jar 

Using an old bottle or jar, create a calming jar with glitter, glue and hot water. Watching the swirls of glitter slowly glide from one end of the jar to the other, has a relaxing soothing effect on children and is proven to help with anxiety  

5.     “He has a soft tummy, fluffy arms and velvet legs” 

Tip: Ensure their bed is cosy 

Children love to cuddle – fill their bed with different textured soft items so they can self-soothe. This will help make a secure, safe space for a child to relax in.  

Happy Beds, challenged children to design a new Happy Monster mascot to win a brand-new child’s bed worth £500, as well as have their monster properly designed into a real-life soft toy.  

After hundreds of imaginative and exciting entries, a winner has been chosen, with Educational Child Psychologist, Karen Jones, giving her insight into the designs. 

The winner… Superhugs, designed by Logan, aged 3 from Scotland. 

A drawing of a cat

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This hairy blue and red monster, named Superhugs, was declared the winner.

Logan’s mum, who designed him said: “Superhugs monster senses tell him when bad dreams are coming, his blue fur tingles and sends a forcefield to banish all bad dreams away from the bedroom, then a warm hugging red glow appears and comforts the little one through the night.

“He smells of raspberries and strawberries and is super soft to touch, with a bright furry red face & paws.” 

Karen Jones commented: “As children’s senses are much more sensitive than those of adults, this also makes them the best way to go from stressed to calm.

“Logan has given Superhugs certain sensory cues, such as bright, primary colours and a unique smell, which can be the quickest way to soothe a child.” 

For tips on helping children sleep with night terrors, click here

Expert reveals why you sweat during sleep …  and how you can stop it

With the nights turning warmer, sweating during sleep can be a source of major discomfort and prevent you from having a good nights sleep.

Sleep expert Andrea Strand from Eachnight Mattresses explains why you sweat during sleep and how to prevent and treat it.

Why do I sweat during my sleep?

Sweating during sleep is a common occurrence and happens for mainly two reasons. The first is your environment. Whilst it’s enjoyable to snuggle under a heavy blanket or wear warm pyjamas, these things can often lead to waking up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. Another reason is underlying medical issues.

The Mayo Clinic have listed numerous factors that can contribute to those unwanted night sweats, including hormone disorders, sleep apnea, anxiety and viral infections to name but a few.

Is there an optimum temperature to sleep in to keep me cool?

For an improved sleeping environment, the ideal temperature to turn your thermostat to is between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius. Additionally, adding a cooling mattress topper or switching to a lighter and more breathable bedding with moisture-wicking material can vastly cool down your bed.

If this is not cool enough for you, you can always place a cool pack under your pillow to lower your body temperature and stop the sweating.

Are there any lifestyle changes I can make that could prevent sweating during the night?

Yes, there are! Avoid eating a large meal at least two to three hours before sleeping. This means your digestive system won’t be working after your fall asleep, allowing your body to rest more. Avoiding spicy foods and caffeine at night can also be a great way to beat the night-time sweats.

Caffeine is a stimulant and can increase your heart rate, leading to a raise in blood pressure which can activate sweat glands.

When should I be concerned about night sweats?

If your night sweats get to the point that you begin to experience daytime fatigue as a result of lost sleep from sweating, it’s time to see a doctor.

If you have been sweating consistently for two weeks or more with no signs of it getting better, that’s also when you should consider seeking professional help.

Can stress lead to sweating at night?

Yes, it can. Whether it is stress due to recurring bad dreams, or general anxiety,  stress is a hormonal issue which can lead to sweating.

Doing activities such as yoga and meditation before bedtime is a great way to reduce stress and calm the mind, however if stress persists, seek professional help.