Defying gravity isn’t for everyone but six supporters of VOCAL have persevered through bad weather and COVID restrictions to complete their 10,000ft skydives.
The ‘Super Six’ all took on the challenge last year to raise funds and awareness of VOCAL – Voice of Carers Across Lothian: the charity supporting ununpaid carers looking after partners or family members with health and disability issues that require care in the home.
“I think when I signed up I was keen to raise some cash for VOCAL, but since COVID I have been doubly determined to ensure that the carers looking after the most vulnerable in our communities are recognised for their vital role during this crucial time,” said Julie Forster, who did her jump at the end of September describing it as “the craziest thing ever”.

Wendy Brooks, who works directly with carers at VOCAL said: “We had to postpone the jump throughout lockdown but rather than giving up we persevered.
“We knew the cause was so important and really wanted to complete this huge personal challenge. It was scary – but I am so glad to have done this!”
Emma Rogers also completed her jump as part of a suite of challenges in support of VOCAL: “It was so good to complete this challenge.
“I have abseiled from the Forth Bridge and climbed Ben Nevis, but this was the scariest but most amazing challenge yet. I am so thankful that my parents and grandad got to see me complete the jump.”
Also jumping were three members of the Pattinson family: sisters Emma and Katie with their father Jon.

“It was amazing to have this family skydive adventure” said Emma. “We were so supportive of each other and really kept each other going during lockdown until we got news that we could get together and make that leap. And we did it!”
The Super Six send thanks to the hundreds of sponsors who came on board to raise about £4,500 for VOCAL.
Julie added: “It was just hard that we couldn’t give each other huge hugs and get a great team photo together because of the coronavirus. But maybe the next Super Six will!”
VOCAL are now recruiting for the next set of adventurous supporters to show their recognition of the invaluable work done by the thousands of people who take on intensive and complex caring roles across Edinburgh and Midlothian.