William’s Marathon Mission: Running for Sofie and Sight Scotland

William Oviatt is running the Edinburgh Marathon to raise money for Sight Scotland to say thank you for all the help and support the charity gave to his family when his daughter, Sofie, was diagnosed with retinal dystrophy.​

William and his wife Debbi, both from Edinburgh, realised something was seriously wrong with Sofie’s vision when she was just six months old. Sofie had a noticeable wobble in her eyes and was struggling to track objects at baby classes.

Several months later Sofie was diagnosed with retinal dystrophy, a group of genetic eye conditions that affect the light sensitive cells in the retina. It is incredibly rare in children and something she will have for life.​

William, who is head of Business Development, and Income Generation at the Thistle Foundation, explains: “Discovering that your child has visual impairment is heartbreaking and can cause a whirlwind of emotions, and we are just so thankful we had Sight Scotland there to help and support us.

“On Sunday 26th May, I’ll be running twenty-six miles in the Edinburgh Marathon to raise funds for Sight Scotland and to support children like Sofie who are visually impaired, blind or suffer from sight loss.”​

William says the first appointment with the consultant, when it was confirmed that Sofie had vision impairment, was devastating.​

He says: “The first appointment with the consultant was heartbreaking, as we were told the devastating news that Sofie has visual impairment and that there was nothing they could do, as no treatment would help Sofie’s eyes.

“For Sofie to be given this lifechanging news at such an early age was extremely hard to take. It was such an emotional, confusing time, Sofie was just a typical, happy, baby so it was difficult to comprehend why this was happening to her.​

“But after that we were just left to it, we had been given the information by the doctors but were offered no help of what we should do next. Sofie was just your typical, happy, baby so we couldn’t understand why this was happening to her. So we reached out to various charities to try and build relationships and get a better understanding of what we were facing and what we could do to help Sofie.​

“Sight Scotland has been amazing; the charity has a real community and family feel. The emotional support has been just so important, just having someone to talk to, who understands what we are going through, has been invaluable.

“We are in a club that we didn’t want to be in, but we are now so proud to be in it. Whether it is signposting, listening, supporting or the policy group giving us a voice, they are always there to answer our questions and fill in the gaps. There is no way we would feel so strong if it wasn’t for Sight Scotland.​

“This is why I am running to raise money for Sight Scotland, as the support they have given to Sofie, and to Debbi and myself, has been life changing, and I can’t thank them enough and want to give something back.”

To sponsor William for running the Edinburgh marathon, please visit: https://www.justgiving.com/page/william-oviatt-1711574274491

For more information on Sight Scotland please visit: sightscotland.org.uk  

SCONe project to revolutionise AMD research

The SCONe project, run by optometrists, ophthalmologists, and researchers from the University of Edinburgh, and funded by Sight Scotland, is appealing for participants to take part in a Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group focused on revolutionising the detection and management of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD).​

AMD is the most common vision impairment in the older population and impacts an estimated 60,000 people in Scotland. SCONe research is seeking to find the early signs of AMD, so people can receive support earlier and adjust to living with AMD sooner.

SCONe is inviting anybody with lived experience of AMD, caregivers, friends or family of people with AMD, and regular visitors to optometry practices, to come along to take part in its PPI group.

Participants could help transform how AMD is detected and make a real difference for future generations.​

SCONe, the Scottish Collaborative Optometry-Ophthalmology Network e-research, is a new collaborative venture aiming to build a Scotland-wide retinal image resource for innovation in eye research, healthcare, and education.

SCONe is taking two complementary approaches to try and speed up the detection of AMD at an early stage. Firstly, the team is meticulously analysing the SCONe dataset to extract crucial structural information about the retina.

This involves quantifying various parameters, including the total area of drusen, fatty deposits beneath the retina that can sometimes indicate an elevated risk of AMD.​

Furthermore, the team is harnessing the power of modern machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a groundbreaking predictive model.

Unlike traditional methods that rely on manual measurements, this AI-driven approach uses raw retinal images to assess a patient’s risk of developing AMD. By automating the analysis process, this model promises to streamline screening procedures and facilitate early intervention.​

Professor Baljean Dhillon, Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, The University of Edinburgh, explains: “The PPI group offers a unique opportunity for participants to contribute directly to the development of new strategies and technologies aimed at combating AMD.

“Our research represents a significant step forward in the fight against AMD. By combining cutting-edge technology with comprehensive data analysis, we aim to transform how we detect and manage this debilitating condition.”​

Craig Spalding, Chief Executive of Sight Scotland, and Sight Scotland Veterans, adds: “”As advocates for the visually impaired, we understand the profound impact that AMD can have on individuals and their families.

“By investing in research focused on early detection, we aim to empower healthcare professionals with the tools and knowledge needed to intervene swiftly so hopefully less people have to suffer.”​

SCONe’s Patient and Public Involvement group focused on AMD and the impacts of AMD is taking place on 03 May 2024 at Surgeons Hall in Edinburgh.

For more information or to register to join please contact arubio@ed.ac.uk or call 07876647083. Participants in the group will be compensated for their time.​

SCONe is funded by Sight Scotland, RS MacDonald Trust and the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh.​

For more information on SCONe please visit: https://www.ed.ac.uk/clinical-sciences/ophthalmology/scone

For more information on Sight Scotland please visit: sightscotland.org.uk

Sight Scotland celebrates Fair Rail campaign success

Sight Scotland, and its sister charity Sight Scotland Veterans, are celebrating a Fair Rail Campaign victory after Transport Scotland announced free rail travel for companions of blind and partially sighted people.   

In its recently published Fair Fares Review, Transport Scotland says it plans to launch a pilot project to extend free rail travel for companions of Blind Persons Concessionary Travel cardholders. This policy change will have a profound impact on the lives of visually impaired individuals across Scotland, many of whom depend on public transport for mobility and independence.  

Craig Spalding, Chief Executive of Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans, commented: “We are delighted the Scottish Government has announced a pilot project which will see free rail travel for blind and partially sighted people and their companions. After over 2 years of campaigning, this is a great win for our Fair Rail campaign and another step towards accessible rail travel for all.  

“Through our Fair Rail Campaign, we have been able to amplify the voices of visually impaired individuals and highlight the barriers they face whilst travelling. For most people living with a visual impairment, public transport is the only means they have to make journeys around the country.

“Unfortunately for many travelling without a companion is just not an option, and the costs to pay fares is too much.

“This news will be transformative, both in terms of inclusivity and affordability, and we would like to commend Transport Scotland for actively listening to a segment of society that is regrettably overlooked far too often.” 

Joe Tottenham, a 92-year-old army veteran, who lost his sight due to macular degeneration, commented: “This is a great piece of news and I’m so proud to be part of the Fair Rail campaign led by Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans who have campaigned tirelessly on this issue.

“Knowing no matter where I’m going in Scotland that my companion can travel with me at no extra cost will change my life. As a blind person, having someone to help me get on and off the train is vital – I’d be lost without them. I hope all Blind Persons Concessionary Travel cardholders will take full advantage of the pilot scheme.” 

Graham Simpson MSP, Shadow Minister for Transport, who backed the campaign and led a debate in the Scottish Parliament on the Fair Rail Campaign, added: “This is good news.

“We have been campaigning for the companions of blind people to get free rail travel for some time, so this is a step in the right direction. The Scottish Government must now commit to ensuring there is a nationwide scheme as soon as possible.” 

The Fair Rail Campaign was launched over 2 years ago and called for a new national policy for free rail travel across Scotland for the companions of those with a National (Scotland) Concessionary Travel for Blind Persons card.

The call for a new national policy came as Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans were contacted by people with sight loss who were not only concerned about the rising costs of rail travel but were also confused by the different concessionary and companion schemes which were operated in different areas of Scotland.

The charities secured a debate in the Scottish Parliament on the issue and gave evidence to the Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee. It was then considered in the Fair Fares Review. 

For more information please visit: https://sightscotland.org.uk/FairRail

Blind veterans take to the hills for life-changing winter survival course

A group of inspirational Sight Scotland Veterans recently ventured up the Cairngorms to participate in a life-changing Winter Skills Course.

The veterans, who were understandably apprehensive and nervous before the climb, enjoyed a great couple of days learning about winter navigation, mountain weather and avalanche forecasts, using ice axes and crampons, moving on snow and ice, ice axe arrests and what to do in an emergency.

It was an experience they never imagined they could do because of their visual impairment and gave them a huge boost in confidence and independence.

The veterans who attended were Iain Young, 60 from East Linton, an RAF veteran coping with stargardt syndrome; Ian Hunter, 65 from Tullibody, an Army veteran who lost central vision due to three brain surgeries and an optical stroke; and Steven Williams, 41 from Edinburgh, a veteran who sustained his vision impairment during active service. Steven is also a Centre Officer at the charity’s Linburn Activity Centre in West Lothian.

Iain Young explains: “We all travelled up with quite a lot of trepidation as we were unsure whether we were capable of doing the course; both physically and due to our visual impairments.

“When we arrived at the lodge we were fitted with our equipment and were talked through what to expect the following day; I was really worried I wouldn’t be able to do it as I have long covid. But I was reassured to give it a go.

“I am just so happy that I did, as the whole experience was amazing. Our instructors were great, we practically received personal instruction and were taken through everything we were doing on the hill step by step, constantly being reassured we would only do what we could manage.

“Then before you knew it, we were at the top, which was incredible, it was only when we came down we actually realised how high up we were, we were all buzzing. It really did show us all what we can do, it was a real sense of achievement.

“I would do it again in a heartbeat, it was ten times better than I could ever have imagined. It gave us all such a massive confidence boost, not just while we were there but in everyday life, as it showed us to believe in ourselves more.

“So we went worrying about what we couldn’t do and came back feeling reinvigorated, it was so good for us mentally.

“It helped us to almost relive what it was like to be in the forces again; pushing each other, camaraderie and using skills we all thought we had forgotten. I always think confidence breeds competence, I can’t thank the organisers enough.”

Ian Hunter commented: “This was the first night I have spent away from my wife since 2017, so it was massive in terms of my confidence and independence. I really was not sure about doing the course, but I was encouraged to push myself, so I went for it.

“It gave me a real sense of what I can do, and I already have another walk planned to Hadrian’s Wall.

“It does show you that in life you shouldn’t be worried about what you can’t do, even with a visual impairment, we should all be encouraged to push ourselves, try new things and most importantly to continue doing the things that we love.”

Steven Williams adds: “I went as veteran with a visual impairment, not as a worker for the charity, and like the other two I was apprehensive about it even though I am a bit younger.

“I didn’t know what to expect, but we all just got so much out of it. The first day we were climbing the hill, using ice axes, crampons and learning new techniques to walk in deep snow, the second day was more about navigating and learning about our surroundings, we all had experiences of this during our time in the Armed Forces and Able2Adventure were constantly adding challenges to push us on, it really was a very inspirational and empowering trip.”

The course was organised by Able2Adventure, a company which strongly believes in the long-term benefits of participation in outdoor activities on physical and mental health.

Through adventurous activities disabled people can strengthen muscles/ build balance and co-ordination, develop social networks and increase confidence and independence.

Gemma Hendry, from Able2Adventure, who was lead instructor on the course, said she found the veterans both resilient and inspiring. She says: “I’m thrilled that our visitors from Sight Scotland Veterans gained so much from the Winter Skills Course.

“They were incredibly organized, resilient, and eager to dive into activities. As we progressed, their belief and confidence visibly grew, and by the end, they were effectively managing themselves.

“They even taught me new techniques, like using reference points and navigating with a clock face, which we will now use with other groups. It was also great to see how much they wanted to have fun; by the end, we were all gleefully sliding down snowy hills like children!”

For more information please visit sightscotlandveterans.org.uk or call our support line on 0800 035 6409.

Quarter of Scotland’s sight loss population rely on Edinburgh’s ‘not fit for purpose’ Eye Hospital

Labour Lothians MSP, Sarah Boyack, highlighted new research from Sight Scotland, which reveals that a quarter of all Scotland’s sight loss population, live within council areas served by Edinburgh’s Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion.

Edinburgh’s Eye Pavilion was deemed not fit for purpose, by the NHS, in 2014 and has been the subject of a long running campaign to have it replaced.

In this time, waiting times have skyrocketed, with research from Sight Scotland highlighting that the number of ongoing waits has increased by over 10,000 since 2014.

With reports of appointments cancelled or delayed due to maintenance issues, it is likely this will only increase as the facility deteriorates further.

These numbers illustrate the extent of the crisis hitting eye care on the East coast of Scotland.

All this comes as the Scottish Government has backtracked on their election commitment to replace the current Eye Pavilion.

The Scottish Government’s recent budget froze capital spending for a minimum of two years, ensuring the new Eye Hospital could not go ahead and throwing its long-term future into doubt.

Sight Scotland have identified safety risks for both patients and staff due to the dilapidated state of the current facilities.

There is also a lack of clarity regarding what actions will be taken in the interim to ensure that the 45,000 people with sight loss, in the Pavilion’s remit, are able to receive the adequate care they require.

Commenting on the figures, Ms Boyack said: “We knew there was a crisis in eyecare, but now we know the full extent of it.

“The fact that a quarter of all those with sight loss are having to rely on not fit for purpose facilities is a national disgrace.

“And now the Scottish Government is subjecting them to unknown delays due to SNP budget cuts.

“Patients don’t just deserve a new hospital, they need one.

“If the Scottish Government does not act soon, there will be dire long-term consequences for Edinburgh’s sight loss population.”

Peter Scobbie, a long-time patient of the Eye Pavilion, added: “I’ve been going to the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion for 18 years now and the building is in shocking condition.

“The layout is completely inaccessible with the patient support services on the top floor and the pharmacy on the bottom next to the waiting area.

“Half the time the lifts are out of order, so I’m forced to use the stairs which I don’t feel safe doing as the handrail is very low and a straight drop down to the ground.

“I’d go as far to say it’s dangerous, especially for people with no to low sight.

“The decision not to fund a new hospital is therefore incredibly disappointing and I’m worried for other patients and the growing number of people who will need specialist eye care soon – what will they do?”

Using the power of sight loss to inspire others

Callum Lancashire appointed Engagement Manager for Sight Scotland

Sight Scotland, and Sight Scotland Veterans, in partnership with Visibility Scotland, have appointed Callum Lancashire as their new Engagement Manager to oversee the launch of Sight Loss Councils in Scotland.

Sight Loss Councils, funded by Thomas Pocklington Trust, are led by blind and partially sighted people who use lived experience to tackle local and national issues to improve the accessibility of services. The work of Sight Loss Councils is driven by three key priority areas: employment and skills, health and well-being, and inclusive communities.

Callum Lancashire, who has vision impairment, previously worked for Visibility Scotland as a Patient Support Worker, where he provided help and support to blind and partially sighted people at the Eye Pavilion in Edinburgh.

Callum is tasked with spearheading the establishment of Sight Loss Councils throughout Scotland, commencing with the Central Belt in March 2024.

He explains: “I am delighted to get started in my new role, as I believe it aligns perfectly with my skills and experience both from a professional point of view and a personal one.

“If I wasn’t in my current role, I would aspire to join the Sight Loss Councils, as I really believe they have the opportunity to create a tangible impact by amplifying the voices of individuals who are blind or partially sighted.

“I lost my sight when I was fifteen after a blow to the face caused macular degeneration. It was obviously a huge shock and extremely hard to take. What made matters worse is I was given no help or support; the doctors basically told me that at some point I was going to go blind and there was nothing they could do.

“After my accident I had huge problems at school and found myself in a bad place, I was constantly angry and upset. I just pushed it all down and as a result my mental health was all over the place. I want to try and make sure this does not happen to anyone else.

“I want these Councils to speak up for people with vision impairment, to show that their rights and well-being are just as important as anyone else’s and to create a supportive community where members feel empowered to share.

“My life changed when I started to speak to other people who had vision impairment, it was like something switched in my brain. Just talking to these people brought up feelings I didn’t know I had. I began to understand that I could still live my life although I had vision impairment, and that I didn’t have to feel sorry for myself. I began speaking to people more, my family and friends, and tried to explain to them what I was going through. I didn’t want extra help, I just needed them to understand.

“This is why the Sight Loss Councils are so important, as we want people to talk, share their experiences, share the things they like, their struggles and hopefully collectively we can make real changes for the better. Everybody has the right to be treated the same, whether that is going to work, the shops, football, rugby, or concerts; people with vision impairment shouldn’t be looked at as a problem, inclusivity should be a necessity.”

Callum adds: “I am incredibly proud to be in this job and to be representing the vision impairment community. Blind and partially sighted leaders bring firsthand experience and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by those with vision impairments ensuring their perspectives are accurately represented, leading to more informed decision-making.”

Craig Spalding, Chief Executive, Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans, adds: “I am delighted that Callum Lancashire has joined us to spearhead the launch of Sight Loss Councils in Scotland.

“These councils will use lived experience to amplify the voices of blind and partially sighted people, helping to make vision loss the priority it needs to be in Scotland.”

For more information please visit: 

sightscotland.org.uk or sightscotlandveterans.org.uk

Scottish Government slammed for making vision impaired play ‘tactile paving roulette’

Sight Scotland launches ‘Pave the Way’ campaign to have tactile paving installed in every train station in Scotland

Sight Scotland, and Sight Scotland Veterans, have slammed the Scottish Government for placing lives at risk by forcing blind and partially sighted people to play tactile paving roulette in train stations across the country.  

In August of last year, the Minister for Transport confirmed that tactile paving was installed in eighteen train stations around the country and said that all the remaining one hundred and forty-eight stations owned and managed by Scotland’s Railway will have tactile paving installed by the end of 2023. Unfortunately, this promise has been reneged on.  

For most people living with a visual impairment, public transport is the only means they have to make journeys around the country. Tactile paving is a system of textured ground surface indicators that are primarily designed to assist individuals with visual impairments.

These tactile indicators typically consist of raised patterns or distinctive surfaces that can be felt underfoot or with a mobility aid, such as a cane. At a railway station, without tactile paving to indicate where the platform ends, visually impaired people face a serious risk to their safety and could fall onto the train tracks. 

Craig Spalding, Chief Executive of Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans, explains: “We are launching this campaign as a lack of tactile paving at railway stations poses serious safety risks for many blind and partially sighted people.

“While we welcome the completion of phase 1 to upgrade the eighteen high priority stations, the Scottish Government’s deadline has been and gone for the remaining one hundred and forty-eight train stations without tactile paving.

“This is completely unacceptable and as a result many people with vision impairment are having to play tactile paving roulette, as they do not know what to expect from one station to the next.  

“This is not scaremongering, or an over exaggeration; without tactile paving to indicate where the platform ends, visually impaired people face a serious risk of falling onto train tracks. We’re calling on the Minister for Transport to urgently upgrade all train stations in Scotland with tactile paving so that blind and partially sighted people can use our railways safely.”  

Samantha Gough, a visually impaired athlete from Edinburgh, who recently had an horrendous experience whilst travelling by rail, is backing the campaign and says action needs to be taken before a serious accident occurs. 

“I recently travelled to England by train and needed to change at Doncaster. Unfortunately, no-one was there to help me, and the station did not have tactile paving. It was a nightmare, a horrendous situation to be in, fast trains were screaming past with the wind hitting me and despite screaming on the platform for help, no one heard. People have died falling on the tracks before and I thought it was about to happen to me.”   

Please support Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans’ Pave the Way campaign by writing to the Transport Minister to demand that tactile paving is installed on all stations in Scotland: https://sightscotland.eaction.org.uk/tactile-paving-now  

For more information visit: sightscotland.org.uk or sightscotlandveterans.org.uk  

Boyack: Soaring waiting times show Eye Pavilion’s not fit for purpose

A Freedom of Information request, lodged by Labour Lothians MSP, Sarah Boyack, has revealed that the average wait times for patients at Edinburgh’s Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion, has more than DOUBLED since 2014.

The average wait for inpatient appointments in 2014 was 56.6 days, compared to a staggering 132 days in 2023.

This is an increase of over 130% from when the Eye Pavilion was deemed not fit for purpose in 2014.

A replacement Eye Pavilion was deemed as a top priority of NHS Lothian, but the Scottish Government have not yet committed to the project.

This is despite promises by then First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon that the Scottish Government would proceed with a replacement building.

The outpatient average waiting times has also skyrocketed by similar margins. In 2014, the average wait times for outpatients stood at 49.8 days – by 2023, it had increased dramatically to 136.6 days.

Commening on the figures, Sarah Boyack said: “These soaring waiting times illustrates that the current Eye Pavilion, is not fit for purpose.

“Patients deserve top notch services, but instead they face ever increasing waiting times and a government that is looking the other way.

“The Scottish Government must look at these waiting times and realise that their decision not to go ahead with the hospital will only make things worse.

“I urge the Scottish Government to do the right thing and finally fulfil their pledge to build a new eye hospital in Edinburgh.”

Craig Spalding, Chief Executive, Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans, commented: “The soaring waiting times at Edinburgh’s Princess Alexandra Hospital unfortunately come as no surprise, as the building and its facilities are severely outdated.

“The Scottish Government’s decision to not go ahead with a new hospital is letting so many vulnerable people down.

“Growing waiting times are causing lives to be put on hold, and unless positive action is taken, there will likely be more cancellations, prolonged delays, and heightened risks for both patients and staff.”

More than Meets The Eye: Music and song inspire Freya to start speaking

THERE’s more to six year old Freya Reily than meets the eye. Freya, from Tranent, who was born very prematurely and has severe vision impairment, has been inspired by music and song to start speaking, something that her parents did not think was possible just a few short months ago.

Sight Scotland’s newly launched ‘More Than Meets The Eye’ campaign shows people what life with sight loss can look like when they have the right support. It aims to dispel the negative perceptions of people living with sight loss across Scotland and show that vision impairment isn’t a barrier to living a happy and fulfilling life.

Freya’s parents, Eilidh and Keir, have been amazed at her progress since she started at the Royal Blind School in Edinburgh in 2022, and say they are so happy that they are able to give Freya the best possible education and the best possible start in life.

Her teacher’s say the progression in Freya’s development has been remarkable, and music and signing has played a huge part in this.

Eilidh explains: “There has been such a big change in Freya since she started at the Royal Blind School, and she is communicating so much more now. It is almost unbelievable, we tried so hard to get her to communicate before school, but all she could really say was ‘Mum’ or ‘Dad’, but now her speaking has really taken off.

“The signing she does at the school has also made a big difference, at first, we were not sure what she was doing, but when the school explained what all the signs meant it was incredible to see what she had picked up in such a short period of time. She does the double fist bump for school every morning with a huge smile on her face.”

Freya’s class teacher, Louise Buggy, says Freya has amazed everyone from the first day she started at school.

Louise says: “Freya’s language development since she started has been amazing, in fact I would describe it as almost overwhelming. She loves the On Body Sign System that we use, and on day one she was reaching out for the staff’s hands showing that she wanted to join in and connect and interact.

“She then started to guide our hands showing that she understood what the signs were meaning as we were speaking and singing, and then she started signing for herself. Incredibly, just a short time after this she started to say the key words in the sentences or songs; her first new word was school. She then started to learn new key words every couple of days based on our predictable routines. To see the progression in this little girl is just astounding.

“Singing and music is just massive for Freya and is a huge motivation for her. She has learned many of the words she can now say from songs. We used to keep a list of all her new words, but we are now struggling to keep up as her communication is developing at such a fast rate.”

Freya has also become much stronger, and her movement has increased dramatically, since she started at the Royal Blind School.

Eilidh says: “She is just so much stronger and independent, she is crawling around by herself and pulling herself up. I still can’t quite believe it when I am seeing it. Everything they do at the school is designed to help Freya, she just adores the soft play, and the sensory story time. She loves the swimming in the hydrotherapy pool, and this is really helping with the strength in her legs. She is developing in every single way.”

Eilidh adds: “Freya’s journey since a very young age to now has been amazing, and she has developed so much. We could not have imagined back then how much she would have progressed, and that she would now be communicating with us and crawling and standing. We wanted to give Freya the best possible start in life, and the best possible education, and we know the Royal Blind School is doing exactly this.”

Sight Scotland, which is Scotland’s largest vision impairment organisation, and runs the Royal Blind School in Edinburgh, wants to reach and help more of the 180,000 people living in Scotland with sight loss.

For more information, visit sightscotland.org.uk 

Sight Scotland: We know that you are more than meets the eye

Charity’s new campaign aims to dispel negative perceptions of people living with sight loss

Sight Scotland has launched its new ‘More Than Meets The Eye’ campaign aimed at dispelling the negative perceptions of people living with sight loss.

The charity’s new campaign will show people what life with sight loss can look like when they have the right support. Over the next three months the campaign will aim to show the 180,000 people living with sight loss in Scotland what is possible, and that vision impairment isn’t a barrier to living a happy and fulfilling life.

Craig Spalding, Chief Executive of Sight Scotland, explains: “Our new campaign message is simple: we know that you are more than meets the eye.

“We want people living with sight loss to know that we see them for who they are; they are mother’s, writers, musicians, children, avid readers, football players, bingo enthusiasts, people who are living happy and fulfilling lives. They may just need a little help sometimes.

“We want to get rid of the negative perceptions surrounding sight loss and change the narrative to what is possible instead of what is not possible. This campaign will look to remove the common misconceptions and look beyond limitations by celebrating both the resilience and achievements of those living with sight loss.”

Samantha Gough, 20, who has a vision impairment and attended the charity’s Royal Blind School in Edinburgh, says she knows living with sight loss can be difficult, but it shouldn’t stop anyone from doing the things they love.

Sam, who features in Sight Scotland’s ‘More Than Meets The Eye’ campaign, explains: “I find the messaging behind this campaign so uplifting as it’s true that living with sight loss can be difficult, and yes you need extra help at times, but it shouldn’t stop anyone from living their life and doing the things they enjoy. 

“I now captain the England Blind Football team, row on the pathway for Great Britian and will hopefully go to the Paralympics maybe even the Olympics, I horse ride, I socialise with friends, I am just so busy, and I love what I am doing.

“But I know a lot of this wouldn’t have been possible without the help and support I was given by Sight Scotland and the Royal Blind School in particular, as they taught me the skills and gave me the confidence to think I can do these things.”

Sight Scotland, formerly known as Royal Blind, is Scotland’s largest visual impairment organisation. It has been dedicated to meeting the challenges of visual impairment for more than 230 years.

Its range of services support people with visual impairment and span all stages of sight loss, including learning services, support in the community, residential care, enterprise and funding for research. Sight Scotland runs the Royal Blind School in Edinburgh and the Scottish Braille Press.

For more information, visit sightscotland.org.uk