Man jailed for violent and sexual offences in Paisley and Edinburgh

A man has been jailed for seven years for violent and sexual offences on two women in the Paisley and Edinburgh areas.

Charles Morrison, 27, was found guilty of the offences spanning four years at the High Court in Paisley on Wednesday, 12 June, 2024. He was sentenced to seven years in prison at the same court today, Thursday, 11 July.

He was also given a 15-year Non-Harassment Order in relation to both victims and has been placed on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Detective Inspector Cheryl Gebbie said: “Morrison has been found to be a danger to women and will now face the consequences of his actions.

“I hope his conviction and sentencing will bring justice to the women involved, who have shown great strength in reporting what happened to them.

“Police Scotland is committed to tackling all forms of violent and sexual offences, regardless of when they happened. I’d urge anyone who has been a victim of such abuse to come forward and report it to us. We will thoroughly investigate any reports and, working with our partner agencies, you will be supported throughout the process.”

Multi-million £ Edinburgh fraudster jailed for seven years

A 54-year-old man has been jailed for seven years following a multi-million pound scam in Edinburgh. Aasim Johar was sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh today, Monday, 24 June, 2024.

He was previously found guilty on Friday, 24 May, 2024.

Johar defrauded the University of Edinburgh of over £3.3million between 2005 and 2015 through his role as a salesperson. The fraudulent scheme saw him earn commission through false and over-inflated invoices for cleaning products that were either not delivered or not required.

Detective Sergeant Gary Dalgleish, of the Financial Investigation Unit, said: “The sentence is the result of a long and complex investigation carried out by our officers. We have worked closely with the University and COPFS throughout the investigation and thank them greatly for their assistance.

“We recognise the significant and devastating impact that financial fraud can have on those that fall victim, which makes us all the more determined to identify and prosecute those responsible

“I’d like to take this opportunity to encourage the public to report fraud to us. We are committed to investigating all reports thoroughly and will bring those responsible to justice.”

You can find out more information and advice about fraud on our website here:

Edinburgh rapist jailed for seven years

A 43-year-old man has been sentenced to seven years in prison for raping a woman in Edinburgh in August, 2020.

Christopher Pringle was convicted in Edinburgh on Friday, 12 May, 2023 and was sentenced at the High Court yesterday .He has also been placed on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Detective Chief Inspector George Calder said: “Pringle’s behaviour was despicable, and he will now face the consequences of his actions.

“It is my sincere hope the courage shown in this case will reassure all victims of sexual violence that they can come forward, no matter how much time has passed, and report it to police. Be assured, we will fully investigate, and you will be supported by officers and our partner agencies.

“This case was brought to conclusion by the Divisional Rape Investigation Unit, a specialist unit dedicated to robustly and sensitively investigate cases of this nature, bringing perpetrators to justice and supporting victims and their families.”