A Happy and Peaceful Christmas to you all!
I’ll be back with all the latest news – if there is any! – tomorrow
All the best
DAVE – Editor

This year has been a difficult year, because we all miss our usual means of support, the comfort of gathering with friends and family, Shattering of plans, and not being part of our traditions, etc.
Challenging times often make people reflect on the importance of the people in their lives and the gratitude for those who helped them get through the year.
As 2020 comes to a close, I would like to send you a heartfelt Thank you for all your support in 2020, which we know has been a challenging year.
Our best wishes to you and your family for health and happiness in the coming year.
Thank you.
Kind Regards
Puneet Dwivedi
Dear Friends,
Another quarter in lockdown but I am very hopeful that it will be over soon enough. I think most of us have learnt and adapted to the situation well, but I also know it has been even hard for many. But I want to just remind us all that we are in this together and will get through it together and end up better and even more resilient than before.
As you already know many organisations, businesses and our usual way of life is still on hold in some ways however that does not mean we stop altogether. Online has become the new ‘norm’ although we can still video chat and see family online, its not the same as meeting them face to face.
ELREC has been very busy during this time with the current projects, Communities for Conservation, True Colours, Open Arms and Equalities Engagement. We have been doing much of our work online however our services continue to be open and operating in a socially distanced way.
Our Covid projects, equally informed and Food support has been very busy and well established in the communities. The first provides translated information to various communities on Covid and the lockdown to ensure everyone has equal access to the information we all need to follow. We also offer food support every Friday to around 25-30 families who are in need during these difficult times.
Finally, I want to thank the staff and all the ELREC team and volunteers for their work and efforts especially with organising our online events and delivering the food support service.
Wishing you a happy festive season and best wishes for 2021.
Please find our newsletter here.
Yours faithfully,
Foysol Choudhury MBE
Chair of Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light;
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
Ring Out Wild Bells by Alfred Lord Tennyson