Local charity receives funding boost from the ScottishPower Foundation

LifeCare Edinburgh has been awarded a significant funding boost of over £75,000 from the ScottishPower Foundation.  The funding will go towards its vital Help at Home and Meals on Wheels services, enabling the charity to reach over 200 local older people living on a low income with free support. 

Twenty charities across England, Scotland and Wales have been awarded funding totalling almost £1.2 million for projects tackling a range of issues, from cost-of-living support, to promoting diversity and inclusion and raising awareness of the ongoing climate and biodiversity crises. 

Sarah van Putten, Chief Executive of LifeCare said: “The funding from The ScottishPower Foundation will make a significant difference to the lives of hundreds of local older people. 

“At LifeCare, we believe everyone should be enabled to thrive in their own home and be active within their community.  Over 75% of the people we help live alone and without LifeCare, many older people would be left critically isolated.  

“Our services help people to keep well in both body and mind; delivering fresh, hot and nutritious meals to doorsteps with a smile and a chat, providing help with practical tasks when things are getting more difficult to manage, and offering companionship activities to keep people connected.    

“With a rapidly growing older population we are struggling to cope with demand for care coupled with the rising costs of service delivery. None of our services are fully funded and we rely on our fundraising to sustain our life-affirming services

“Thanks to this support we will be enabled to offer our meals on wheels service for free to those that need it and open our Help at Home service for free for those on low incomes for the first time.  We are all extremely grateful.” 

Melanie Hill, Executive Officer and Trustee at the ScottishPower Foundation, said: “Projects like LifeCare’s free Help at Home and Meals on Wheels services are a prime example of how the ScottishPower Foundation’s support is helping to create a better future. 

“With this year’s projects providing vital support set to aid vulnerable people, communities, and natural ecosystems across the nation, it’s important for us to recognise and boost the incredible work of these charities.” 

For more information about LifeCare’s services and activities visit:


For a full list of the 2024 ScottishPower Foundation funded projects, go to www.scottishpowerfoundation.com

Scottish charities to receive share of £1.2 million ScottishPower funding

LIFECARE and PEOPLE KNOW HOW among the winners

An inspiring project to help young people from disadvantaged backgrounds into STEM careers is among six charities across Scotland set to benefit from a funding boost from the ScottishPower Foundation.

Some of the most forward-thinking and progressive charities across the country will use this backing to support vulnerable people, local communities and the environment.

Twenty charities across Scotland, England and Wales have been awarded funding totalling almost £1.2 million for projects committed to tackling current issues, from cost-of-living support and raising aspirations for the next generation to protecting the environment and celebrating cultural diversity.

An exciting new project from Archaeology Scotland, Energy Through Time, is helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to develop transferable skills and build their understanding in STEM subjects.

Through the project, young people will harness the power of the past by exploring the historic green spaces around Newbattle Abbey College with the task of creating innovative solutions for future energy sustainability, enabling them to become climate ambassadors for the future.

Supported by the ScottishPower Foundation, the first courses of the project will be kicking off as part of Meaningful May, a programme of activity offered to young people who are not sitting exams in school, with the aim of supporting them into a positive destination.

Melanie Hill, Executive Officer and Trustee at the ScottishPower Foundation, said: “The Energy Through Time project is helping young people to look into the past to inspire their very own future in STEM, supporting them in developing a host of skills and become the next generation of climate ambassadors.

“At the ScottishPower Foundation we always want to nurture projects that we believe will make a real difference, not only to our planet but to our local communities and the people within them. That is why it’s important for us to recognise and boost the incredible work of charities across the UK.

“It is always a challenge to narrow down the number of applications, but we sincerely believe we have selected a group of incredible organisations that we are thrilled to be in partnership with over the next year. We can’t wait to see what they all achieve.”

Jane Miller, Learning Officer at Archaeology Scotland, said: “At Archaeology Scotland we engage and connect young people with their local heritage, helping them develop new skills while raising aspirations for work and further learning.

“This project gives us the opportunity to use archaeology to grow STEM literacy amongst young people from areas where people are experiencing disadvantage across various aspects of their lives.

“We’re extremely grateful to the ScottishPower Foundation for supporting this new project which forms part of our Attainment Through Archaeology courses, designed to offer all people the chance to develop and grow, whatever their background.”

Another charity benefiting from this funding initiative is People Know How, an innovation charity in Edinburgh that aims to improve wellbeing across communities by supporting people to overcome social barriers and thrive.

The ScottishPower Foundation’s funding will support the Reconnect: Digital & Wellbeing Community Support project which seeks to help eradicate digital exclusion by providing place-based digital support in collaboration with local community partners.

By working directly with local communities, the team are creating connections between people who may otherwise feel isolated in society.

The ScottishPower Foundation will also be supporting Hope Kitchen, an Oban-based charity looking to help those in need through food, friendship and fellowship. Pilot Upcycle and Repair Shop: Oban provides affordable food, clothing and homeware whilst also reducing waste.

The funding from the ScottishPower Foundation will allow Hope Kitchen to deliver workshops and events to enable people to learn the skills to repair and upcycle, whilst the shop aims to alleviate the impacts of poverty, specifically by reducing food and textile waste.

With more than £13 million given out to charitable initiatives across Britain over the past 11 years, including more than 230 grants, the ScottishPower Foundation is continuing to support a range of worthy causes, ranging from helping the next generation into STEM careers and reducing isolation among older people to helping enhance the biodiversity of our habitats.

A full list of the 2024 ScottishPower Foundation funded projects are:

·         Archaeology Scotland

·         Hope Kitchen SCIO

·         LifeCare Edinburgh

·         Glencoe Folk Museum

·         Volunteering Hebrides

·         People Know How

·         Pan Intercultural Arts

·         Cheshire Wildlife Trust (CWT)

·         Lancashire Women

·         Brass Bands England

·         The Rachel Kay Shuttleworth Textile Collections

·         Four Corners

·         Young Roots

·         Deafblind UK

·         The Magdalen Environmental Trust

·         Wintercomfort for the homeless

·         The Renewal Trust

·         Footprints Conductive Education Centre Ltd.

·         Tenovus Cancer Care

·         Techniquest

Scottish Charities share in almost £1.2 million funding boost from ScottishPower Foundation

TWELVE Scottish charities have been awarded a funding boost from the ScottishPower Foundation.

THE charities from across the country will share in funding totalling almost £1.2 million for projects tackling a range of issues, from cost-of-living support, to promoting diversity and inclusion, raising awareness of the ongoing climate and biodiversity crises and addressing skills and attainment gaps in society.

The Earth Allies programme – an exciting project from the Glasgow Science Centre – is helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds learn about climate change and become climate advocates. Supported by funding from the ScottishPower Foundation, young people aged 16-24 will build their knowledge of climate change issues by taking part in activities that help them learn new skills like public speaking, online campaigning, and filmmaking.

Melanie Hill, Executive Officer and Trustee at the ScottishPower Foundation, said: “The young people on the Earth Allies programme are the climate ambassadors of the future, so it’s amazing to see them gain the skills they’ll need to influence decision-makers and put protecting the planet in the spotlight.

“Projects like this are prime examples of how the ScottishPower Foundation’s support is helping to create a better future for the next generation, and why it’s important for us to recognise and boost the incredible work of charities across the UK.”

Sally White, Senior Community Learning Coordinator from Glasgow Science Centre, said: “At Glasgow Science Centre, we’re determined to reduce the barriers young people face in accessing climate education – particularly if they’re from a disadvantaged background, who may be most at risk as the world around them continues to change.

“A huge thanks to the ScottishPower Foundation for supporting the life-changing work that we do. Through our Earth Allies programme, we will ensure that those we support are given the opportunities to succeed.”

Among the other 2023 projects funded by the ScottishPower Foundation is Smart Works Scotland, which, in an expansion to its services, is continuing to support Black Minority Ethnic women across Scotland to develop the skills, confidence and self-belief they need to secure sustainable employment and gain financial independence.

The grant from the ScottishPower Foundation will help with the recruitment of a full-time outreach worker for the charity’s new Glasgow hub as it provides career advice, interview coaching and mentoring support to empower under-represented women in the workforce.

The Volunteer Tutor Organisation’s Learning Hub network – a key service supporting children living in poverty and affected by the attainment gap – is also supported by the Foundation’s funding in 2023. Following Covid, the highly impactful Hubs had to be suspended. Now, with the ScottishPower Foundation’s funding, the charity is set to reinstate 9 hubs, continue to run 14 hubs and launch five more to help vulnerable children to improve their academic attainment, confidence and self-esteem.

Celebrating its tenth anniversary, the ScottishPower Foundation has awarded over £12 million to charitable initiatives across the UK.

Melanie Hill added: “This is an incredibly exciting year for us, with so many amazing projects benefitting from our support and making a difference within their local communities.

“The real impact these initiatives will have for so many people can’t be understated, and I can’t wait to see what amazing work these charities will continue to do throughout the year.”

The full list of Scottish 2023 ScottishPower Foundation funded projects are:

·       Dance Base – Forres, Livingston, Edinburgh

·       Edinburgh Science Foundation – Edinburgh (above)

·       Givin’ It Laldie – Glasgow

·       Glasgow Science Centre – Glasgow

·       Home-Start Falkirk – Falkirk

·       Magic Breakfast – Glasgow, Kilmarnock, Greenock, Edinburgh

·       Sands (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society) – Glasgow and Edinburgh

·       Scottish Wildlife Trust – Ayrshire

·       Smart Works Scotland – Glasgow

·       Stable Life – Glasgow

·       Trees for Life – Inverness

·       Volunteer Tutors Organisation – Scottish Borders

Marine Biodiversity Fund project on Firth of Forth celebrates first year

More than 4,000 locals have been involved in the first full year of a major marine restoration project – part-funded by the ScottishPower Foundation – to bring back seagrass habitats and native oyster populations to the Firth of Forth.

The ‘Restoration Forth’ project is supported by up to £600,000 over three years from the Foundation’s Marine Biodiversity Fund, which was set up to help provide a lasting legacy from the UN’s COP26 climate change conference held in Glasgow in 2021.

Restoration Forth is managed by WWF, the leading independent conservation organisation, in partnership with local communities and organisations and seeks to restore seagrass which provides an important habitat for marine life and an incredible tool in the fight against climate change. 

Oyster reefs – which once flourished in the Forth – remove pollutants and provide sanctuary for a vast array of marine life.

The ScottishPower Foundation funding helped support a packed first year of activity, with the Restoration Forth team working with thousands of people to lay the foundations for the important restoration work.

As part of the process, 40,000 seagrass seeds have been prepped for planting, with the project team visiting Orkney and working with the local community there to collect the seeds for replanting in the Forth. Care was taken to ensure that the east coast variant was collected to avoid non-native species being planted in the Firth of Forth. The seeds are expected to be planted in March 2023.

Over a period of six months, the team also engaged more than 4,000 people of all ages from the communities surrounding the Firth of Forth. School pupils, university students, researchers, fishing communities and an array of local groups have learned about the plans and how they can get involved. More than 100 events from walks and talks to seed processing days and school assemblies have taken place.

An appointed team of citizen scientists have also been working in partnership with Seawilding on the west coast of Scotland to establish processes to source native oysters for Restoration Forth. Working in line with NatureScot and Marine Scotland’s guidelines, the team has been studying and scrubbing oysters to ensure the biosecurity of any oysters that will be relocated.

A large part of this year’s work has also focused on establishing the best locations within the Firth of Forth for the restoration to take place to ensure the best opportunities for community engagement and ecological conditions. The locations for planting need to be suitable for growth and accessible for members of the local community, so they can engage with the project and eventually take it forward in the long-term.

Melanie Hill, Executive Officer and Trustee of the ScottishPower Foundation, said: “It’s so exciting to see the progress across the year of our first-ever Marine Biodiversity Fund project.

“Restoration Forth is supported by the biggest-ever grant awarded by the ScottishPower Foundation, and is a shining example of how we can take action now to tackle the climate emergency.

“Thriving marine environments are vital if we’re to have any chance of addressing the biodiversity and climate crises we all face. Restoration Forth helps to do this and more, by engaging with the local community to educate them on the importance of these habitats to the wider ecosystem and our future.

“This collaborative approach can help provide the blueprint for further marine restoration projects across the country, with ScottishPower Foundation funding supporting future generations for years to come. I can’t wait to see what comes next.”

ScottishPower Foundation’s grant was the first funding contribution towards the £2.4 million total cost of the project, which aims to restore up to four hectares of seagrass and 10,000 oysters per year by the end of 2024.

Naomi Arnold, Restoration Forth Project Manager at WWF, said: ‘The level of interest and engagement in just the first year of Restoration Forth has been inspiring.

“The enthusiasm of our partners and funders but also, crucially, from members of the many communities that line the Forth showcases how a project like this can work for both the marine environment and the people who live by it.

“Restoring the seagrass meadows and oyster beds of the Forth brings a whole host of benefits, from improved water quality and increased biodiversity, to storing carbon and reduced coastal erosion.

“After a year of hard work and preparation, we are excited that this spring will see the start of seagrass planting and oyster deployment. A start that will help breathe new life back into the Forth.”

Partners delivering Restoration Forth alongside WWF include Edinburgh Shoreline Project, Fife Coast & Countryside Trust, Heriot Watt University, Marine Conservation Society, Project Seagrass, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Scottish Seabird Centre, The Ecology Centre and The Heart of Newhaven Community.

The ScottishPower Foundation was established in 2013 to make a significant and lasting contribution to society, enhancing the lives of people living in communities throughout the UK. It provides funding to help support the advancement of education, environmental protection, arts and culture and citizenship. It also supports charities who aim to provide relief from poverty, disability, or other disadvantages.

Further information on Restoration Forth is available at:


Seagrass meadows and oysters being restored in major Firth of Forth marine restoration project

Seagrass meadows and oysters are being put on the path to recovery in the Firth of Forth in a major marine restoration project – supported by the ScottishPower Foundation – that will enhance the local environment and help tackle climate change.

Announced days before the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference gets underway in Glasgow, ‘Restoration Forth’ will see up to £600,000 awarded over three years from the Foundation’s Marine Biodiversity Fund, which was created to mark the year of COP.

The first award from the fund – and the biggest-ever grant provided by the Foundation – Restoration Forth will be managed by WWF, the leading independent conservation organisation, in partnership with scientists, charities and local community groups. They will work together to design a blueprint to restore and sustainably manage seagrass and oyster habitats for a thriving Firth of Forth.

Often described as the ocean’s unsung hero, seagrass provides important habitat for marine life and is an incredible tool in the fight against climate change. Oyster reefs – which once flourished in the Forth – remove pollutants and provide sanctuary for a vast array of marine life. 

Working closely with local communities, the restoration of these two species  will enhance the coastal and marine environment of the Forth, support nature-based solutions to address climate change, and create opportunities for local people to reconnect with the sea.  

ScottishPower Foundation’s grant is the first funding contribution towards the £2.4 million total cost of the project, which aims to restore up to four hectares of seagrass and 10,000 oysters per year by the end of 2024.

Ricardo Zanre, WWF’s Ocean Restoration Programme Manager said: “Coastal habitats like seagrass meadows and oyster reefs are vital to a thriving marine environment but across the UK we’ve seen their steep decline over the last century.

“This is a concerning loss in so many ways – for the homes they provide for marine life, their value in absorbing carbon dioxide and improving water quality and their importance as heritage for coastal communities.

“The Forth is an amazing example of a place where local communities working to restore coastal habitats can not only help to bring back these benefits, but also to strengthen the connection between nature and community. We’re hugely grateful to the ScottishPower Foundation for sharing this vision and their support in helping to achieve it”

Melanie Hill, Executive Officer and Trustee of the ScottishPower Foundation, said: “We’re really excited that Restoration Forth is the first project supported by our Marine Biodiversity Fund. With COP26 about to get underway, the climate emergency is very much at the forefront of all our thoughts and there is no time to waste.

“This project – supported by the biggest-ever grant awarded by the Foundation – is a great example of how we can take action now to restore our coastal habitats. Thriving marine environments are crucial if we are to tackle the biodiversity and climate crises and Restoration Forth will allow us to make a positive impact in partnership with local people and communities, who are at the heart of the Foundation’s work.

“A large part of our funding will go towards developing a skills development programme for local communities to protect their restored coastal environment. This incredible work in the Firth of Forth will provide a blueprint for restoring ecosystems through a collaborative community approach.

“It has the potential to be used as a model for marine biodiversity restoration projects across Scotland and around the world, ensuring the Foundation will help create a positive climate legacy for years to come. That’s exactly what we wanted to achieve when we created our new fund and why we’re so proud to work with so many esteemed partners to help turn this project from a vision into a reality.”

Partners supporting WWF to deliver Restoration Forth include Edinburgh Shoreline Project, Fife Coast & Countryside Trust, Heriot Watt University, Marine Conservation Society, Project Seagrass, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Scottish Seabird Centre, The Ecology Centre, The Heart of Newhaven Community and Wardie Bay Beachwatch.

The ScottishPower Foundation was established in 2013 to make a significant and lasting contribution to society, enhancing the lives of people living in communities throughout the UK. It provides funding to help support the advancement of education, environmental protection, arts and culture and citizenship. It also supports charities who aim to provide relief from poverty, disability, or other disadvantages.