The 2025-26 Scottish Budget has been approved by Parliament, including £21.7 billion for health & social care and more than £15 billion for local councils, alongside social security measures supporting an estimated two million people.
The Budget invests:
£21.7 billion in health and social care services, including almost £200 million to cut waiting times and help reduce delayed discharge
£6.9 billion in social security, expected to support around two million people in 2025‑26
£4.9 billion in climate-positive investment
more than £7 billion for infrastructure
more than £2 billion for colleges, universities and the wider skills system
an additional £25 million to support the Grangemouth Industrial Cluster, taking total investment to almost £90 million
Finance Secretary Shona Robison said: “I am pleased that Parliament has approved the Scottish Government’s Budget – confirming plans to invest in public services, lift children out of poverty, act in the face of the climate emergency and support jobs and economic growth.
“This is a Budget by Scotland for Scotland. It includes record NHS investment, social security spending to put money in the pockets of low income families and action to effectively scrap the two-child benefit cap next year. We are delivering a universal winter heating payment for the elderly, providing record funding for local government and increasing investment in affordable housing.
“This Budget has been developed through effective engagement and negotiation across Parliament to build broad support. It is through this compromise that we are delivering spending plans that will most effectively strengthen services and support Scotland’s communities.”
Local Scottish Green MSP Lorna Slater is calling on Edinburgh to bid to be one of the first councils to sign up for the expansion of free school meals for thousands more S1 – S3 pupils.
The Scottish Greens have recently secured money for the expansion of free school meals to thousands of S1-S3 pupils who receive the Scottish Child Payment (SCP), starting with eight council areas in August 2025.
This builds on the ongoing rollout to P6 and P7 pupils who receive SCP and the previous extension to all P4 and P5 pupils, both of which were secured by Green MSPs during past rounds of budget negotiations.
Edinburgh currently has a child poverty rate of 20.4% and around 4,500 of S1-S3 pupils who receive the Scottish Child Payment, a support payment for families on low incomes.
By signing up to be one of the first councils to receive more free meals for pupils, thousands of local children and families will benefit.
Eight councils will be chosen for the initial rollout and the Scottish Greens will be pushing the Scottish Government to extend the project to all 32 council areas as soon as possible.
Lorna Slater the Scottish Greens MSP for Lothian said: “Children can’t learn if they’re hungry. Problems like classroom hunger simply should not exist in a country as wealthy as Scotland.
“As a result of this work by Green MSPs, thousands more pupils in S1-S3 will now get a free school meal. I hope Edinburgh will volunteer to be one of the first areas to provide these lunches.
“The Scottish Greens have always championed free school meals. This high school expansion builds on the work we’ve already done to provide more meals in primary schools.
“No pupils should have to learn on an empty stomach simply because they cannot afford a school lunch. Each and every child in Scotland should have what they need to do well at school, including a free and healthy lunch.”
In a wide-ranging report on the Scottish Budget 2025-26 published today – ahead of two parliamentary debates on the Scottish budget – the committee emphasises the need for more detail on behavioural responses to tax policy, the impact of Employer National Insurance Contributions and rising social security spending.
The cross-party committee also highlights the need to help Scotland’s educational institutions and businesses drive investment and growth, while urging the Scottish Government to publish its over-due infrastructure plan and ‘hit the ground running’.
Repeated delays and unanswered concerns are indicative of a lack of medium and long-term financial planning, says the committee’s report.
Finance and Public Administration Committee Convener Kenneth Gibson MSP said:“As the Scottish Government is aware, we are strongly of the view that more research is needed on behavioural responses to tax policy.
“We also set out in this report recommendations which we consider would help to support growth in earnings and revenues in Scotland.”
On Employer National Insurance Contributions, Mr Gibson added: “The Committee is aware that the expected shortfall in UK funding for increased Employer National Insurance Contributions for the direct costs to the public sector will be significant and we ask what plans the Scottish Government has in place to meet these.”
Rising social security costs are of concern. He commented: “Given that the Scottish Government has not included any funding in the 2025-26 Budget to cover the lifting of the two-child cap, the Committee asks for details of where this funding will be found if it’s introduced early, as well as potential impacts on other areas of spend.
“The Committee also seeks greater transparency around the overall public sector pay bill.”
On growing the economy and capital spending, the convener said:“We look forward to receiving evidence from the Cabinet Secretary on the sustainability of higher education and work to improve the flexibility and responsiveness of the college sector to enable skills to match the needs of business and the economy.
“We note the creation of a Cabinet Sub-Committee on Investment and Economy to ‘help create a business environment that drives investment and growth.’
“The Committee ask the Scottish Government how it is maximising opportunities to enable Scotland’s universities and the high-performing sectors of the economy to be globally competitive.
“The significant increase in capital spending in 2025-26 allows the Scottish Government to restart paused capital projects and make some new commitments.
“We strongly urge the Scottish Government to prioritise its capital commitments to ensure it’s in the best possible position to ‘hit the ground running’ with infrastructure projects from the start of the next financial year.”
On delays to key strategic financial documents, Mr Gibson concluded: “Regarding delays in publishing key strategic financial documents, the committee repeatedly expressed concerns. This is indicative of a wider problem where vital medium and longer-term financial planning within the Scottish Government is lacking.”
New funding agreed for bus fares, drug services and free school meals
Agreements have been reached separately with the Scottish Liberal Democrats and Scottish Green Party to support the SNP’s 2025-26 Budget.
Finance Secretary Shona Robison has announced she will table amendments to the 2025-26 Budget Bill to allocate £16.7 million funding to: • Bolster drug and alcohol services, including £1 million for specialist support for babies born addicted to drugs • Begin a £2 bus fare cap pilot in one regional transport area • Further strengthen support for hospices from £4 million to £5 million • Increase Nature Restoration by £3 million to its highest ever level • Invest in targeted support for the College sector and protect Corseford College • Extend free school meal eligibility in S1-S3 in eight local authority areas for pupils in receipt of Scottish Child Payment • Offer flexibility for Orkney Island Council in terms of capital and resource funding
Ms Robison said: “We are determined to deliver on the issues that matter most to the people of Scotland – and that is why this Budget invests in public services and in eradicating child poverty, acts in the face of the climate emergency, and supports jobs.
“The First Minister was clear that we would bring forward a budget by Scotland for Scotland, and the negotiations we have taken forward have been in that spirit. These additional initiatives demonstrate the value of a progressive approach and dialogue.
“During every stage of this process the Liberal Democrats and the Greens have engaged in our discussions in a positive and constructive manner.
“Through seeking compromise I believe we are delivering a budget that will strengthen services and support our communities. With the agreements with these two parties now in place this will secure a majority in parliament in support of the Budget Bill.”
The Scottish Greens will support the forthcoming budget, following confirmation that the Scottish Government have agreed to the party’s proposals on record climate funding, the expansion of free school meals and trialling a £2 cap on bus fares.
As a result of proposals tabled by Scottish Green negotiators, the Government’s budget will now be changed to include the roll-out of free school meals to thousands more young people and a year-long regional trial of a £2 cap on bus fares.
Other Green proposals accepted include increasing funding for nature restoration to a record £26m, more free ferry travel for young island residents, free bus travel for asylum seekers and help for first time home buyers by increasing tax on the purchase of second/holiday homes.
The Scottish Greens have confirmed they’ll be backing the Scottish Government’s budget@Ross_Greer says it follows promises on school meals, a £2 bus fare cap trial and more money for nature restoration
Scottish Greens finance spokesperson Ross Greer MSP said: ““The Scottish Greens put climate action, tackling child poverty, cheaper buses and ferries and funding for schools at the heart of our budget negotiations. We have delivered progress on all of these fronts, so our MSPs will be voting for the budget.
“No young person should be sitting in school hungry. As a result of our work, thousands more pupils in S1-S3 will now receive a free school meal. This will build on the success of expanding free school meals in primary schools, a policy delivered by the Scottish Greens a few years ago.
“Our Green MSPs have also secured a year-long regional trial where bus fares will be capped at £2, because we know the cost of public transport needs to come down. This also builds on the success of free bus travel for young people, another Scottish Green policy we made a reality.
“With climate chaos all around us, we have worked to deliver record funding for nature restoration and our environment. These Green projects are creating well-paid jobs in communities across the country, particularly in rural areas.
“From schools to libraries to social care to bin collections, our councils deliver the services we all depend on. We have worked with Scottish Green councillors to ensure that this year’s budget delivers a fair deal for local councils, including an end to the Council tax freeze.
“These changes secured by Scottish Green MSPs will lift more children out of poverty, reduce the cost of public transport, create good quality jobs, tackle the climate crisis and protect local services. That’s in stark contrast to Labour, who agreed to let the SNP’s budget pass without making any attempt to improve it. If you want action to help people and planet, voting Scottish Greens is the best way to deliver it.”
As a result of Scottish Green negotiations, this budget includes:
Making public transport cheaper: A year long regional trial of capping bus fares at £2 starting 1st January 2026, free bus travel for people seeking asylum and free inter-island ferry travel for young island residents
Action to tackle child poverty: The expansion of free school meals to thousands of S1-S3 pupils who receive the Scottish Child Payment, starting with eight councils areas in August 2025.
Record climate action: A record £4.9bn of funding for climate action and nature restoration.
Progressive taxation to support public services: Increased tax on the purchase of second or holiday homes and moving forward with proposals for a Cruise Ship Levy, the consultation for which will launch in February
Protecting local services: A real-term funding increase for local councils, and progress on giving councils more direct power through a consultation on devolving Parking Charge Notices (parking fines)
Commenting on the deal, Scottish Lib Dems leader Mr Cole-Hamilton said:“We have today reached an agreement with the Scottish Government. There is a long list of policies and projects that we’ve won for our constituents, and for Scotland as a whole, and so we will be voting for the Budget.
“In a Parliament of minorities Scottish Liberal Democrats will always act responsibly and try to find common ground.
“As a result, Lib Dem priorities will now be backed by hundreds of millions worth of government investment. I am pleased that we have secured money for new drug and neonatal services. As a former youth worker I know how important it is to give children the best start in life and few have it tougher than babies who are born addicted to drugs.
“Alongside the long list of Lib Dem demands baked into the first draft of the budget, we have also secured additional money for new college programmes focused on care and offshore wind, more money for hospices, and backing for the young people attending Corseford College.
“Scottish Labour’s decision to abstain on the Scottish Budget confirmed once and for all that there would be no early election. This was always very unlikely and that’s why all along Scottish Liberal Democrats have sought to shape the budget to unpick some of the damage caused by years of SNP neglect.
“This budget shows that by backing the Liberal Democrats you get a local champion focused on the issues that matter the most.”
As there will be no early election, the budget is a means to unpick some of the damage caused by SNP neglect.
From a new Belford Hospital in Fort William to a new Eye Pavilion in Edinburgh, you can already see significant Liberal Democrat demands baked into the budget.
A package of measures to help entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses will be delivered next year with funding in the draft Scottish Budget 2025/26.
As part of £15 million investment, at least £4 million will be invested to expand the number of women entrepreneurs by providing tailored support at the earliest stages of business creation.
The initiative contributes to overall spending of £34.7 million across entrepreneurship, innovation and social enterprise – a 50% increase on 2024/25. This includes continued investment in Techscaler, the Scottish Government’s flagship programme for tech start-ups. There will also be a new round of the Ecosystem Fund and a new fund to further develop clusters in sectors such as life sciences, digital and advanced manufacturing.
Deputy first Minister Kate Forbes visited Gut Wealth, an Edinburgh-based start-up, to discuss founder Gemma Stuart’s experience of starting a business. Gut Wealth was a recent winner at the Scottish Government-supported Scottish EDGE awards.
DFM @_KateForbes visited @GutWealth to hear about the unique challenges women in business face.@scotgov has pledged £4m to support women-led start-ups excel and grow. That's part of a £15m enterprise package to help people into business.
— Scottish Government Finance and Economy (@scotgoveconomy) December 10, 2024
The Deputy First Minister said: “This Budget commitment demonstrates that the Scottish Government stands squarely behind this and future generations of business talent. I want everyone, from every walk of life, to feel encouraged and supported in taking the first steps on their entrepreneurial journey.
“A growing, thriving start-up ecosystem is vital to a strong and growing economy and I want to make Scotland the best place in the world for founders to launch and grow a start-up business.
“Taking a close steer from Ana Stewart and and Mark Logan’s report into encouraging more women start their own businesses, the Scottish Government and our partners are building an end-to-end support network to ensure entrepreneurs are helped at each stage of their journey. Gemma’s success story is one that we are can, must and will replicate.”
Founder of Gut Wealth Gemma Stuart said: “I have big ambitions to help people suffering with digestive ill-health to live life a bit more freely from the pain and shame of gut troubles. I’m proud to be scaling my business in Scotland as part of the thriving ecosystem here.
“In the last two years, I’ve accessed vital guidance and support from Business Gateway, Scottish Enterprise, AccelerateHER, RBS Accelerator and most recently Scottish EDGE to help me scale.
“I’ve built a strong network of founders and I’m especially grateful for the other female founders who have helped educate me on raising funds and shared opportunities.”
Housing Minister Paul McLennan visited an affordable housing development in East Lothian to highlight plans in the draft Budget for next year to increase funding for the Affordable Housing Supply Programme.
The investment could see the total budget for delivering affordable homes rise to £768 million in 2025-26 – an increase of more than £200 million compared to this year’s published budget.
Other measures in the Scottish Government’s draft Budget aimed at tackling the housing emergency include:
£4 million to support local authorities and frontline services to prevent homelessness
£2 million to transform empty properties into safe, warm, affordable homes
In addition, £1 million for registered social landlords and third sector partners will be available this year to fund work to help sustain tenancies and prevent homelessness.
Speaking during his visit to the development in Haddington, Housing Minister Paul McLennan said: “Investing in safe, warm and affordable homes is key to our top priority to tackle child poverty.
“We already have a strong track record in affordable housing, having supported the delivery of 133,000 affordable homes since 2007 – this includes our £2.9 million investment in the development at Haddington. That’s 45% more per head of the population than in England and 70% more than in Wales.
“By increasing the affordable housing supply budget in 2025-26 by more than £200 million, housing providers will be able to deliver at least 8,000 properties for social and mid-market rent and low-cost home ownership.”
Councillor Andy Forrest, East Lothian Council spokesperson for Housing, said: “It was really useful to welcome the Minister to Haddington this morning to discuss East Lothian’s recently announced Affordable Housing Crisis and to emphasise the need for clarity as soon as possible on what our settlement will be so that we can continue to sustain our hugely important future housing programme.
“We welcome the announcement of more subsidy funding for affordable housing and any additional revenue for frontline services to help prevent homelessness.”
Gordon Macdonald MSP said the Scottish Budget an “enormous step forward” in achieving the Scottish Government’s mission of eradicating child poverty in Edinburgh as progress begins in ending Labour’s two-child cap.
The two-child cap was introduced by the Tories as part of their programme of austerity and has been subsequently adopted by Labour as one of their policies, despite their previous promises to scrap it.
Across Scotland the cap impacts 83,000 children and 26,000 households – that’s 1,600 families in Edinburgh alone. By ending it the SNP government will lift 15,000 children out of poverty.
Commenting, the SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands said: “The two-child cap is an abhorrent policy that has harmed 1,600 households in Edinburgh.
“Yet it is another Tory policy which Labour has adopted as one of their own.
“With 83,000 children across Scotland impacted, it is right that this SNP Government has made the decision to end the cap once and for all – lifting 15,000 children out of poverty and making progress on the key mission of this government: to eradicate child poverty once and for all.
“It is disappointing that the Labour UK government has chosen to maintain the cap, and I would urge their colleagues in the Scottish Parliament to choose differently and back this budget; made for Scotland, by Scotland.”
Thousands of children from disadvantaged backgrounds will benefit from free breakfasts, thanks to £3 million from the Scottish Government.
Announced in the draft Budget for 2025-26, Bright Start Breakfasts will help more primary school children get a healthy start to the day. The initiative will also provide families with childcare, supporting more parents to get to work in the morning.
This investment will build on the current breakfast provision in place, with nearly half of Scotland’s schools already providing access to food before the start of the school day.
Education Secretary Jenny Gilruth visited Clackmannan Primary School, where local children are already attending a breakfast club.
Ms Gilruth said: “Breakfast clubs are a crucial part of the Scottish Government’s key mission to eradicate child poverty.
“We know how important a healthy breakfast can be for children, particularly those who are most at risk of poverty, and these clubs will help set children up for the day so they can achieve their learning potential.
“Bright Start Breakfasts will build upon the support that we are already providing families in the latest Budget, including lifting the two-child cap, expanding free school meals, the school clothing grant and education maintenance allowance – ultimately giving families across Scotland vital help through the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.”
The 2025-26 Budget will deliver progress for the people of Scotland, with a record increase in frontline NHS spending, and plans to lift 15,000 children out of poverty by mitigating the UK Government’s two-child limit from 2026.
Setting out the Budget to Parliament, Finance Secretary Shona Robison said the government had listened and would now act on the priorities of people, businesses and organisations across the country – delivering progress for Scotland, by Scotland.
The 2025-26 Budget includes:
a record £2 billion increase in frontline NHS spending taking overall health and social care investment to £21 billion to reduce NHS waiting lists, making it easier for people to see their GP, and progress the Belford Hospital, Monklands Hospital and Edinburgh Eye Pavilion projects
funding for universal winter heating payments for older Scots, and investment to allow the mitigation of the two-child cap from 2026
tax choices that freeze income tax rates, increase the Basic and Intermediate rate thresholds to put more money in the pockets of low and middle-income earners, and provide business rates relief for hard-pressed local pubs and restaurants
a record £15 billion for local government to support the services communities rely on and £768 million to provide 8,000 more affordable homes
£4.9 billion of action on the climate and nature crises to lower emissions and energy bills, protect the environment, and create new jobs and opportunities
a real-terms uplift of 3% for spending on education and skills to maintain teacher levels and invest in school infrastructure, as well as new funding to put more breakfast clubs in primary schools
a £34 million uplift for culture in 2025-26
The Finance Secretary said: “I am proud to present a budget that delivers on the priorities of the people of Scotland.
“Parliament can show that we understand the pressures people are facing. We can choose to come together to bring hope to people, to renew our public services, and deliver a wealth of new opportunities in our economy.
“This Budget invests in public services, lifts children out of poverty, acts in the face of the climate emergency, and supports jobs and economic growth.
“It is a budget filled with hope for Scotland’s future and I look forward to working with all parties in Parliament to secure agreement around its provisions.”
£6.9 billion total investment in social security, including the Scottish Child Payment
almost £4.2 billion across the justice system in 2025-26, including £1.62 billion for policing to support capacity and capability, £881.1 million for prisons, including £347 million for the prison estate to deliver HMP Glasgow and HMP Highland, and £159 million for community justice services to support the wider use of community interventions
over £2.6 billion towards public transport to support bus, rail and ferry services and increases the dedicated funding available to the four councils operating their own ferry services to £50.3 million
over £660 million for rural communities to support the crucial contribution of Scotland’s farmers, crofters and the wider rural economy
almost £90 million to protect, maintain and increase our woodlands and peatlands, to restore more than 15,000 hectares of degraded peatland and ensure the creation of more than 11,000 hectares of woodland across Scotland
a £34 million uplift for culture in 2025-26, building on the £15.8 million increase in the last Budget to take the total incremental increase in culture funding to almost £50 million – the halfway point in our commitment to increase funding to culture and the arts by £100 million more annually by 2028-29
£6 million for the National Islands Plan to deliver infrastructure projects designed in partnership with islanders to support successful and resilient island communities
protection for free tuition and a 3.5% increase in total investment in Higher Education, compared to a 3.08% increase in university funding in England
Ben Macpherson MSP has welcomed the Scottish Government’s budget commitment to provide significant additional funding for the Granton Waterfront regeneration project, with a long-term agreement to be formalised in 2025.
Having spoken regularly about Granton in the Scottish Parliament this year, and previously, to promote the area as a strategic development site for Edinburgh and Scotland as a whole, Ben Macpherson MSP is delighted that the Scottish Government has committed financial support to significantly progress the City of Edinburgh Council’s ambitions plans.
The budget statement by Shona Robison MSP included: “I can confirm today that we will be working with Edinburgh City Council to unlock over 800 new, net zero homes at their Granton development site.”
In the Scottish Parliament, during the Budget statement and question session, Ben Macpherson MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith said: “As the local constituency MSP, I believe passionately in the significant potential for the development of Granton Waterfront to help tackle Edinburgh’s housing challenges, to transform the northern part of our capital city for the common good, and to deliver economic growth, new opportunities and multiple positive benefits for existing communities and our country more broadly – that’s why I have worked constructively to highlight all of this to Ministers, and am therefore delighted and grateful that the Finance Secretary has committed to working with City of Edinburgh Council to deliver 800 more homes.
“Can the Finance Secretary say more about the Scottish Government’s commitment to the development of Granton Waterfront – as a strategic site – and the positive impact this will deliver for the people of Northern Edinburgh and Scotland as a whole?”
The Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Shona Robison MSP, replied: “Ben Macpherson is absolutely right, the Granton Waterfront development is a big deal for Edinburgh, and we will work with Edinburgh Council over the coming months and hope to announce a deal on the detail early in the 2025-26 financial year to support this multi-year project.
“And I talked in my statement about it unlocking 800 new net-zero homes of mixed types and tenures but also sustainable transport links and placemaking initiatives.
“This can be a gamechanger for Edinburgh and I am very acutely aware of the housing need in Edinburgh, and I think this will go a long way to helping as part of this solution.”
Ben Macpherson MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith, added: ““This is a very significant step forward towards tackling Edinburgh’s housing emergency and realising all of North Edinburgh’s remarkable potential.
“I have passionately and consistently supported the regeneration of Granton Waterfront throughout my time as the MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith, and have worked to be a constructive link between the Scottish Government and the City of Edinburgh Council in this collective endeavour.
“The vacant and derelict land in Granton has the potential to be transformed into a new residential hub and a destination to visit for locals and tourists alike – just like in Dundee and other waterfront cities across the world. It is fantastic that the Scottish Government has committed to this vision and given pivotal financial backing to make it happen!
“Edinburgh continues to face significant, various housing challenges and building more affordable homes is crucial in helping to tackle this. With Scottish Government support, the development plans for Granton will deliver transformational change to benefit the local area and the wider economy.
“It has been a consistent priority since my election to promote and deliver more affordable housing in Northern Edinburgh – as well as accompanying infrastructure and facilities in the area, like cultural and creative hubs, opportunities for small businesses to thrive, and key services such as schools and health centres – and I look forward to seeing the development of Granton benefit the people of Edinburgh in the years ahead, and the additional investment and opportunities that will be created.”
Responding to today’s Budget statement by the Finance Secretary, John Dickie, Director of Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland, said: “The Finance Secretary is absolutely right to mitigate the two-child limit in the absence of abolition at UK level.It’s a pernicious policy that pushes 15,000 children into poverty in Scotland alone.
“Investing in social security for families is key to delivering on the First Minister’s number one priority of eradicating child poverty.
“The devil will be in the detail and families really can’t wait until 2026 to see their incomes boosted, so an above inflation increase to the Scottish child payment is still needed in the meantime.
“But there is no question this is the right focus for prioritising spend. We need the UK government take the same approach to investing in family benefits as a matter of utmost urgency.”
Responding to today’s Scottish Government draft budget, Poverty Alliance chief executive Peter Kelly said: “The two-child limit is a huge injustice that has no place in a compassionate society – because every child matters and every child should get support they need.
“We welcome the Scottish Government’s proposals today, and we hope that the UK Government works positively and quickly to get this extra support to households with children. We hope it adds to the pressure to scrap the two-child limit across the UK.
“With record numbers of children in temporary accommodation, additional investment in affordable homes and homelessness prevention is necessary and welcome. But we know that more social homes are needed to tackle the housing emergency in Scotland – meeting that challenge requires further investment.
“Many of our members have called for the Scottish Government to make up the difference for pensioners who have had Winter Fuel Payments taken away from them. They will welcome today’s plans.
“We have worked directly with people who are forced to live on a pittance by the unjust UK asylum system, and we supported their campaigns for free bus travel. It is welcome that the Scottish Government have allocated to funding to that proposal, which will increase their freedom to build a life beyond poverty and take part in society. We hope this is the start of a move to provide bus passes to more people – starting with those eligible for benefits.
“But we can do more. There are around 240,000 children in poverty in Scotland. We need to go further and faster if we are going eradicate child poverty.
“That means more immediate support through the Scottish Child Payment and using our powers over tax and investment to build a stronger society for all of us – especially people in poverty.”
“Today @scotgov announced £768m to buy or build 8k affordable homes next year. It is a sign it’s taking the housing emergency seriously but it is only a reverse of previous cuts. As a result, it’s a cut in real terms as same money buys less now compared to two years ago.
“Though it is a step forward, 8,000 homes is a drop in the ocean compared to what is needed There are 243,000 people on waiting lists in Scotland. The last decades have seen the decimation of council housing because of a lack of funding, stock transfer and right to buy.
“This government needs to deliver more social housing by allocating greater funding for stock buy back and for social and council house building programmes, to ensure more people have a stable, secure, affordable place to live.”
We welcome the budget statement from the Scottish Government signalling the value it places on culture & the arts.
Culture is the beating heart of Scotland & this budget offers us all hope for a more stable, positive future.
Creative Scotland wholeheartedly welcomes the positive news of the substantial uplift for Culture, including Creative Scotland, in the Scottish Government’s draft budget announced today.
In 2025/26, Creative Scotland’s draft Grant-in-Aid budget from the Scottish Government will be £80m, up from £51.4m in the previous year. Included in this is an additional £20m, specifically for use in supporting the Multi-Year Funding programme and an additional £2m to support delivery of Screen Scotland’s strategy.
The Board of Creative Scotland will meet on 16 December to agree the final budget for Multi-Year Funding and a further update will be made following that meeting.
The final outcomes from the programme will be announced by the end of January.
Creative Scotland’s Chair, Robert Wilson, said: “Today’s draft budget announcement by the Scottish Government is enormously welcome. The major boost to Multi-Year Funding and other activities opens up wider opportunities, and we are grateful to the Scottish Government for this significant vote of confidence in Creative Scotland and the creative and culture sector.
“This is especially positive in the light of the long-term financial challenges the sector has been dealing with and will enable people and organisations to once again look forward with more confidence.”
Today’s budget released by the Scottish government is a “step in the right direction” but comes too late to ease the winter crisis already hitting some of the country’s A&Es.
This is the response from The Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) following the budget announcement today – Wednesday 4 December 2024 – by Finance Secretary Shona Robison MSP.
Dr Fiona Hunter, RCEM’s Vice Chair for Scotland said: “We welcome the government’s commitment to addressing many of the systemic issues that have plagued our health care system – its patients and staff – for far too long.
“However, it has not come soon enough to ease pressures faced by A&Es who are working under extreme pressure to care for patients right now.
“We restate our commitment to working with the Scottish government to bring an end to this reality and #ResuscitateEmergencyCare in Scotland, for generations to come.”
The budget statement comes just one day after an Audit Scotland report revealed the number of people remaining in hospital because their discharge has been delayed – often due to a lack of social care capacity – is the highest on record.
In response to today’s Scottish Government Budget,Debbie Horne, Scotland Policy and Public Affairs Manager at Independent Age said: “Older people across Scotland will be relieved to see the return of some help with winter energy bills through the Pension Age Winter Heating Payment from next year.
“For many not currently receiving Pension Credit, or those just above the eligibility, this money is desperately needed. Although not what they were originally due to receive, last week’s decision has been welcomed by older people in financial hardship across Scotland.
“It’s also good news that Scottish Social Security has been uprated with inflation, including entitlements that are important to older people, such as Pension Age Disability Payment and Winter Heating Payment. Many people in later life will be reassured that this has been confirmed.
“We are pleased to see that the Scottish Government is focussed on supporting renters. Over recent years both the number of older people renting privately and the proportion in poverty has risen. The increase in the Discretionary Housing Payment funding pot is an important lifeline to many older private renters, making up rent shortfalls, and the increased investment in social homes building should give tenants of all ages more security.
“However, it is concerning that the Scottish Welfare Fund, which can be a crucial safety net for older people when emergencies occur, such as needing help with food or heating costs, has not been increased.
“Generally, the older people in financial hardship that we speak to will feel heard by the Scottish Government today. However, we remain concerned about older people this winter. Going forward, the Scottish Government must continue to make decisions that improve the lives of older people in poverty.”
Jonathan Carr-West, Chief Executive, LGIU Scotland,said: “We know from our annual survey that local government finances in Scotland are hanging by a thread. One in four councils are afraid they won’t be able to pass a balanced budget next year. Three quarters are warning that they may not be able to do so within the next five years. Today’s Budget from the Scottish Government does not engage with the scale of that challenge.
“Local government may welcome commitments to the New Deal with Local Government continuing work on a fiscal framework and plans to deliver new revenue raising powers. However, they will be dismayed to see how much funding continues to be ring fenced.
“There is an increase in core funding in today’s Budget but it doesn’t cover the ever growing costs of core statutory services.
“The Scottish Government has responded to the concerns of councils and has removed the freeze on council tax rises, but the Cabinet Secretary’s expectation that record funding levels should mean councils do not need to put up council tax is too complacent.
“The truth is that even with the additional funding announced today, local authorities will still need to raise council tax and make cuts to services and will still edge closer to being unable to balance their books.”
Commenting on the Finance Secretary’s Budget statement this afternoon, Director of CAMRA Scotland Stuart McMahon said:“Pub goers and licensees will be raising a glass to the news that the Scottish Government are finally introducing help with the burden of business rates that have contributed to scores of pubs having to close their doors in recent years, and at a higher rate than elsewhere on these islands.
“Pubs are a vital part of our social fabric and it is right that they will now get the same 40% reduction in business rates that pubs in England get. It is also encouraging that pubs on island communities will continue to get a 100% reduction with their business rates.
“In order to make sure our pubs survive and thrive at the heart of our communities ministers must now commit to reforming the entire Business Rates system to make it fairer. The Scottish Government should level the playing field between online and bricks-and-mortar businesses and finally end the shocking overpayment that pubs have to cough up under the current system.”
Mary Glasgow, chief executive at Children First said: “The Cabinet Secretary says this budget will lift children out of poverty but given that Scotland faces a childhood emergency it is difficult to see how.
“The promise of jam tomorrow, in the form of mitigating the UK two-child cap does nothing to alleviate the plight of thousands of children and families across Scotland who are going hungry today.
“We called on the Scottish Government to invest in early help and support for families and to increase the Scottish child payment. It is disappointing that they have chosen to delay investing in children rather than taking immediate action. Children can’t wait.”
In the period 2020 to 2023, 1 in 4 children in Scotland were growing up in poverty. Poverty strips away the opportunities for children and young people to learn, grow and develop fully, and have happy and thriving childhoods.
As well as harming children and families, poverty harms Scotland’s economy to the cost of at least £2.4 billion per year. This isn’t acceptable, and change is possible.
We welcome progress on action to drive down child poverty, especially through investment in the Scottish Child Payment, a powerful intervention for putting money directly in the pockets of low income families.
However, while tackling child poverty is the Scottish Government’s and the First Minister’s stated “first priority”, this priority must be better reflected in budget decisions.
That is why the End Child Poverty Coalition is calling on the Scottish Government to ensure the 2025-26 Scottish Budget allocates the necessary additional resources to address the root causes of child poverty.
The 2025-26 budget should resource action across social security, employment, housing and whole-family support.
It is vital that the Scottish Government raises the resources in this budget – including through the ambitious and bold use of devolved taxation and Barnett consequentials flowing from the recent UK Budget – to fund the action needed to deliver on the First Minister’s number one priority of ending child poverty.