It’ll Cost You: A Decade of Deterring Underage Drinking!

A community campaign to tackle underage drinking reaches its tenth anniversary this year when it will once again aim to deter adults buying alcohol for children.

The ‘It’ll Cost You’ initiative has run nationally across Scotland for the last three years and will continue in summer 2025. Evaluations of the previous campaigns have shown a steady increase in awareness about the implications of supplying alcohol to minors, but it remains an issue with 8 detections being made during the course of the 2024 campaign.

It is an offence in Scotland for an adult to buy or attempt to buy alcohol for someone who is under the age of 18. This is known as proxy purchase and can result in a fine, imprisonment or both.

The “It’ll Cost You!” campaign is a collaboration between Police Scotland, the Scottish Alcohol Industry Partnership and Community Alcohol Partnerships and aims to raise awareness of the damaging effects and criminal nature of buying alcohol for under 18s.

This year’s campaign will run from Monday 30 June to Monday 11 August across Scotland.

Joanne McEwan, Policing Together Superintendent, said: “The multi-agency proxy purchase campaign is an important annual initiative, which helps us raise awareness of the consequences associated with providing alcohol to young people.

“Purchasing alcohol for anyone under the age of 18 is a criminal offence and you risk a fine, imprisonment, or both if you are caught doing so.

“Safeguarding young people from harm is part of our Chief Constable’s commitment to building safer communities and we will continue to work with partners to tackle underage drinking.”

Luke McGarty, Chair of the SAIP Campaigns Group and Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Scottish Grocers Federation, said: “Retailers are committed to reducing underage drinking and anti-social behaviour linked to alcohol.

“This campaign ties in with SGF’s position of promoting responsible community retailing and we look forward to continuing to work with our partners on the campaign again this year.”

Grahame Clarke, Community Alcohol Partnership Coordinator, said:“The campaign gives us an opportunity to carry the “It’ll Cost You” resources and messaging in local communities, highlighting the dangers of buying alcohol for young people.

“We look forward to working with Police Scotland and the Police Scotland Youth Volunteers to make sure that this messaging is carried through all our engagement activity this summer.”

Siobhian Brown MSP, Community Safety Minister said: “It is illegal for adults to buy or attempt to buy alcohol for under 18s and I welcome this campaign which is a good example of partners working together to stop the practice.

“People may feel they are doing no harm, but buying alcohol for underage young people risks them becoming vulnerable through alcohol or contributing to anti-social behaviour in our communities.”

It’ll Cost You!: Campaign launches to tackle youth street drinking


That’s the stark message of a campaign running across this summer in collaboration with retailers, alcohol companies and Police Scotland.

Evaluations of the previous “It’ll Cost You!” campaigns have shown a steady increase in awareness about the implications of supplying alcohol to minors, but it remains a serious issue with 18 detections being made during the course of last year’s campaign.

It is an offence in Scotland for an adult to buy or attempt to buy alcohol for someone who is under the age of 18. This is known as proxy purchase and can result in a fine, imprisonment or both.

The “It’ll Cost You!” campaign is a collaboration between Police Scotland, the Scottish Alcohol Industry Partnership and Community Alcohol Partnerships aims to raise awareness of the damaging effects and criminal nature of buying alcohol for under 18s.

This year’s campaign will run from 1 July to 12 August across Scotland.

Superintendent Joanne McEwan, Police Scotland, said: “This campaign showcases the benefits of key partners working together to inform the public of dangers associated with underage drinking, as well as the criminal consequences for supplying those under 18 with alcohol.”

Luke McGarty, Chair of the SAIP Campaigns Group and Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Scottish Grocers Federation, said: “Proxy purchasing is not an easy crime to detect and retailers are the first line of defence in reducing underage drinking and anti-social behaviour linked to alcohol.

“The “It’ll Cost You!” campaign fits perfectly with SGF’s position of promoting responsible community retailing. We look forward to continuing to work with our partners on the campaign again this year.”

Grahame Clarke, Community Alcohol Partnership Coordinator, said: “The campaign gives us an opportunity to spread the “It’ll Cost You!” message in local communities, highlighting the dangers of buying alcohol for young people.

“We look forward to working with Police Scotland and the Police Scotland Youth Volunteers to make sure that this messaging is carried through all our engagement activity this summer.”

Siobhain Brown MSP, Minister for Victims and Community Safety, said: “I welcome the return of a campaign that successfully illustrates the value of strong collaboration and regular engagement between partners, which help to deliver shared aims to help reduce underage drinking and anti-social behaviour in our communities.”

It’ll Cost You! campaign to relaunch this summer

A campaign to deter adults buying alcohol for children aims to build on its success when it is relaunched this summer.

The ‘It’ll Cost You’ initiative has run nationally across Scotland for the last two years and will continue in 2024. Evaluations of the previous campaigns have shown a steady increase in awareness about the implications of supplying alcohol to minors, but it remains a serious issue with 18 detections being made during the course of the 2023 campaign.

It is an offence in Scotland for an adult to buy or attempt to buy alcohol for someone who is under the age of 18. This is known as proxy purchase and can result in a fine, imprisonment or both.

The ‘It’ll Cost You!’ campaign is a collaboration between Police Scotland, the Scottish Alcohol Industry Partnership and Community Alcohol Partnerships and aims to raise awareness of the damaging effects and criminal nature of buying alcohol for under 18s.

This year’s campaign will run from 1 July to 12 August across Scotland.

Superintendent Joanne McEwan, Police Scotland, said: “This campaign showcases the benefits of key partners working together to inform the public of dangers associated with underage drinking, as well as the criminal consequences for supplying those under 18 with alcohol.”

Luke McGarty, Chair of the SAIP Campaigns Group and Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Scottish Grocers Federation, said: “Proxy purchasing is not an easy crime to detect.

“Retailers are essentially the first line of defence and reducing underage drinking and anti-social behaviour linked to alcohol is one we support and ties in with SGF’s position of promoting responsible community retailing.

“We look forward to continuing to work with our partners on the campaign again this year.”

Grahame Clarke, Community Alcohol Partnership Coordinator said: “The campaign gives us an opportunity to carry the ‘It’ll Cost You’ resources and messaging in local communities, highlighting the dangers of buying alcohol for young people.

“We look forward to working with Police Scotland and the Police Scotland Youth Volunteers to make sure that this messaging is carried through all our engagement activity this summer.”

Siobhian Brown MSP, Minister for Victims and Community Safety, said: “I welcome the return of a campaign that successfully illustrates the value of strong collaboration and regular engagement between partners, which help to deliver shared aims to help reduce underage drinking and anti-social behaviour in our communities.”

Police launch “It’ll Cost You!” proxy purchasing campaign

An award-winning campaign to tackle underage drinking and youth disorder has been launched across Scotland.

The “It’ll Cost You!” programme is a collaboration between Police Scotland, local authorities and alcohol producers and retailers and aims to raise awareness of the damaging effects and criminal nature of buying alcohol for under 18s.

Following a series of successful pilots by the Scottish Alcohol Industry Partnership across Lanarkshire, Edinburgh and Glasgow, results consistently showed a drop in street drinking and anti-social behaviour.

Asking an adult to buy alcohol for under 18s is one of the most common tactics used by young people to access alcohol. The Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 states that it is an offence for a person to “act as an agent for a child in purchasing or attempting to purchase alcohol”. This is also known as proxy purchase.

Police Scotland analysts report that youth disorder incidents reduced by 10% in the North Lanarkshire pilot. The campaign also contributed to a 51% reduction of reports of children drinking on the street.

In addition to 38 adults being reported for buying alcohol for children, the campaign also led to two stores being reported for repeatedly selling alcohol to under 18s.

Adults who buy alcohol for children may face a fine of up to £5,000. Depending on the circumstances you could also face a prison sentence of up to three months and a criminal record

Superintendent Hilary Sloan, Police Scotland, said:  “This campaign highlights the multitude of issues which can be caused through underage drinking and by buying alcohol for teens.

“We want to help keep our young people safe from alcohol-related harm, as well as reducing anti-social behaviour and crime in our communities. Additionally, proxy purchasing is an offence, which could result in a prison sentence.

“The lighter evenings of the summer will see an increase in police patrols around Scotland to reduce attempted purchases of alcohol for under 18s.”

Dr John Lee, Chair of the SAIP Campaigns Group and Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Scottish Grocers Federation said: The success of initiatives such as Challenge 25 have helped reduce the number of direct sales of alcohol to under 18s, but young people are increasingly accessing alcohol by other means.

“Asking an adult to buy alcohol for them is one of the most common tactics used.

Minister for Community Safety Ash Regan said: “A key objective of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 is the protection of children and young persons from harm. We remain committed to protecting young persons and children from harm. 

“Young persons are particularly vulnerable to the effects of alcohol, whether they are drinking themselves, or being affected by the drinking of other people in their lives. Underage drinking can also cause short and long term harm to health, as well as put young persons in dangerous situations when drunk.

“That is why I welcome the “It’ll Cost You” Campaign to help create safer communities for us all. The results of pilot initiatives, which the Scottish Government supported, show what can be achieved through strong collaboration and partnership working at a community level.”

Gavin Randall, Retail Operations Director,  Scotmid said: “As a responsible retailer, Scotmid is delighted to support the ‘It’ll Cost You’ proxy purchase campaign.

“Reducing underage drinking and anti-social behaviour linked to alcohol, fits in perfectly with Scotmid’s core purpose ‘to serve our communities and improve peoples’ everyday lives.”

Graham Clarke, Community Alcohol Partnership Coordinator said: “Community Alcohol Partnerships (CAP) is delighted to be supporting the “It’ll Cost You” campaign.  

“Proxy purchase continues to be a challenge across Scotland and the campaign will highlight the dangers and penalties that can result from adults buying alcohol for young people.  

“As part of the campaign, CAP will use the “It’ll Cost You” messaging and resources to support our ongoing work within local partnerships in Scotland to​reduce alcohol harm among young people, improve their health and wellbeing and enhance their communities.”