Self Assessment customers could be a target for fraudsters, HMRC warns

Self Assessment customers who are starting to think about their annual tax returns for the 2021 to 2022 tax year should guard against being targeted by fraudsters, warns HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

In the 12 months to August 2022, HMRC responded to more than 180,000 referrals of suspicious contact from the public, of which almost 81,000 were scams offering fake tax rebates.

Criminals claiming to be from HMRC have targeted individuals by email, text and phone with their communications ranging from offering bogus tax rebates to threatening arrest for tax evasion. Contacts like these should sound alarm bells – HMRC would never call threatening arrest.

Anyone contacted by someone claiming to be from HMRC in a way that arouses suspicion is advised to take their time and check the scams advice on GOV.UK.

Customers can report any suspicious activity to HMRC. They can forward suspicious texts claiming to be from HMRC to 60599 and emails to Any tax scam phone calls can be reported to HMRC using the online form on GOV.UK.

Myrtle Lloyd, HMRC’s Director General for Customer Services, said: “Never let yourself be rushed. If someone contacts you saying they’re from HMRC, wanting you to urgently transfer money or give personal information, be on your guard.

“HMRC will never ring up threatening arrest. Only criminals do that.

“Tax scams come in many forms. Some threaten immediate arrest for tax evasion, others offer a rebate. Contacts like these should set alarm bells ringing, so take your time and check ‘HMRC scams advice’ on GOV.UK.”

Fraudsters target customers when they know they are more likely to be in contact with HMRC, which is why Self Assessment customers should be extra vigilant to this activity. There is a risk they could be taken in by scam texts, emails or calls either offering a ‘refund’ or demanding unpaid tax, thinking that they are genuine HMRC communications referring to their Self Assessment return.

Some customers who have not done a Self Assessment return previously might be tricked into clicking on links in these emails or texts and revealing personal or financial information to criminals.

The deadline for filing paper tax returns for the 2021 to 2022 tax year is 31 October 2022, and 31 January 2023 for those filing their tax return online. Customers who file their return online via GOV.UK should not share their HMRC login details. Someone using the details could steal from the customer or make a fraudulent claim in their name.

HMRC is actively tackling the scams and fraudsters who attempt to mimic genuine HMRC activity and messages. The department’s dedicated Customer Protection Team works continuously to identify and close down scams.

HMRC also tackles misleading websites designed to make people pay for services that should be free or low cost, charging to connect people to free HMRC phone helplines. To protect the public, HMRC formally disputes and takes ownership of HMRC-branded internet domain or website names. Since 2017, the department has recovered more than 183 websites hosting low-value services such as call-connection sites, saving the public millions of pounds.

Scotland’s students warned to watch out for these common online scams

As university students around Scotland enrol on their undergraduate courses this September, scammers continue to employ new and creative methods to defraud unsuspecting students out of thousands of pounds online.

With this in mind, David Janssen, a cybersecurity expert and founder of VPNOverview, has put together a list of the most common online student scams, including what to look out for and how to avoid them.

1. Student Loans Company (SLC) phishing scam

If your course is starting in September this year, then your government student loan will be paid to you in three instalments, which you should receive during September, January and April.

Scammers will choose to send ‘phishing’ emails or texts to students during these months, in which they falsely pose as the Student Loans Company asking you to verify personal banking information. These texts or emails often ask the user to log into their account and confirm their banking details via a ‘secure link’ in order to receive their first loan payment. This link will then direct the user to a copycat webpage that replicates the SLC website, which then steals your personal and banking details.

While these emails can be quite convincing, giveaways you have received an SLC scam email include; spelling or grammatical errors in the body of text, pixelated or stretched images of SLC logos and generic greetings such as ‘Dear Sir/Madam/Student.’

Remember, SLC will never ask you to confirm your bank details via email or text message. Only ever log into your student finance account through the government login portal to check or update your loan payment details. If you suspect you have received a phishing text or email, forward it to or your university IT department before deleting it.

2. HMRC tax rebate scam

University students often choose to take on a part-time job in order to provide an additional source of income to help cover their cost of living. For some this may be their first time in employment, meaning they haven’t paid tax before and are unfamiliar with genuine contact from HMRC, making them more vulnerable to online scammers.

Cybercriminals will send text messages and emails to students, claiming to be from HMRC, stating that the individual is owed a tax refund. The message will then prompt the person to first confirm their details through the link provided in order to receive this money.

Much like Student Loan Company scams, these texts and emails can be quite convincing and will use images and formal language to make the user believe it is legitimate. The link will either lead to a fake website, where the user unknowingly hands over their personal details, or it will download malware onto the user’s device which then harvests their personal information.

It’s important to note that HMRC will never ask you to click through on any links in their communication with you. If you are genuinely entitled to a tax refund, HMRC will send you a letter stating so. If you are unsure whether you have received a scam HMRC email, forward it to where they will confirm whether or not it is a legitimate correspondence. Scam texts can be forwarded for free to 60599.

3. Freshers Week ticket scam

As a new student, you are likely going to worry about missing out on key social events such as Freshers Week, where you can mix with other students during your first week of university.

Scammers will try to exploit students by posting fake student or freshers’ events on Instagram or Facebook, with the aim of pocketing your money. These events will often imply they are the only ‘official’ event and may include phrases such as ‘Limited availability’ or ‘Final Release’ in the event title, creating a sense of urgency to buy tickets so that you don’t miss out.

In reality, Freshers’ Week tickets rarely sell out, and some universities will even allow you to buy them throughout your first week of university. Even when buying a genuine Fresher’s Week ticket or wristband online, you may be required to purchase it through a separate designated website.

The best way to ensure that you are buying from the correct site is to visit your university’s official website and click through to the ticket page from there, rather than searching online or clicking through from Facebook or Instagram pages.

4. Facebook Marketplace scam

The majority of university courses require students to complete some form of additional reading outside of their lecture hours. However, as brand-new course textbooks can be expensive, many students opt for second-hand books from Facebook Marketplace or Facebook resale groups.

Scammers will often set up fake accounts, posing as a Facebook Marketplace seller promising to post the textbooks once you have bank transferred the money. Warning signs that you are dealing with a fraudulent seller include; their profile has only recently joined Facebook, they have limited or no profile pictures or there is little engagement from other users on their profile.

Even if the Facebook user appears authentic and trustworthy, avoid bank transferring money to people you do not know. Suggest meeting up on campus or in a public place, and offer to pay in cash rather than via bank transfer. Alternatively, Amazon sells used copies of textbooks through verified sellers, where you will have a level of buyer protection.

5. Student accommodation rental scam

A few months into your university experience you may begin looking for accommodation for your second year of study, which is often based off campus. Unfortunately, fraudulent landlords will be looking to make a quick buck from unsuspecting students looking to rent shared student accommodation.

One common rental scam involves the would-be ‘landlord’ listing a non-existent property online and then requesting for a holding deposit to be made in order to take the property off the market. The listing is then taken offline, and the landlord is no longer contactable.

Remember, if the price looks too good to be true then it probably is. Make sure you view the property in person before placing any kind of deposit and aim to use a trusted student letting agent to avoid falling victim to this type of scam.

Your university website or student union may also offer a list of verified and trusted letting agents located within your area.

HMRC phishing scams – how to spot and avoid bogus communications

Fake emails, calls and messages suggesting they are from Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) have grown exponentially in the last five years with many people falling foul to fraudsters.

Here, Perrys Chartered Accountants discusses the latest HMRC cyber scams doing the rounds and how to spot bogus communications:

In 2021, HMRC received more than 670,000 calls from individuals reporting tax scams. Despite a significant drop in reports to HMRC in recent months, statistics show that tax-related scams doubled during the pandemic and HMRC is still advising caution of any correspondence – particularly via text or email – implying it is from the tax authority.

Scams can come in many forms. However, the most common tactic used by fraudsters is contacting potential victims via automated messages. So, what should you look out for?

HMRC email scams

Phishing attacks aren’t new, but the tactics employed by fraudsters have become increasingly sophisticated over the years with many able to replicate email addresses from authorities, such as HMRC, that on first glance look bona fide.

These attacks aim to extract personal information and data from an individual that enables fraudsters to steal identities, bank details and more.

One such campaign doing the rounds is an email telling customers that they are eligible to receive an employment income support scheme credit during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you receive such an email, you should not reply to it, click on any links in the email or open any attachments. You should also avoid disclosing any personal or payment information. Instead, report it immediately to HMRC by emailing it to

Fake tax rebates

Another common scam is the offer of a tax rebate either via text or email. HMRC will never contact anyone by text or email about tax rebates, so any messages received offering a refund will certainly be fake. If you receive any such message, do not reply but report it to HMRC and then delete it.

Be wary of website links and malicious web pages

HMRC will never ask you to click on a link to complete your details online to receive a rebate.

Web pages can also be dangerous with many fake sites cloning or copying official pages from HMRC’s website or claiming to be officially affiliated with the tax authority. To avoid being fooled by a fake website, always visit HMRC directly by typing the government’s official URL into your browser.

HMRC text scams

HMRC will never ask for any personal or financial information when sending out texts. If you receive such a text, do not reply to it or open any links contained in the message. Instead, you can send any phishing text messages to HMRC using the text number 60599 or by emailing it to

HMRC phone scams

Phone scams are performed using a variety of methods and are often used to target elderly and vulnerable people.

A popular way for fraudsters to target potential victims is by using an automated message. HMRC is aware of a scam which tells the receiver that they are the subject of a lawsuit and to press 1 to speak to a caseworker to make a payment. This is false. If you receive such a call, you should end it immediately.

Other similar scams might refer to National Insurance number fraud or tax refunds and will ask you to supply bank or credit card information. If you are at all unsure, or you cannot verify the caller, hang up and report it to Action Fraud.

When reporting phone scams, you should include the date of the call, the phone number used to contact you and what the call was about. You can also contact HMRC directly on its phone number 0300 200 3310 to verify the legitimacy of any calls you receive alleging to be from the authority.

HMRC WhatsApp scams

HMRC will never use WhatsApp to contact customers about a tax refund. If you receive any such communication via WhatsApp saying it is from HMRC, you should report it immediately by emailing HMRC and then delete it.

HMRC social media scams

One of the most recent social media scams being used to con people is the distribution of direct messages via Twitter offering a tax refund. These messages are not genuine and HMRC will never use social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn, to offer tax rebates or request personal information. Ignore all such messages and report them to HMRC straight away.

HMRC refund companies

Refund companies that send emails or texts advertising their services and offering to apply for a tax rebate on your behalf in return for a fee are not connected with HMRC in any way. Before using any such service, you should read the company’s terms and conditions or disclaimers and think carefully before instructing them to assist you. If in doubt, contact a professional accountant for advice.

HMRC customs duty scams

Changes officially introduced by HMRC on 1 January 2021 mean that some UK consumers buying goods from EU businesses might need to pay customs charges when their goods are delivered. This change in regulations has resulted in a surge of associated email and text scams asking for customs duty payments.

Customers are contacted via false emails or texts and told they must pay customs duty to receive a valuable parcel which doesn’t exist. If you are not expecting any parcel or if you are in any doubt as to the authenticity of such messages, then do not reply. Instead, you should report any suspicious activity to HMRC immediately by emailing

University students taking part-time jobs

According to HMRC, undergraduates taking part-time jobs are at increased risk of falling victim to scams – particularly if they are new to interacting with the tax authority and unfamiliar with its processes.

Between April and May 2021, more than 5,000 phone scams were reported to HMRC by 18 to 24 year olds. The advice is to be wary if you are contacted out of the blue by someone asking for money or personal information.

Mike Fell, Head of Cyber Security Operations of HMRC, said: “We see high numbers of fraudsters contacting people claiming to be from HMRC. If in doubt, our advice is – do not reply directly to anything suspicious, but contact HMRC through GOV.UK straight away and search GOV.UK for ‘HMRC scams’.

For further information and guidance about HMRC phishing scams, visit HMRC’s official web page

The Little Book of Big Scams

Nobody, whether a business or individual, wants to be a victim of a scam and suffer the financial loss, frustration and worry that it causes.

The information contained in this booklet can provide you with enough knowledge to have confidence in going about your daily business without the fear of falling foul of a scam.

You can view the booklet here ⬇️…/Little-Book-of-Big-Scams…

Social media sites rife with scam car insurance ‘ghost brokers’, says Which?

Social media sites are rife with dodgy companies offering car insurance that is either non-existent or missing key details, resulting in tens of thousands of drivers being potentially left uninsured on the roads, Which? research has found.

‘Ghost broking’ is a scam that cost its average victim £1,950 last year. It involves ‘brokers’ forging insurance paperwork completely or more commonly selling victims a ‘real’ policy at a reduced price, by changing some of the victim’s details in the application, such as their address or claims record. It leaves those affected potentially liable for fraud and at risk of penalties for driving uninsured.

Ghost brokers mainly operate online, particularly on social media. In May, Which? searched on social media platforms for profiles and pages that showed signs of being run by scammers.

Which? analysed the first 50 pages returned from a search for ‘cheap car insurance’ on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Of the 47 profiles that matched Which?’s search on Instagram, more than half, 25, appeared to be offering quotes or cover to UK drivers, while showing no signs of being authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

In a separate search, Which? found one Instagram profile that boasted it could save customers ‘up to 50%’ on their premium – it also offered ‘NCB (no-claims bonus) Documents’ and ‘Speeding Ticket Removal’. It had 45,900 followers – more than the five biggest insurers combined – and claimed to have ‘over six years experience in [its] field’. It also had a sister profile with an additional 15,200 followers. Which? flagged these to Instagram, and both have since been taken down.

On Facebook, seven pages of the 50 profiles were dubious. On video-sharing site TikTok, two of the 50 profiles analysed were suspect.

Experts Which? spoke with in the police and insurance industry seem to agree that ghost brokers generally operate most prolifically on Facebook and Instagram.

According to the Insurance Fraud Bureau, last year insurers collectively reported more than 21,000 policies that could be connected to the scam.

Some victims will not report being scammed because they are too embarrassed. Others might be aware their quotes have been manipulated, but ghost brokers can be persuasive in downplaying the significance of this.

Some ghost brokers also put real effort into creating a positive word-of-mouth buzz, which helps them seem trustworthy.

Some 517 cases of ghost broking – with losses totalling £1 million – were reported to Action Fraud in 2021. However, this will only be people who make a report to Action Fraud and actually know that they have bought a fraudulent policy. The true numbers are likely to be much higher.

Many of these losses, unsurprisingly, were from young drivers, who face the steepest premiums. Ghost brokers also heavily target non-native English speakers.

People who have not even bought a policy can also be affected by the scam through having their address or other details used as part of forged insurance paperwork.

To test how social media platforms are vetting unregulated insurance middlemen, Which? set up six accounts of its own on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, claiming to be car insurance brokers.

Which? promised cheap quotes and asked interested drivers to contact via a mobile phone number or directly message through the website.

The two profiles Which? set up on Facebook were taken down by the site within a few days, as was an Instagram profile linked to an email address containing the word ‘ghostbrokerscammer’. However, a second Instagram profile, connected to a less conspicuous email with a ‘normal’ name (e.g. ‘johnsmith’), stayed up for 35 days until Which? took it down.

The two TikTok profiles, one linked to a ‘ghostbrokerscammer’ email, also stayed up for the same period.

Which? believes social media companies should have stronger processes in place to protect consumers from fraudulent pages offering financial services.

When the Online Safety Bill comes into force, platforms should be required to prevent this kind of activity. To ensure this is the case, Which? is calling on the government to amend the Bill to ensure its definition of fraud does not allow some scammers to slip through the net and to guarantee that Ofcom has appropriate powers to adequately enforce the Bill when it becomes law.

Meanwhile, consumers should be wary of insurance brokers selling their services on social media and carry out other basic background checks to ensure they are not buying a fraudulent or misleading insurance policy – and are dealing with a company that is actually authorised by the FCA.

Jenny Ross, Which? Money Editor, said: “Ghost broking is a really nasty kind of fraud, where scammers operate by stealth and typically take advantage of those who feel locked out of, or bewildered by, the car insurance market.

“Social media sites must do much more to crack down on car insurance scammers that are infiltrating their sites and harming consumers, and should address these problems now, ahead of the Online Safety Bill becoming law.

“The Online Safety Bill should require platforms to tackle this type of fraudulent content. The government must ensure this happens by amending the Bill so that its definition of fraud does not allow some scammers to slip through the net and guaranteeing Ofcom is ready to enforce these new laws when they come into force.”

HMRC urges caution as fraudsters seek to hijack personal tax accounts

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is today warning customers not to share sensitive personal information online to avoid their identities being used to commit tax fraud.

HMRC is aware that criminals are attempting to obtain customers’ Government Gateway logins and other personal details, enabling them to register for Income Tax Self Assessment and submit bogus tax refund claims before pocketing the repayment.

Individuals, ranging from teenagers to pensioners, are being targeted on social media platforms by fraudsters seeking to ‘borrow’ their identities. In return, the individual is promised a cut of the tax refund ‘risk-free’.

Handing over sensitive personal information to criminals like this, even inadvertently, risks individuals involving themselves in tax fraud, and having to pay back the full value of the fraudulent claim.

Customers should therefore only deal with HMRC directly or through their tax advisor in relation to their Self Assessment tax refunds.

Simon Cubitt, Head of Cybercrime, HMRC said: “People need to think extremely carefully before they involve themselves in an arrangement like this, because if something looks too good to be true, then it almost certainly is.

“Those who get involved risk becoming the victim of blackmail, threats of violence and wider abuse of their personal information, as criminals seek to exploit them further.

“I urge anyone who may be aware of these dishonest attempts to recruit individuals into criminality, to report it us by searching ‘Report Fraud HMRC’ on GOV.UK and completing our online form.”

In addition to their Government Gateway credentials, customers may also be asked to provide details of their bank account, passport, driving licence, address, date of birth, and National Insurance number.

HMRC is working with other law enforcement agencies and social media companies to tackle criminality on online platforms.

Last month (10 February), HMRC made coordinated arrests of four individuals aged between 16 and 33 in Hertfordshire, Bristol, Derbyshire and Buckinghamshire as part of an investigation into suspected Self Assessment repayment fraud and money laundering offences. Investigations are ongoing.

HMRC: One million people use extra time to file tax return

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has revealed that more than one million customers filed their late tax returns in February – taking advantage of the extra time to complete their Self Assessment without facing a penalty.

About 12.2 million customers were expected to file a return for the 2020/21 tax year and more than 11.3 million customers submitted theirs by 28 February.

The deadline for submitting tax returns was 31 January but, this year, HMRC gave customers an extra month to complete it. If customers filed their returns in February, they would avoid a late filing penalty.

HMRC has given customers until 1 April to pay their outstanding tax bill or set up a Time to Pay arrangement to avoid receiving a late payment penalty. Interest has been applied to all outstanding balances since 1 February.

Myrtle Lloyd, HMRC’s Director General for Customer Services, said: “We understand some customers might be worrying about paying their Self Assessment bill this year, and we want to support them.

“To see if you’re eligible to set up a payment plan, go to GOV.UK and search ‘pay my Self Assessment’.”

Lucy Frazer, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, said: “Today’s stats show how vital the extra month was in supporting the cash flows of more than a million self-employed people and businesses across the UK, helping to ensure their survival as we recover from the pandemic.”

The existing Time to Pay service allows any individual or business who needs it the option to spread their tax payments over time. Self Assessment taxpayers with up to £30,000 of tax debt can do this online once they have filed their return.

If customers owe more than £30,000, or need longer to pay, they should call the Self Assessment Payment Helpline on 0300 200 3822.

Customers can now make Self Assessment payments quickly and securely through the HMRC app. Customers choosing to make secure Self Assessment payments through the HMRC app can either connect to their bank to make their payments or pay by Direct Debit, personal debit card or corporate/commercial credit/debit card.

A full list of the payment methods customers can use to pay their Self Assessment tax bill is available on GOV.UK.

HMRC urges everyone to be alert if they are contacted out of the blue by someone asking for money or personal information.

Customers should always type in the full online address to get the correct link for filing their Self Assessment return online securely and free of charge. HMRC sees high numbers of fraudsters emailing, calling or texting people claiming to be from the department. If you’re in doubt, do not reply directly to anything suspicious, but contact HMRC straight away and search GOV.UK for ‘HMRC scams’.

Beware romance fraud this Valentine’s

POLICE are urging you to look out for friends and family this Valentine’s Day to help them stay safe from romance fraud.

Criminals go to great lengths to use fake profiles in an attempt to build seemingly genuine relationships, before appealing to your compassionate side to ask for money.

Your friend or family member may be involved in a romance scam if they express very strong emotions and commitment to someone they have only just met.

Another sign may be if they have sent, or are planning to send, money to someone they have not met face-to-face.

If you think someone you know has fallen for a romance scam they should contact their bank immediately and report it to Action Fraud.

Public warned of police impersonation bank fraud scam

Police Scotland is urging the public to remain vigilant for an ongoing fraudulent banking scam involving people impersonating police officers.

Between October 2021 and January 2022, over 30 reports have been received from members of the public, who have either been visited or contacted by individuals claiming to be Police Scotland officers.

On each occasion, the victim was contacted by telephone from someone claiming to be from a bank fraud department and advised that their bank account had been compromised. They were then requested to either transfer money remotely to another account online or attend at a bank and remove cash, which would later be collected by a police officer. 

While not every attempt to extort money was successful, those responsible defrauded a number of victims across Forth Valley, Fife, Lanarkshire, Dumfries and Galloway, Tayside, Ayrshire and the Scottish Borders.

More than £300,000 has been defrauded from victims and inquiries to identify those responsible are ongoing. Anyone with information is asked to come forward.

In the meantime, police are offering advice to stop people falling victim to this scam and will be leafleting across Scotland to help educate communities on how police will engage with the public in person, over the phone and online.

Superintendent Hilary Sloan from Partnerships, Prevention and Community Wellbeing Division said: “While there are a number of ways police officers may look to contact you, please be mindful of this scam and always be suspicious of any unexpected contact.

“If you receive such a call, or visit, ask for the officer’s details and which department they work for. If the contact is by telephone, hang up and if possible use a different phone to contact the police service via 101, where you will speak to genuine members of Police Scotland and can request police officer verification. 

“We began a national roll-out of new identification cards, which feature an up-to-date picture of the officer, along with other key information and various security enhancements that make them extremely difficult to replicate. This roll-out was started in October 2021 and all police officers should be able to provide this identification when carrying out legitimate police business.

“If you receive an email claiming to be from Police Scotland with a link to an external site to make a payment, this may also be fraudulent. Be aware of phishing scams and verify that any link provided is genuine. If you receive something claiming to be from us requesting any form of payment, contact us via 101 to investigate this matter before parting with your money.

“We are treating this ongoing scam with the utmost seriousness and have officers around the country pursuing various lines of inquiry.”

Those with information can contact Police Scotland via 101. Alternatively, an anonymous report can be made to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Scam HMRC phone call reports drop by 97%

Reports of scam HMRC phone calls have fallen by 97% over the last 12 months, latest HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) figures show, which display a downward trend in reports overall throughout the past year.

Reports of scammers impersonating HMRC in phone calls peaked at 79,477 in March 2021 and fell to just 2,491 in December 2021.

The fall in scam call reports to HMRC has also been seen elsewhere with an 92% drop in phishing email reports and a 97% drop in scam text reports over the last year.

These significant results are testament to some of the work of teams across HMRC in tackling these attempts to defraud people, including dedicated customer protection teams and helplines, tools to refer scams, and use of innovative technologies. It also signals that the public is more aware of cyber criminals and the methods they use to trick people, in part thanks to HMRC’s awareness raising efforts, meaning fewer members of the public have been the subject of scammers and attempts to steal their money.

All of HMRC’s work to protect the public and make people aware of scams and the advice available on GOV.UK, has helped move HMRC from third most phished brand globally to outside the top 100.

Mike Fell, HMRC’s Head of Cyber Security Operations, said: “We work incredibly hard to protect the public from these criminals who ruin lives by stealing from people. It’s great news that fewer people are receiving and reporting these attempted frauds, but it is still important they continue to report suspicious contact to us. We will continue to do everything we can to protect the public from these cynical attempts to impersonate HMRC to steal from people.

“Our advice is – never let yourself be rushed. If someone contacts you saying they are from HMRC, wanting you to urgently transfer money or give personal information, be on your guard. HMRC will never ring up threatening arrest, only criminals do that. Contacts like these should set alarm bells ringing, so take your time and check HMRC scams advice on GOV.UK.”

Some HMRC-themed scams originate abroad. HMRC works closely with national and international law enforcement agencies to combat scams, including collaboration with India as a key international partner in tackling the organised crime groups that run these scams.

Work by the Indian authorities last year resulted in multiple arrests and the closure of criminal call centre operations. In June 2021, 51 people were arrested at two call centres in Delhi, India, that were dedicated to facilitating HMRC scams.

HMRC has a dedicated Customer Protection team working on cyber and phone crime around the clock, closing down scams and sharing intelligence with law enforcement agencies. HMRC also deploys innovative technologies to prevent misleading and malicious communications that impersonate its genuine e-mail channels, from ever reaching the public. Since 2017 these technical controls have allowed HMRC to prevent 500 million bogus emails reaching customers.

 More recently, new controls have prevented 90% of the most convincing text messages from reaching the public and joint working with industry partners has prevented the spoofing of most of HMRC’s helpline numbers.

In the last year, HMRC has responded to 670,793 referrals of suspicious contact from the public, with 283,157 of these cases offering bogus tax rebates. Others threaten arrest for tax evasion or offer fake financial support.

As part of HMRC’s action to combat voice scams, the department has set up a direct referral route on GOV.UK where people can report HMRC-related telephone phishing.

HMRC also works with the telecoms industry to remove phone numbers being used to commit HMRC-related phone scams. In December 2021, four phone numbers being used to commit HMRC-related phone scams were removed, which is likely to have prevented hundreds of scam calls being made.

HMRC uses a range of modern methods when communicating with its customers. Criminals will often then try to duplicate those methods to take advantage of people. HMRC is doing everything it can to stay one step ahead of the criminals to keep its customers and their information safe.

Search ‘scams’ on GOV.UK for information on how to recognise genuine HMRC contact and how to avoid scams. Forward suspicious texts claiming to be from HMRC to 60599 and emails to tax scam phone calls on GOV.UK.