Get ready for Granton Autumn Festival

Granton Autumn Festival event

on Saturday 26th October 11am – 4pm.

The one day event includes live music, dancing, arts workshops, food tastersThe event kicks off in Granton Community Gardens with the  Barrow Band singing songs about eating your fruit and vegetables, is very child/family friendly!

From 1pm -4pm in  Royston Wardieburn Community Centre we have fantastic live music and dance line such as the Dr Reelgood Ceilidh BandOne Tribe African dance and more….

We have lots of arts and crafts taster workshops. 

The library bus and a chill-out room in the centre for young people to drop-in by the Granton Youth Project.

The Food tasters will have a multicultural influence from Chinese noodles, Indian savouries, Polish dumplings, Italian focaccia and a fruity selection of Mock cocktails by Granton Youth Project volunteers.

The event is being delivered in partnership by Royston Wardiburn Community Centre, Pilton Community HealthProject, Granton Comunity Gardeners, Granton Youth Project and City of Einburgh Council.

We want to make it a great day FREE out for the whole community !



Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden public meeting

The Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden became a charity in December 2018 (SCIO no SC048884).

We will therefore give a report on the finances and activities of the organisation up to the end of its time as an unincorporated community group.

This will be a public meeting and you are welcome to come along to Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on Monday 2 September at 5pm.



Roots by Routes display launched at Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre

Roots by Routes is a celebration of people and places across Pilton, Muirhouse, Granton and Drylaw. An initiative by Sustrans and Pilton Community Health Project, the project will see informative story pictureboards displayed along a section of the North Edinburgh cycle path. Continue reading Roots by Routes display launched at Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre