Home to Roost!

Birdhouse exhibition is open until Wednesday


ROOST is a design & maker project based in Muirhouse, North Edinburgh.

The months of planning and making workshops are finally over – our Muirhouse bird houses are finally home to roost!

ROOST is a design and maker arts project based in Muirhouse shopping centre. Over recent weeks artist Linsday Perth has been working with local groups and individuals to make, design and build birdhouses. Woodworkers, bird watchers, DIYers, recyclers, students, sewers, gardeners, computer coders, nature lovers, health workers, knitters and natterers all got involved and let their imaginations run wild!

The exhibition launched on Thursday when gloomy old Muirhouse Shopping Centre was brightened by 200 imaginatively decorated birdhouses housing an interactive light installation (below – and there are more on our Facebook page).

For more info see www.roostproject.org or get in touch with Lindsay on 07719 501315 or email her here.

There’s still time to see this unusual exhibition. Pop into Muirhouse Shopping Centre on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week between 12 – 4pm – you’ll love it!





Watch the birdies! Roost exhibition launch

Please see information (below) about the ‘Roost’ exhibition and launch to be staged in Muirhouse Shopping Centre on the Thursday 24 November from 3pm to 7pm, with the exhibition continuing in the days afterwards.

Led by artist Lindsay Perth, ‘Roost’ is part of the artist residencies linked to the NW Edinburgh Partnership Centre, based at NEA and funded by Creative Scotland and the Edinburgh & Lothian Health Trust.

Full details can be found at www.roostproject.org


ROOST: ‘Doo’ get involved!

New creative project starts this Thursday evening


Want to see more magpies in Muirhouse? More robins in Royston? More tits in Telford? (We’ll stop there …)

Like to learn to build bird houses?

roost calling