The Scottish Road Safety Framework, with input from IAM RoadSmart, the UK’s largest independent road safety charity, has set the goal of having the best road safety performance in the world by 2030.
Central to the road safety vision for Scotland, fully endorsed by IAM RoadSmart, is the ‘Safe System’ approach with its five core pillars which include: Safe Road Use, Safe Vehicles, Safe Speeds, Safe Roads and Roadsides and Post-Crash Response.
IAM RoadSmart, a strong advocate of road safety targets, is also using last week’s Scottish announcement to urge the Department for Transport to reinstate targets in England.

Neil Greig, IAM RoadSmart Director of Policy & Research, said: “For every nation, the setting of road safety targets has been a catalyst for improvement in road deaths and injury numbers.
“Road safety organisations across the UK agree that targets work but the Department for Transport in London no longer use them. So today we have to ask the question, if Scotland can set road safety targets, why can’t England?”
Indeed, the unveiled Scottish Road Safety Framework sets a clear strategy for improvements while working alongside other government policies in environment, health and transport.
Meanwhile, IAM RoadSmart is also welcoming the inclusion of targeting the improvement in the number of motorists involved in accidents while driving for work, an area in which it is well placed to help Scottish companies adopt best practice in fleet safety.
The adoption of specific measures to promote safer motorcycling is also strongly welcomed by IAM RoadSmart.
However, while welcoming the announcement, IAM RoadSmart has urged a word of caution. Neil added: “It is vital that investment in road safety does not become a victim of any post pandemic spending cuts.
“Given the broad nature of the impact road safety has this should include protected funding for Police Scotland to deliver enforcement, Road Safety Scotland to deliver education campaigns, and for Transport Scotland and local councils to deliver engineering solutions and maintain our existing roads properly.”
To download Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030, click here.