Retail trade union Usdaw has today (5 March) released shocking statistics from its annual survey showing that abuse and threats against shop workers continue to grow, with violence remaining at double pre-pandemic levels.
The increase in incidents comes during an epidemic of retail crime.
Usdaw’s survey of 1,011 Scottish retail staff found that in the last twelve months (national average):
- 70% have experienced verbal abuse (77%).
- 45% were threatened by a customer (53%).
- 8% were assaulted (10%).
Full report: www.usdaw.org.uk/FFFReport2024

Scottish voices from the frontline: These are some of the comments Scottish shop workers shared when responding to Usdaw’s survey:
Central Scotland: “Punched in the shoulder and verbal abuse – being called names and sworn at.” – “Shouted at for tills not working.” – “Customer tried to grab my face.” – “Colleague got stabbed with screwdriver.” – I get deliberately misgendered.”
Glasgow: “Daily verbal abuse even when asking customers to scan their bags.” – “Held up at knifepoint.” – “Couple stole jars of coffee, asked for them back and they smashed a jar of coffee on my head.” – “Punched on chin and chest.”
Highlands and Islands: “Threatened with a bottle after customer stole beer.” – “Aggression over being asked for ID, unwanted sexual attention.” – “Customer came behind cash desk and was in my face, telling me she’d be waiting on me.”
Lothian: “Racially abusive statements made to me and about me.” – “Grabbed by the scruff of my work jacket and shook me whilst yelling I had ruined their son’s Christmas because we were out of a specific chocolate.” – “Being called a bitch.”
Mid-Scotland and Fife: “Men following to the car.” – “Customers unhappy with self-service. Shouting at me or talking in a bad way.” – “Customers being volatile when you will not sell them age-restricted items due to no ID.”
North East Scotland: “Theft and threatening behaviour towards myself or my colleagues is a daily occurrence. Worst I have experienced.” – “Referred to as a bloody shelf stacker.” – “Customers shouting at you pushing trollies into you.”
South Scotland: “Kick up the bum by customer.” – “Customers grabbing my waist, pulling my hair, grabbing my shoulder/arms/legs, telling me they stalk me, telling me to meet them after work, making sexual comments toward me.”
West Scotland: “Called a f**kng moron because I was pulling a trolley on the shop floor.” – “Drunk football fans – alcohol purchase rejection – backed against wall poked in the eye – grabbed by others in the group preventing me from alerting security.”

Paddy Lillis – Usdaw General Secretary says: “Scottish retail workers suffer far too many incidents of violence, abuse and threats. No-one should feel afraid to go to work, but our evidence shows that too many retail workers are.
“It is shocking that over three-quarters of our members working in retail are being abused, threatened and assaulted for simply doing their job and serving the community. They provide an essential service and deserve our respect and the protection of the law.
“Scotland has had a protection of shop workers law in place since 2021, after Labour’s Daniel Johnson MSP promoted the legislation, and it has already been used in around 10,000 incidents.
“We continue to work with retailers, the Scottish Government and Police Scotland to help ensure that legislation is fully utilised and that retail workers receive the protection and respect they deserve”.