Welcome to your November Newsletter

Come and coorie-in
Work continues to bring the Heart up to the state where it can open fully to the public, but in the meantime, those of you who missed our Enliven event recently, need not worry.
We’re holding another taster event on Saturday 26th November, from 2 to 4pm.
This is a Coorie-In as winter approaches, where you’ll be able to take part in all sorts of craft activities and visit different parts of the site – the Anchor Building, The Creel Building and the Victoria Building. Different activities will be taking place in each.
Some of our recently trained volunteers will be ready to welcome you to a reminiscence session in the Atrium; The History of Education Centre will invite you to visit the transformed classroom on the first floor which will be the new home of the Victorian Schoolroom; The Men of Leith’s Shed will welcome you to their workshop in the Creel Building and tell you about their new Repair Shop, while the Anchor Building and the old gym hall will host numerous physical activities and craft sessions.
Do come along and see what’s on offer. There will even be food tastings!
Don’t miss it.
Can you help?

If you’ve visited the blog page on the website, you will have seen that there are various questions being posed of you. If you haven’t visited, check it out.
We’re searching for the families of two men who taught at VPS during the First World War. Please do have a look and see if you can help.
The latest blog also features an intriguing find in the Victoria Building. Do you recognise it? It is burned into the floor on the first floor.
Any information about it would be welcome
Volunteer Day
Those of you who have volunteered to help out at the Heart are being invited to a chat with our Volunteer Coordinator, Bryan, a tour of the site with our Manager, Roger, and maybe even a sandwich or a coffee and cake, on Saturday 19th November, from 11 till 2.
Please register to volunteer via the volunteering page on the website and let us now what activities you would be interested in helping with.
We would like to know by Tuesday 22nd if you will attend the event so that we can get the catering right.

Finally, we are pleased to welcome the Edinburgh-based youth theatre group Lyra to present our very first public performance in the Heart.
This will be Snowstorm, a charming winter’s tale for children aged 5-8. It will take place on Monday 21st November at 6pm.
Tickets are free but are strictly limited and must be booked in advance.
Email admin@heartofnewhavencommunity.co.uk with Snowstorm in the title, to enquire about availability, and pass the word along to those who might not otherwise have heard about it.
See you soon.