Letters: It’s time to share the wealth

Dear Editor

When you consider the vast array of skills developedand used every day by working people in all walks of life; it is truly amazing.

We all rely on the skills of others in so many ways.

Sometimes we forget that it is people like us who are providing all the goods and services that we take for granted. It is the ordinary working people who, with their skill and compassion, make life possible for everyone.

It is the same 99% of the peoplewho create, clean, repair and care for us that also generate the wealth, but have little control over. The ownership of that wealth has now become the property of others.

The workers who created the wealth now find themselves with no say in how it should be invested or distributed, and low pay and unfairness continues.

The workers who created the wealth now find themselves with no say in how it should be invested or distributed and low pay and unfairness continues.

The wealth created by the 99% now belongs to the few. It is time that this historic confidence trick is challenged and all workers are awarded, and involved in, who benefits from our national wealth.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens

Letters: It’s time to neuter the fat cats

Dear Editor

The massive salaries, bonuses, expenses and other payments to ‘top people’ running into billions of pounds is seen by the majority of working people as totally obscene. How on Earth can it be justified, let alone accepted by them with a clear conscience, when the people who actually produce the wealth are struggling to survive, or ‘just managing’?

Even the government says things should change, but saying ‘should change’ does not mean ‘will change’.

Those who receive such payments cannot possibily spend it all, raising the temptation of investing it in tax free accounts. This also affects the majority of the working population by depriving the country of tax payments that could help pay for services like the NHS.

There must be a maximum limit set on the total amount any individual can get and there must also be a total ban on tax havens , all income being subjected to the Pay as You Earn tax.

This is the minimum start required to bring about the changes needed in the distribution of the wealth produced by working people.

A. Delahoy, Silverknowes Gardens