Keeping the faith: Port of Leith commended for housing development

Magdalene DrivePort of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) was commended for Large Scale Development of the Year for its Magdalene Drive at last week’s Saltire Awards.

The Association developed 23 affordable homes for social rent and a church centre on the site of St Martin’s Church which had been demolished, and a new, more modern facility was built for the local congregation alongside the new homes.

It was officially launched last December marking a significant impact in the regeneration of the area.

Keith Anderson, Chief Executive for Port of Leith Housing Association, said: “We are delighted to have been commended for our Magdalene Drive development. It is the third time we have developed new affordable housing alongside local facilities for faith groups and the local community.

“Creating communities in which people want to live is more than simply providing a roof over people’s heads. It’s providing good-quality, energy efficient housing people are proud of; it’s supporting individuals and families and local groups and bringing people together within their community.”

Doors open at Great Junction Street

Great Junction Street development launched

Port of Leith photographs by Alan Peebles

Port of Leith Housing Association and subsidiary company Persevere Developments Limited’s latest development has been officially opened by Malcolm Chisholm MSP.

The new affordable housing development at Great Junction Street consists of 32 high quality and energy efficient homes – nine one bedroom and 23 two bedroom properties – providing 20 new homes for social rent and 12 for mid market rent.

Located in the centre of a busy shopping street, the ground floor has also been designed as a large commercial space which has been leased to local community group, The Junction, providing health, education and support services to young people.

Malcolm Chisholm, Labour MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith, said: “I am delighted to be officially opening this outstanding housing development which has been named as one of the top affordable housing developments in the UK. There is always a desperate need for more affordable homes in this city and I am pleased that once again Port of Leith Housing Association is providing such high quality, energy efficient homes.

“I am very pleased also that the superb The Junction is benefiting from spacious new premises on the ground floor.”

In keeping with the surrounding buildings, the exterior is stone and the properties feature Solar Thermal Heating provided by panels located on the roof.

The main contractor was CCG Limited and the architect was EMA. The £4.23million development was funded by a combination of private finance raised by PoLHA and a Government grant allocated by the City of Edinburgh Council.

Great Junction Street has recently been named as one of the top 50 affordable housing developments in the UK and is also shortlisted for a “Homes for Scotland” award.

Keith Anderson, Chief Executive of Port of Leith Housing Association, said:

“We are extremely pleased to have completed these new homes in what has been a complex and challenging process for us over the past few years. The development, design and construction team should be congratulated for their efforts.

“Working closely with the City of Edinburgh Council and other funders we are able to provide much needed additional high quality, energy efficient and affordable homes in the heart of Leith plus the added bonus of enabling The Junction, which is a highly valued local community project, to locate its services in new modern facilities.”

PoLHA has built the mid market rent homes on behalf of its wholly owned subsidiary company Persevere Developments Ltd (PDL) which was set up in 2011 to enable the Association to offer a wider variety of affordable housing in future.

PoLHA owns over 2700 properties throughout Leith and the wider North Edinburgh area and has plans to deliver 400 more new affordable homes over the next few years through the Association and its subsidiary Persevere Developments Limited.

Pictured: (left to right: Keith Anderson (PoLHA Chief Executive), Jack Hunter (PoLHA Chairman), Great Junction Street tenant Julie Crawford, Malcolm Chisholm MSP and Philip Neaves (Chairman of Persevere Developments Ltd).

Cracking fun at St Nick’s


Port of Leith Housing Association’s (PoLHA) St Nicholas Court sheltered housing complex raised over £450 at its eggstra-special Easter-themed lunch last week.

The complex, on Leith’s Ferry Road, had an array of stalls including a raffle, home baking and ceramic painting.

There was also an Easter egg hunt, which was won by residents Ian and May Vanhagen (pictured) who donated their chocolate egg to the new Teen Cancer Unit at the Western General Hospital.

Maureen Tait Senior Sheltered Housing Co-ordinator with PoLHA manages the complex. She said: “Our fundraiser was thoroughly enjoyed by residents and visitors and we’re delighted to have raised over £450, which will go towards activities and days out.”

All funds raised will go towards supporting activities for residents including day trips, theatre trips, exercise classes and lunch clubs.

Citadel performs Leith at War


Residents from Port of Leith’s Hermitage Court sheltered housing complex and pupils from St Mary’s Primary school were treated to a wartime play presented by Citadel Arts Group last week.

‘Leith at War’ is about a Leith-based family living through World War II. Brother and sister Eck and Frankie are living with their grampa, a WWI vet. As schools temporary closed during the war, and lessons held in pupils’ homes, this gives Grampa the chance to talk to the class about the War in Leith.

Cast members Rob Flett, Nicky McCabe, Iona Soper, and Nick Cheales entertained the audience with a performance that rekindled memories of the dark days of war for many members of the audience. It also offered an opportunity for youngsters to hear wartime experiences war from people who lived through it.

Liz Hare, Artistic Director at Citadel Arts Group, said: “We’ll be performing the play at Leith Festival in June and hope to get some useful ideas and feedback from our inter-generational audience today.

“The school pupils and tenants enjoyed a chat after the show in which they talked about the older people’s own war memories, and after Easter the children will come back to Hermitage Court with some of their own scenes based on Leith at War.”

Susie Connery, Scheme Co-ordinator at the Port of Leith Housing Association’s Hermitage Court sheltered housing complex, said: “The residents really enjoyed the performance as it gave them the opportunity to talk about their memories and experiences, whereas it was educational for the pupils learning what happened on their doorsteps over 70 years ago.”

Simply Great! Award for Leith housing development

Front Aspect

Port of Leith Housing Association’s (PoLHA) Great Junction Street development has been named as one of Inside Housing’s top 50 affordable housing developments.

The 32 affordable homes, made up of nine one bedroom and 23 two bedroom properties, have been built for social and mid-market rent and are will be officially opened later this month.

Twenty of the flats are available for social rent, priced at £323 for a one bedroom flat and £358 a month for a two bedroom flat. The remaining 12 homes, available for mid market rent, are priced at £445 a month for a one bedroom and £555 for a two bedroom property.

The ground floor has been designed as a large retail unit which is currently leased to local Edinburgh community group The Junction.

Keith Anderson, Chief Executive of PoLHA, said: “We’re delighted to have been recognised as one of Inside Housing’s top 50 affordable housing developments from across the UK.

“High rents in the open market and tough mortgage criteria to buy a house make it increasingly difficult for people to access and live in good quality homes. We recognise the variety of housing requirements for people in Edinburgh which is why the Great Junction Street development will help meet a wider range of needs.”


Up the Junction – Sir Harry opens new premises

Sam Anderson & Sir Harry Burns

Junction moves just along the road – to a new world!

Sir Harry Burns, Chief Medical Officer for Scotland, has officially opened The Junction’s new premises.

Based at 160 Great Junction Street for eight years, the community organisation has now moved to 82-86 Great Junction Street and is leasing the brand new premises from Port of Leith Housing Association.

Set up in 2005 by the organisation’s Director Sam Anderson as a partnership response to an action research project, The Junction provides confidential health related services, education and support for young people aged 12-21 in Leith and North East Edinburgh. It has helped thousands of young people in the city and has author Irvine Welsh as its patron.

The Junction’s Sam Anderson said: “We are delighted to have Sir Harry Burns officially open our new premises. It’s important to listen to young people and find out what they think and want, which is why they have been consulted throughout the evolution of the Junction.”

Sam added: “We continue to be able to successfully respond to the expressed health and wellbeing needs of local young people because of the partnership nature of our work. Port of Leith Housing Association is a key partner, committed to delivering a quality, purpose built building for our award winning work in supporting young people, and has done so to brilliant results.

“We owe them an immense debt as while just a few hundred yards along the road from our old premises our new space feels a world away.”

Sir Harry Burns said: “Young people are the lifeblood of the community and it’s imperative they are supported to grow their health and wellbeing. This is why organisations, such as The Junction should be applauded for the tremendous work it does.”

Patron Irvine Welsh said: “Omnipresent, The Junction is there at the heart of the community offering education, support and its own distinctive brand of loyalty and determination to do the best it can for local young people. It’s an honour for me to be able to support this organisation and indeed this community, both of whom I admire.”

Port of Leith boss is new chair of CIH Scotland

Keith Anderson newer177292 (2)Port of Leith Chief Executive Keith Anderson (pictured) has been elected Chair of the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland.

With over 30 years’ experience working in urban regeneration and housing development in Glasgow, London, Newcastle upon Tyne and Edinburgh – both in the public and private sectors – Keith’s election was confirmed at CIH Scotland’s Annual General Meeting at last week’s annual conference in Glasgow.

Keith said: “I strongly believe in CIH Scotland and all it stands for, so I feel very honoured to have been given this role. As Chair, I look forward to leading the CIH Scotland Board and being a key public face of CIH in its work with members and other stakeholders in Scotland.”

CIH Scotland has more than 2,500 members working in local authorities, housing associations, Scottish Government and Government agencies, voluntary organisations, the private sector, and educational institutions. The organisation works to improve practice and delivery of housing and related services, and also represents the interests of members in the development of national housing policy.

Alan Ferguson, Director of CIH Scotland, said: “I am delighted to welcome Keith as our new Chair. His knowledge of the housing sector is second to none, combining work in the academic and educational field with a long track record across the council, housing association and private sectors north and south of the border.”

With more than 2700 homes in it’s portfolio Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) is the largest social landlord in Leith and North Edinburgh.

McScrooge brings Christmas spirit to Leith

Bah! Humbug! Residents from Port of Leith’s Jameson Place sheltered housing complex and pupils from St Mary’s Primary school were treated to a mini pantomime presented by Citadel Arts Group this week.

McScrooge, based on Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol, saw cast members play Alice and Marge, McScrooge and Ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Future, as well as McCratchit and McMarley.

Liz Hare, Artistic Director at Citadel Arts Group, said: “Citadel Arts Group regularly performs for Jameson Place residents and we are delighted to have been able to spread some festive cheer. The pantomime is part and parcel of Christmas and we’re pleased the audience enjoyed themselves.”

Elaine Edwards, Scheme Co-ordinator at the Port of Leith Housing Association’s Jameson Place Sheltered Housing Complex, said:
“Our residents look forward to performances by Citadel Arts Group, but this year’s performance was certainly their favourite and made everyone feel very Christmassy.”

McScrooge 004

St Nick’s celebrates 25 tea-rrific years

St Nicholas Court celebrates its 25th anniversary.Edinburgh’s Lord Provost was among the guests as Port of Leith Housing Association’s St Nicholas Court sheltered housing complex celebrated its 25th anniversary on Thursday (5 December).

In conjunction with the Pilmeny Project and children from the Pilmeny Youth Development Project, two original St Nicholas Court residents – Mary McNicol (90) and Maisie McKenzie (85) – were joined by another 12 residents in designing and painting a memorial 25 piece tea set compromising key dates, milestones and local landmarks. The tea set now has pride of place in a display cabinet in the complex’s reception area.

The residents also made a “Quilt of Friendship” featuring their memories, such as holiday locations, activities carried out by the complex, memorable events including the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, as well as the PoLHA logo, which was hung in the sheltered housing’s lounge and unveiled by the Lord Provost.

Maureen Tait, Senior Sheltered Housing Coordinator for PoLHA who manages St Nicholas Court, said: “I’m delighted the residents have got on board with the preparations for the 25th anniversary. It’s such a special occasion for the development and given that we have two original tenants is wonderful. Many of the residents have enjoyed being creative have enjoyed showing off the fruits of their labour to guests.”

Mary McNicol, who came to St Nicholas Court in December 1988, said: “I’ve spent 25 wonderful years living at the complex and I’m glad we have done something different to commemorate this.”

To celebrate the 25 years both Mary McNicol and Maisie McKenzie have lived at St Nicholas Court, a time capsule featuring the names of current residents, Mary McNicol’s and Maisie McKenzie’s life stories and photos of Mary and Maisie was also buried in the complex’s garden by Port of Leith Chief Executive Keith Anderson and the Lord Provost.

Keith Anderson said: “St Nicholas Court does a fantastic job in looking after its residents and we are delighted to have reached this significant anniversary. We hope in many years’ time, someone will come across the time capsule and be interested in the contents.”

Many happy returns, St Nick’s!

St Nicholas Court celebrates its 25th anniversary.

Port of Leith Christmas Fayres raise over £1700

001Port of Leith Housing Association’s (PoLHA) sheltered housing complexes raised over £1,700 at their Christmas fayres. St Nicholas Court on Ferry Road raised £1,000 and Jameson Place £730. 

All funds raised will go towards supporting activities for residents including day trips, theatre trips, exercise classes and lunch clubs.

The complexes had an array of stalls including a raffle, tombola, home bakes, bric-a-brac, books and toys.

Maureen Tait Senior Sheltered Housing Co-ordinator with PoLHA manages the St Nicholas Court complex. She said: “The annual Christmas fayres are always great fun for the staff and residents and a great chance for us to interact and have a good time with the local community.

“We’re delighted to have raised over £1,700 and are grateful to the all those people who came along to support us. Many of our residents are young at heart and really enjoy getting out and about on trips and these fundraising events helps make it happen for them.”