After 25 years, what has devolution delivered for workers? Not enough, argues TUC

It’s been 25 years since devolution in the UK started gathering speed, with the first legislative frameworks for devolution in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland agreed in 1998 (writes TUC’s ABIGAIL HUNT).

To mark this milestone, we decided to take stock of what devolution has delivered for working people. As a first step, we commissioned Centre for Research in Employment and Work (CREW) academics to research whether and how devolution has raised employment standards. 

In this blog I consider key findings from their new report launched today – and reflect on what needs to happen next. 

Where are we now?

As this helpful primer explains, devolution – the process of transferring power from Westminster to the nations and regions of the UK – has led to a patchwork of deals, with different levels of power and resources conferred on devolved authorities.

Since 1998 successive UK governments have pursued devolution. The pace has picked up in England in recent years, where two ‘trailblazer deals’ expanding powers have just been agreed and several other new devolution deals are underway.

The Labour Party is also looking to expand devolution. The Gordon Brown-led Commission on the UK’s Future wrapped up at the end of 2022 with proposals to ‘create a virtuous circle where spreading power and opportunity more equally throughout the country unlocks the potential for growth and prosperity’.

Since then Lisa Nandy MP, the Shadow Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, has pledged that under a Labour government, ‘every part of Britain that wants it will be able to access powers over skills, employment support and housing that support their local communities’.

So far, employment rights (collective and individual), health and safety at work and aspects of workplace training in Scotland, Wales and England have been reserved to the UK government, meaning devolved authorities in these areas have no power to legislate around these issues. Labour has endorsed keeping a national labour rights framework, as outlined in its New Deal for Working People.

What has devolution delivered for working people?

A few of things jumped out at me from the CREW report.

First, some devolved authorities have innovated in using the powers available to them to promote good work on their patch. This has seen them raise the bar above the currently weak national employment rights framework, which has seen poor quality, insecure work become a mainstay of the UK labour market in recent years.

For example, the Scottish Government’s Fair Work Convention has cemented a tripartite relationship between unions, government and employers. It has also helped increase the proportion of people earning the Real Living Wage, improved employment security, narrowed gender and ethnicity pay gaps and increased collective bargaining coverage in Scotland.

Across England, some elected devolved authority leaders have set up employment charters or pledges – essentially locally-developed yet voluntary employment standards. Perhaps the best known of these is the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter established following a 2017 campaign pledge by Metro Mayor Andy Burnham. Members commit to various aspects of good work including improving employment security, flexible work, decent pay, health and wellbeing, and trade union recognition and collective bargaining.

Second, as the Manchester charter clearly shows, political will has been critical to advancing employment standards in devolved authorities. But when good work commitments are linked to individual leaders and not formally ‘baked in’ to devolution deals there is a real risk that change at the top can lead to a roll-back in localised gains.

Third, the formal role of trade unions in devolved structures has been mixed. In Wales, a “Welsh way” of social partnership working has led to development of a new Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act. This offers significant potential to cement social partnership in Wales by putting a duty on public bodies to engage with trade unions when they are setting out what they will do to comply with the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2016.

Yet this gold-standard approach is far from reality everywhere. For example, recent consultations around the East Midlands Combined County Authority devo deal proposed a role for the private sector in the authority’s governance boards – with no mention of a similar role for trade unions.

What needs to happen next?

Devolution looks set to stay firmly on the political agenda in the years to come. But so far it has not delivered enough for working people.

This needs to change.

Workers and their unions need to be meaningfully engaged in debate and decision-making related to devolution at all levels – from devo deals to devolved authorities’ support for union recognition and collective bargaining in-house and across their area.

The TUC is ramping up effort to make this a reality. Watch this space!

MSPs express ‘serious safety concerns’ over Royal Infirmary overcrowding

LOTHIAN MSPs have spoken out following a critical report on safety issues at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh at Little France. Inspectors reported safety concerns following visits to the hospital’s A & E Department in February and subsequent follow-ups.

Conservative Lothian list MSP Miles Briggs said: “These are very serious concerns in regards to overcrowding at Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and the fire safety risk it creates.

“The A&E department at the hospital has been running over capacity for a number of years now, with SNP Ministers showing an ability to make any progress.

“Patient and staff safety must be the number one priority at the RIE and urgent improvements must be made.

“I have written to NHS Lothian to ask for further details and a timetable for when these improvements are being made .”

Labour list MSP Foysol Choudhury added: “It is incredibly disappointing and worrying that inspectors raised numerous serious concerns about safety in the A&E department at Royal Infirmary Edinburgh (RIE).

“Constituents in Edinburgh need to be sure that they can safely attend hospital for care and treatment. Instead, patient safety, care and dignity were called into question.

“This is terrifying for those patients in the region who need to be able to rely on and trust the A&E department should they ever need it.

“I’m very concerned that our hardworking NHS staff may also be put in danger by this crisis in the NHS, with concerns raised over staff wellbeing at RIE. Our hospital staff work incredibly hard to provide the best service possible.

“Patients at RIE and their relatives spoke highly of the compassionate care they received from staff. “This makes it all the more disappointing that staff and patients alike are being affected by 16 years of SNP incompetence.

“Staff and patients are crying out for help. Will the new Health Secretary answer their call and reverse years of damage done by Humza Yousaf when he held the post?”

NHS Lothian says the concerns expressed in the report are already being addressed. Alison Macdonald, nurse director at NHS Lothian, told the BBC the HIS visit came at a time of “unprecedented pressure” on the hospital.

She said: “We accept and acknowledge the findings of the HIS report and we sincerely apologise to patients for longer than usual waiting times in the emergency department and a poorer experience of care.

“We had already begun our own improvement work when the inspectors carried out their first visit.

“When they returned for their follow-up, it was clear to see that improvements had already been made, but more was required. We are now focused on our improvement and safety action plans.”


HEALTH watchdog Healthcare Improvement Scotland carried out an unannounced inspection to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, NHS Lothian on Monday 20 to Wednesday 22 February 2023 using our safe delivery of care inspection methodology.

During our inspection, we:

  • inspected the ward and hospital environment
  • observed staff practice and interactions with patients, such as during patient mealtimes
  • spoke with patients, visitors and ward staff (where appropriate), and
  • accessed patients’ health records, monitoring reports, policies and procedures.

As part of our inspection, we also asked NHS Lothian to provide evidence of its policies and procedures relevant to this inspection. The purpose of this is to limit the time the inspection team is onsite, reduce the burden on ward staff and to inform the virtual discussion session.

On Tuesday 14 March 2023, we carried out an unannounced follow-up visit to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh to establish if concerns we raised during our initial visit had been addressed.

On Thursday 16 March 2023, we held a virtual discussion session with key members of NHS Lothian staff to discuss the evidence provided and the findings of the inspection.

As a result of serious concerns about patient safety within the emergency department identified during this inspection we wrote to NHS Lothian to formal escalate our concerns in accordance with level 1 of our escalation process in the Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Scottish Government: operating framework.

A copy of the letter has been published with this report.

Summary of our findings

At the time of inspection, the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, like much of NHS Scotland, was experiencing a significant range of pressures including increased hospital admissions, increased pressures in the emergency department and admission units and reduced staff availability. During our onsite inspections the hospital was operating at over 100% capacity.

In ward areas, senior managers were visible, wards were generally calm and well organised and we observed good leadership and care being delivered. Patients and relatives spoken with described a good experience of care and helpful staff.

During the safety huddles we attended, we observed a strong focus on patient care needs across the hospital. However, serious patient safety concerns within the emergency department were identified during this inspection.

Inspectors raised a number of serious patient safety concerns regarding the emergency department during both our onsite inspection and return visit regarding the delivery of fundamental care for patients, patient safety, care and dignity, the current operating environment, leadership and coordination of care in the emergency department, as well as concerns about staff wellbeing.

Other areas for improvement identified during the inspection include the management of intravenous fluids, medicine administration processes, locked doors policies and procedures, and feedback to staff following incident reporting.

NHS Lothian senior managers responded quickly to concerns raised during the initial inspection. However, during our return visit on 14 March 2023, we remained concerned that the immediate actions put in place by NHS Lothian did not lead to significant improvements in the delivery of safe and effective care within the emergency department.

This resulted in us writing a formal letter of non-compliance to NHS Lothian in accordance with level 1 of our escalation process, setting out the serious patient safety concerns that required immediate action.

NHS Lothian promptly responded to this escalation, providing a detailed plan of improvement action to address each of the concerns. We will seek assurance on progress with planned improvement actions in accordance with our published inspection methodology.

This inspection resulted in five areas of good practice, three recommendations and 13 requirements.

Have your say on constituency boundary changes

YESTERDAY the Boundary Commission for Scotland released its proposals to redraw the boundaries of Scottish Parliamentary constituencies (writes Edinburgh Western MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton).

As Scotland changes, this review is mandated of the commission, so that population growth in some areas and decline in others is reflected in how areas are represented in the Scottish Parliament.

The proposals for West Edinburgh redraw our constituency entirely, with the communities of Kirkliston, South Queensferry, Cramond, Cammo, Barnton, Davidson’s Mains and Muirhouse all removed from Edinburgh Western Constituency and combined with the towns of Linlithgow, Broxburn and Uphall to create the new constituency of Edinburgh Forth and Linlithgow.

Corstorphine, East Craigs, Craigmount and Drylaw and Blackhall will remain in Edinburgh Western and the seat will expand East to include Inverleith, Stockbridge, Murrayfield and Ravelston. Part of South Gyle will now move to Edinburgh Pentlands.

The Commission has now embarked on a 4 week consultation of the proposals. I’m keen to reflect the views of my constituents as best I can so please let me know what you think in the comment thread below (Mr Cole-Hamilton was posting this information on local community council Facebook pages).

As I’m posting across 12 groups, I won’t be able to respond to comments, I’m afraid but I will take note of them all.

Additionally, please make your views known to the Commission directly through their consultation website:

Air Quality Improvement Plan receives Committee approval

The Scottish Government’s Air Quality Improvement Plan has been met with approval following scrutiny carried out by Holyrood’s Net Zero, Energy & Transport Committee.

In its report published today, the Committee described the strengthening of policy guidance around air pollution as ‘a positive step forward’ in addressing nitrogen dioxide levels in Scotland. However, it says the Scottish Government must address important questions about how it will improve governance and enforcement of air quality standards.

The Committee calls for SEPA to take a more robust enforcement approach and says that clarity is needed as to whether the body has all the statutory powers and resources it needs to fulfil its role in relation to air quality – especially given its resources are already limited and it has other existing obligations.

The report also emphasises the need for local authorities to be better funded. With resource and staffing constraints relieved, councils would be better able to perform their crucial preventative, attention-raising, monitoring and enforcement role.

Edward Mountain MSP 22 November 2022. Pic-Andrew Cowan/Scottish Parliament

Launching the report, Committee Convener, Edward Mountain, said; “A robust system of monitoring and enforcement is crucial to tackling air pollution. Yet historically SEPA has not been assertive enough in its approach to tackling non-compliance by local authorities in meeting their air quality standards.

“If SEPA is to conduct its oversight role to full effect, the Scottish Government must ensure it is adequately resourced. Likewise, without the right funding and resources in place, councils will not be able to deliver the expected improvements to air quality in their local areas.

“To access the many economic, social and environmental benefits good air quality will deliver, including helping to meet the Scottish Government’s target of achieving Net Zero by 2045, positive action must be taken. We hope the findings and recommendations in our report will help to achieve this.

“Thank you to everyone who shared their knowledge and expertise with us during our consideration of the Improvement Plan.”

Additional recommendations made by the Committee to accelerate the improvement of air quality in Scotland include that the Scottish Government should;

  • Lean harder on local authorities to ensure they speed up the implementation of their Air Quality Action Plans.
  • Clarify whether it is satisfied that SEPA has all the statutory powers and resources it needs to fulfil its oversight and enforcement of the Local Air Quality Management system.
  • Set out what steps it will take to ensure SEPA delivers greater transparency and accountability as Scotland’s main air quality watchdog.
  • Complete an air quality data review paying particular attention to the proportion of monitoring sites to be situated near schools and hospitals.

During the inquiry, the Committee also assessed the effectiveness of Scottish Government policy and practise by considering its’ ‘Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 Strategy’; the implementation and impact of Low Emission Zones; and Scotland’s performance in relation to international best practice.

Related recommendations include for example;

  • In the Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 Strategy – air quality considerations should be mainstreamed across all climate change, health, transport and planning policy decisions whether at a national or local level. There should also be a focus on encouraging an uptake in qualifications and roles within planning and environmental health professions.
  • The Scottish Government should work with all local authorities to find bespoke transport-based air quality solutions in urban areas and in rural areas it should identify what further support is needed for the launch of Low Emission Zones.

Charities Bill passes first stage

Measures will increase transparency and maintain public trust

Proposed legislation to update and strengthen charity law has passed its first parliamentary stage.

MSPs have voted to support the general principles of the Charities (Regulation and Administration) Bill which improves accountability and transparency of charities and increases the powers of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).

Welcoming Parliament’s unanimous support at Stage 1 of the Bill, Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Our focus is to ensure the best possible conditions for the sector, which plays a vital role in our society, to thrive.

“Current charity law is now over 17 years old and the sector has changed significantly in that time. That is why we want to strengthen, modernise and improve charity regulation to ensure it meets the needs of charities.

“Scottish charities have a combined income of £14 billion each year so it’s crucial the way they are regulated remains fit for purpose.

“Charities are widely supported by the public. Trust in them and what they deliver is high, and we want to keep it that way.”

The Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Bill is a 2022-23 Programme for Government commitment.

Provisions in the Bill include:

  • updating the criteria for the automatic disqualification of charity trustees and extending it to individuals with specific senior management positions in charities
  • removal from the Scottish Charity Register of unresponsive charities that fail to submit statements of account.
  • a requirement for all charities in the Scottish Charity Register to have and retain a connection to Scotland.
  • a requirement on OSCR to publish the statements of account for all charities in the Scottish Charity Register.
  • requirements on OSCR to include charity trustee names in the Scottish Charity Register, to keep an internal schedule of charity trustees’ details and to create a publicly searchable record of charity trustees removed by the courts.

The Scottish Government consulted on proposals put forward by OSCR in 2019 and consulted again on a number of specific reforms in 2021 and found a majority of support for the changes.

Making Britain Work for Scotland?

OUR Scottish Future is to stage a major rally next month to make the case for a plan that makes Britain work for Scotland.

Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford and Andy Burnham, the Mayor of Greater Manchester are confirmed as speakers at the event to be held on June 1st in Edinburgh.

They will be joined by former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar and comedian and actor Arabella Weir to set out the case for radical reform to political institutions across the UK.

Mr Brown said yesterday that the vision of a new UK can unite people in Scotland and across Britain who are looking for a better future.

Our Scottish Future was formed three years ago to make the case for Scottish devolution and for reform of the UK.

Last year, the Brown Commission published its report on the UK’s Future, proposing major reforms to Westminster, a replacement of the House of Lords, and further devolution across the UK.

The June 1st rally will aim to bring together supporters from across the UK to show the united demands for change both in Scotland and outside it.

Gordon Brown said: “There are many things we are divided about as a country, whether it’s over culture, the constitution, or on the economy. But we can all unite around a mission to change the UK and tackle the great challenges of the 21s century: poverty, inequality, climate change, and sustained economic growth.

“In our politics, people are looking for a hopeful message which shows how Scotland and the UK can work together.”

Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales and Leader of Welsh Labour, said: “The current union of the United Kingdom isn’t working for people in any part of this country we are proud to call home.

“We need a new, strengthened union, which guarantees that no one will find themselves unable to eat or relying on a food bank; facing old age or illness at the margins of society. A union which offers strong devolution for all parts of the UK; a union where all four nations are treated as equals.

“In Gordon’s report we have a blueprint for real and lasting change to transform our country for the better.”

The Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham said: “Just like Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the North of England has suffered from an over-concentration of political and economic power in the South East of the UK.

“This is changing with the devolution of power out of Westminster but in our experience it works best when it goes deep. Places in all parts of the UK should have the ability to build a better future from the bottom up and collaborate with neighbours.

“The creation of Mayoral Combined Authorities in England is enabling places like Greater Manchester to begin to chart our own destiny.  But whilst devolution needs to spread throughout England, it’s also important that powers are devolved out of Holyrood and into local areas. 

“Gordon has set out a route map for the empowerment of communities and the strengthening of the bonds between all the regions and nations of the United Kingdom.”

The event will take place at Central Hall in Edinburgh, at 730pm on June 1st.

Attendees must register their intention to come and can do so here:

Making Britain Work For Scotland, Thu 1 Jun 2023 at 19:30 | Eventbrite

Stay in Scotland: Continued funding announced on Europe Day

More EU citizens will be supported to remain in Scotland, thanks to renewed funding for the Stay in Scotland campaign.

In partnership with the Citizens’ Rights Project, COSLA and Settled – an independent charity helping EU citizens to stay in the UK – over £200,000 will help vulnerable people apply to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS).

Migration Minister Emma Roddick said: “On Europe Day, Scotland can proudly celebrate the contribution EU citizens make to our society, culture and economy.

“As we continue to build the case for an independent Scotland within the EU, additional funding for the Stay in Scotland campaign will help ensure EU citizens, particularly those who need assistance with complex applications, get the support they need to gain settled status.

“We’re also urging the Home Office to immediately upgrade everyone from pre-settled to settled status. This would help remove the unnecessary stress and anxiety of being forced to re-apply to the EUSS.”

“Scotland is stronger for its multi-culturalism and our message to EU citizens this Europe Day is clear: you are, and always will be, welcome in Scotland.”

Following the Ministerial Statement on Europe Day 2023 in the Scottish Parliament , Foysol Choudhury MSP said: “As Scottish Labour Spokesperson for Culture, Europe, and International Development, it was important for me to question the Scottish Government on its commitment to introducing a replacement Erasmus + programme on this, Europe Day 2023. 

“After Brexit, the SNP Scottish Government seem determined to remain aligned with the EU, yet in terms of education they have made no progress on a Scottish Education Exchange Programme. 

“Unlike the Labour Welsh Government, the SNP Scottish Government are letting down young people by not providing an appropriate replacement for the European Erasmus+ scheme.  

“The successful Welsh Taith scheme has provided 5,000 exchange opportunities since September 2022.

“When will the Scottish Government stop hiding behind arguments for independence and act now to truly align Scottish priorities with EU practices? 

“The Cabinet Secretary’sresponse to my question was inadequate. 

“Scottish Labour wants to see the SNP make true on its commitment to young people and not to abandon them. 

“Actions speak louder than headlines. 

“Now is the time for the Scottish Government to realign Scottish priorities.”

European Movement in Scotland honours Lord Provost of Glasgow

The European Movement in Scotland (EMiS), the nation’s premier pro-EU campaigning body, is delighted to announce the award of honorary membership to the Lord Provost of Glasgow, Jacqueline McLaren. 

Accepting the award at a Europe Day celebration in the City Chambers the Lord Provost said: “I am delighted to accept Honorary Membership of the European Movement in Scotland. Glasgow is a city proud to have forged strong bonds, alliances and friendships with our European neighbours. We’re twinned with Marseilles, Nuremberg, Turin and with many more links across Europe through our networks and partnership activity.

Today we mark Europe Day, and all it represents: friendship, unity, tolerance, co-operation and peace. All of which Glasgow endorses and will always hold dear. Whilst no longer part of the European Union, we remain faithful and committed friends to our European neighbours.”

Europe Day, commemorated annually on May 9 since 1950, symbolises the EU’s commitment to peace, solidarity, shared values and working together across borders to achieve common goals.

EMiS actively works towards advancing the principles of European integration, advocating for stronger ties between Scotland and the broader European community. Scotland remains a proud European nation and will one day return to the EU, in its own right or as part of the UK.

Glasgow’s recognition as European City of Sport for 2023 has further emphasised the city’s vibrant sporting culture and passion for physical well-being as well as its ability to bring people together through the power of sports.

David Clarke, Chair of the European Movement in Scotland, said: “We are thrilled to award honorary membership to the Lord Provost of Glasgow, a city that embraces the spirit of Europe. Glasgow’s unwavering commitment to openness, cultural diversity, and its vibrant sporting scene make it an ideal symbol of our shared European values.

“We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the Lord Provost and express our sincere gratitude for Glasgow’s ongoing support and involvement in Europe.”

To learn more about the European Movement in Scotland and to join, please visit

No Time to Lose: Holyrood must ‘bite the bullet’ on oil and gas phase out


Climate campaigners are calling on the Scottish Government to bite the bullet and commit to a fully renewable energy system by 2030 as the public consultation on its Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan closes tomorrow (Tuesday 9th May).

Campaigners highlighted conflicting visions within the document and the over-reliance on carbon capture and hydrogen to meet the Government’s 2030 vision, despite previously admitting this would not be possible. 

Campaigners said that with critical 2030 climate targets looming, it is essential that the final version of the energy plan sets out a comprehensive strategy for a managed and just phase out of oil and gas, moving to a fully renewable energy system that is run for the benefit of people and the planet. 

Whilst campaigning to be First Minister Humza Yousaf pledged to take a 10% equity share in future offshore wind leasing round and set up a publicly owned energy generation company. Neither of these options to create an energy system that delivers greater benefits to the public are considered in this document.

Given the abject failure of market forces to respond to the climate crisis, Friends of the Earth Scotland believes that public ownership is key to driving the transformation of the energy system.

The draft version of the ESJTP was also criticised for compiling existing policies and strategies, failing to fill in the gaps or address lack of coherence between these. 

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s head of campaigns Mary Church said: “The final destination of this Strategy is bold but there is no coherent plan for how we will get there.

“If Scotland is to stop missing climate targets, it needs to get off fossil fuels and deliver the wide-ranging transformation needed in public transport, home insulation and renewable generation that can help slash climate pollution and tackle the cost of living crisis. 

“There is no time to lose. The Scottish Government must bite the bullet and set a clear direction of travel and how we are going to get there. As part of that we need a clear end date for oil and gas within this decade and a detailed plan on how affected workers and communities will be supported through the transition.

“Ministers must stop clinging to the dangerous illusion that carbon capture can deliver the urgent step change needed in Scotland’s climate efforts, and focus on delivering a fully renewable energy system by 2030.

“Profit driven energy bosses have long failed to deliver an energy system that works for households or creates enough decent green jobs in Scotland.

“Humza Yousaf must build on his promise to take stakes in future offshore wind projects and make sure that a public energy company is set up swiftly to share the benefits of our energy resources more fairly and drive the just transition.”

The final version of the Strategy should: 

        • Set a clear date and plan for the end of oil and gas use within this decade
        • Reject new fossil fuel infrastructure and over-reliance on Carbon Capture 
        • Clarify that the 2030 decarbonisation target will be met fully through renewables
        • Detailed green jobs creation plan and clear pathways for oil workers to switch sector  
        • Centre public ownership with public good objectives to drive the just transition
        • Reduce overall energy demand through public transport and home insulation
        • Ensure fair consumption of minerals critical to the energy transition

Boyack sounds alarm over access to dentists in Musselburgh

Sarah Boyack MSP has highlighted the grim findings that more than 3 in 4 Dental Practices serving patients in Musselburgh are no longer accepting NHS Patients.

Following up on concerns of Musselburgh residents, Lothian MSP Sarah Boyack contacted practices serving the Musselburgh area to inquire whether they were accepting new NHS patients.

The findings also highlighted those that were accepting new patients had waiting lists of over six months on average.

Commenting Scottish Labour MSP Sarah Boyack said: “Patients in Musselburgh are being routinely let-down by the lack of NHS Dental provision.

“With more than three quarters of NHS Dentists unable to accept new patients, the people of Musselburgh have been left with a two-tiered system that routinely fails them.

“We are now seeing the devastating effects of the SNP mismanagement of our NHS, with patients spending months suffering unnecessarily whilst they are unable to see an NHS Dentists.

“This cannot carry on, The SNP must act now before more communities like Musselburgh are left without access to NHS services.”

Data collected by the office of Sarah Boyack MSP for the 20 closest practices to Musselburgh on 5/5/23:

Practice NamePostcodeAccepting NHS AdultsWait time for appointment
Duncan Smith Dental PracticeEH21 6AANoN/A
Campbell & Gibson Dental PracticeEH21 6AGNoPrivate Only
Musselburgh Dental CareEH21 7ADYesNo appointments until August
Craigentinny Dental CareEH15 3AYNoN/A
Dental ExpressEH15 2DANoN/A
Portobello Dental ClinicEH15 2ATYesNo Appointments until November
My Dentists PortobelloEH15 2AUNoN/A
Duddingston ParkEH15 3NYNoN/A
Duddingston Dental PracticeEH15 1QRNoN/A
Bosco Dental StudioEH22 2RFNoN/A
Midlothian Dental PracticeEH22 1JZNoAbout 6 month waiting list
Family Dental Care East LothianEH32 9BFYesN/A
SR Dental CareEH22 1AHNoN/A
WF Mocharie Dental PracticeEH22 1JBNoN/A
Craigmillar Dental CentreEH16 4AJNoN/A
Bridge Dental CareEH33 1AHNoWait list of 7 to 8 months
Brite DentalEH17 7JDNoWait list of a year
Espie and Hill Dental CareEH33 1HHYesN/A
BUPA Dental Care PrestonfieldEH16 5BYNoN/A
Links Road Dental PracticeEH32 0DUNoAugust at earliest

Choudhury: Housing crisis sweeping the nation

Commenting on the housing crisis sweeping the nation, FOYSOL CHOUDHURY MSP said: “Home is supposed to be a place of safety and comfort, yet for many households across Scotland their home has become a source of discomfort and illness, overridden with damp, mould and urgent repairs. 

“Many across our nation sadly don’t even have homes, stuck on seemingly endless waiting lists for both permanent and temporary accommodation.  

“There is no doubt that Scotland is deep in a housing crisis and that urgent action is needed to change this sector before it’s too late. 

“As of September 2022, 9, 130 children were reported to be living in temporary accommodation, which is an 100% increase from a decade ago.  

“This is unacceptable, all children deserve a safe, healthy and stable home. 

“Last week, during the Scottish Labour Business Debate on Housing and Homelessness Prevention, I urged the Scottish Government to act quickly and effectively to reverse the record numbers of children trapped in temporary accommodation.  

“I also noted both in my speech then, and the day before during topical questions at the Scottish Parliament, that a new NUS report shows that a fifth of international students in Scotland had experienced homelessness during their studies.  

“This problem was also made evident to me in a Student Housing Roundtable I hosted earlier this year, where I heard stories of racist landlords, sofa surfing and damp infested homes.  

“Clearly, these are problems which are striking constituents across many sectors of society.  

“This demonstrates that there is an overbearing crisis in the housing sector, with particular weaknesses of rising homelessness, striking levels of poor conditions and a worrying prominence of unscrupulous landlords.  

“These three areas of great concern must be addressed urgently and I will continue to urge for solutions in these areas. 

“I’ve already held my Member’s business debate on Damp Housing in Scotland and my motion for this noted my call for a whole house retrofitting programme and a grant scheme to tackle damp housing. 

“I’ve also lodged a student housing motion at the Scottish Parliament, urging for legislation which would give equal rights to all tenants in terms of protections offered to them.  

“Scottish Labour are also calling on the Scottish Government to deliver 38,000 social homes by 2026, and to build 25,000 all tenure new homes annually.  

“We urgently need a two-pronged approach which both builds more social and affordable housing, in addition to also prioritising equal access to settled housing for all.  

“Once we do this, we also need to ensure that legislation holds landlords accountable, prioritises rights for tenants and awards funding for retrofitting and damp management to combat the problems with much existing housing stock in order to generate safer, liveable conditions.  

“Recently, we’ve had weeks of talking on all aspects of Scotland’s housing crisis.  

“That’s fantastic.  

“But, now it’s time to show the value of our words and start the action.”