Scottish Affairs Committee launches inquiry into Brexit impact

The Scottish Affairs Committee has launched an inquiry to examine the impact of Brexit on trade and investment in Scotland. The inquiry will focus on  looking at Scotland’s priorities for future trade relations with the EU and non-EU countries, and the Committee will also look at how the UK and Scottish governments promote Scottish exports and Scotland as a destination for foreign investment.  Continue reading Scottish Affairs Committee launches inquiry into Brexit impact

Briggs urges progress on cross-boundary health planning

Briggs Calls for More Progress on Development of New Edinburgh and South East of Scotland Centre

Tory health spokesman Miles Briggs spoke in the Procurement debate at Holyrood yesterday. The Lothian MSP spoke on improving and promoting regional procurement, using the example of when a number of health boards or local authorities pool resources to construct Regional Centres or projects that go across council boundaries. Continue reading Briggs urges progress on cross-boundary health planning

Mackay: Spring Statement must deliver clarity on Brexit impact

Scotland’s Finance Secretary Derek Mackay says the UK Government must use their 2018 Spring Statement to provide greater clarity for people and business over the Brexit process, including the future of EU funding, and address the threat facing our economy as a result of Brexit. Continue reading Mackay: Spring Statement must deliver clarity on Brexit impact

Young women’s voices to be heard at Holyrood

A group of young women from across Scotland will today take over a Holyrood committee room as part of a project to increase political involvement.

The Young Women Lead project, which is run by the Young Women’s Movement, is a leadership programme for young women aged 30 and under and aims to increase political participation and connect a diverse range of voices to Scottish politics.

The project will see the group hold a series of committee meetings at the Scottish Parliament in order to gain more experience of how the Scottish Parliament works.

Chaired by Deputy Presiding Officer, Linda Fabiani MSP, the committee meetings will see the group hear from a range of witnesses on the issue of sexual violence, particularly sexual harassment experienced by women in education, a topic chosen by the young women themselves.

Speaking ahead of today’s meeting, Deputy Presiding Officer, Linda Fabiani MSP said: “I am thrilled to be involved in the Young Women Lead project, a project which is designed to not only help young women across Scotland find their voices but to ensure that these diverse and underrepresented voices are heard in the Scottish Parliament.

“The topic which the group has chosen to explore is something that all too many women will have faced in their lives – sexual harassment and violence experienced in education. It speaks volumes for the passion and commitment of these young women that they are willing to tackle such an important subject and I am looking forward to seeing the impact they make.

At today’s meeting, the group will hear from Scottish Women’s Aid, Rape Crisis Scotland, Girlguiding Scotland and Zero Tolerance before meeting again at Holyrood on Friday 20 April and Friday 18 May.

Jemma Tracey from the Young Women’s Movement said: “Young Women Lead presents a unique opportunity to have young women in all their diversity feed into Scottish politics.

“It is such a privilege for us as organisation to have partnered with the Scottish Parliament in co-designing this pilot programme with young women.

“The Young Women Lead programme also supports young self-identifying women to develop leadership skills, knowledge of human rights issues, and their own professional networks. We’re aiming high, and we cannot wait to see how this programme develops. “

One of the participants in the project, Emily Davis said: “100 years ago, the first group of women in the UK got the right to vote. Young Women Lead allows us to stand together in the Scottish Parliament building and form our own parliamentary committee. That blows my mind. I know life is still hard as a woman. But this would have not have been possible years ago. I wish those brave women could see us now.”

Set a date, Scottish Affairs Committee tells RBS chief

The Scottish Affairs Committee has written to Ross McEwan, CEO of the Royal Bank of Scotland, with a final request to set a date to appear the Committee. The Committee has raised a number of questions that remain unanswered in relation to plans to close 62 RBS branches in Scotland, and subsequent announcement of a partial reprieve for ten branches. Continue reading Set a date, Scottish Affairs Committee tells RBS chief

NHS Lothian A&E waiting times worst in Scotland over February

Latest figures have revealed that NHS Lothian is the worst performing Health Board in Scotland for A & E waiting times. Tory health spokesman Miles Briggs MSP says it’s another example of SNP Ministers failing people in Lothian. Continue reading NHS Lothian A&E waiting times worst in Scotland over February