Scotland Week: Transatlantic sessions for MSPs

Scotland Week is being marked by the Scottish Parliament as a delegation visits New York, Québec City and Washington DC.

The delegation, led by the Presiding Officer, and comprising Johann Lamont MSP and Clare Haughey MSP, took part in the annual Tartan Day parade alongside Grand Marshall KT Tunstall – the first female Grand Marshall in the parade’s 20 year history. The MSPs joined pipers, bands and dancers as they make their way down New York’s Sixth Avenue. Continue reading Scotland Week: Transatlantic sessions for MSPs

Letters: Don’t be taken in by Tory tactics

Dear Editor

The Tories never stop using the tactic of divide and rule and they are pulling out all the stops to divide the Labour Party and the party from the people to convince voters that only the Tories are electable. They are assisted in this campaign by the majority of the media on which we rely for information.

When the banking industry caused the world financial disaster in 2008 many drastic measures were taken, and, to get the nation’s acceptance, the slogan “we are all in this together” was launched to convince everyone to accept the debt as theirs – and to date we are still paying it.

The divide and rule tactic was and is used against those they call skivers and scroungers, those not in work claiming benefits. This has been followed by compelling people who are disabled to be assesses – by a private company – on their fitness to work, avoiding any medical assessment being made.

Next in line are those on housing benefit, who are at the mercy of rent rises by landlords or who are deemed to have a spare room and face eviction.

These tactics did convince some people – but fortunately not the majority.

The Tories then changed tactics again, blaming other countries and other people for all our troubles and they embarked on a campaign to convince people that everything would be fine if we left the European Union. The Tories were successful in that it has absolutely divided the nation.

The Tories have now returned to their other campaign of further dividing people by stepping up the attack on the Labour Party – and Jeremy Corbyn in particular.

The Tory Party cannot solve problems, as the last eight years have shown, because they themselves are part of the system that governs our lives in the interests of the few.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens


Emergency services reforms to come under scrutiny at Holyrood

On the fifth anniversary of Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s establishment, Holyrood’s Justice Committee is calling for views on the legislation that brought them into being. Continue reading Emergency services reforms to come under scrutiny at Holyrood

Briggs Commends Education for Young People on Cancer Prevention

It is particularly relevant during 2018 Year of Young People to focus on the education of young people on lifestyle choices that can significantly risk the chance of getting cancer. The Teenager Cancer Trust’s education and awareness programme is now able to reach 80% of secondary schools in Scotland and Miles Briggs, the Scottish Conseratives health spokesman, supports their aim to achieve 100% coverage. Continue reading Briggs Commends Education for Young People on Cancer Prevention

Scottish Affairs Committee to hold one off session on cash machine network

Westminster’s Scottish Affairs Committee has announced a one-off session to examine the cash machine network in Scotland. The session will examine the long-term future of the network, particularly in rural areas, in light of proposals to change the way it is funded.  Continue reading Scottish Affairs Committee to hold one off session on cash machine network

Brexit: one year to go

To mark one year to go until Brexit, the Prime Minister is today embarking on a day long tour across the United Kingdom to outline her determination to deliver a deal that works for every community and protects the integrity of the Union. However Michael Russell, Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe, said Scotland had so far been excluded from the Brexit process by the UK Government. Continue reading Brexit: one year to go

Westminster Work & Pensions Secretary Esther McVay to appear at Holyrood Committee

The ongoing problems with the roll out of Universal Credit and the devolution of welfare powers to Scotland will be raised by the Scottish Parliament’s Social Security Committee when it hears from Rt Hon Esther McVey (above), the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. Continue reading Westminster Work & Pensions Secretary Esther McVay to appear at Holyrood Committee