Briggs: NHS Lothian accounts for almost a quarter of Delayed Discharge in Scotland

NHS Lothian accounts for almost a quarter of Delayed Discharge in Scotland

Delayed discharge costs our NHS over £100 million per year, with NHS Lothian accounting for £28 million of the total. That means less money to spend on treating patients who require medical attention, while patients awaiting discharge are being kept in hospital for longer than they need to be, says Tory health spokesman Miles Briggs. Continue reading Briggs: NHS Lothian accounts for almost a quarter of Delayed Discharge in Scotland

Rise in food bank use is national scandal, say Greens

Figures from the Trussell Trust, showing that 17,328 people in the City of Edinburgh and 21,443 people in Lothian were provided with three-day emergency food supplies from this one food bank charity alone, highlight the urgent need to implement the Scottish Greens’ ten-point plan to tackle poverty, says Lothian MSP Alison Johnstone.  Continue reading Rise in food bank use is national scandal, say Greens

Letters: All in this together? Don’t believe the lies!

Dear Editor

The misplaced faith expressed by the people of the UK in 2010, believing the financial disaster caused by the banking industry would be dealt with by the Conservatives and their Liberal allies in a fair way, saying that “we are all in this together.”

In a typically British way, the government was given a chance to ‘do the right thing’ but we know, to our cost, they didn’t. Instead, they embarked on a systematic policy of wage-cutting and drastic cuts in both local and national public services for eight years – and they have said cuts will continue for many years to come.

People have learned a hard lesson in thinking that Conservatives will be fair and treat all people equally. They have failed on all counts: they are not competent, they are not fair and, above all, they seem not to care.

Their main political purpose is to maintain the system of ownership and control by the rich, for the rich.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens

Scottish Affairs Committee to investigate oil and gas

Westminster’s Scottish Affairs Committee have launched a new inquiry into the future of the oil and gas industry in Scotland. The inquiry will examine the challenges facing the sector, as well as opportunities for future development. It will also examine the role the UK Government can play in supporting the industry. Continue reading Scottish Affairs Committee to investigate oil and gas

Holyrood’s Education & Skills Committee is coming to Muirhouse

Community Event 16 May:

Attainment/Achievement of children and young people experiencing poverty

The Scottish Parliament’s Education and Skills Committee is meeting at Muirhouse Millennium Centre at 6 pm on Wednesday 16th May.  The committee are very keen to hear directly from parents/carers/guardians, young people, teachers, and other professionals who work with young people in schools and in the community with a focus on attainment or achievement. Continue reading Holyrood’s Education & Skills Committee is coming to Muirhouse