First Minister refers herself to standards panel over Salmond investigation

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed that she has referred herself to the panel of independent advisers on the Ministerial Code. 

The panel will look at the First Minister’s actions during an investigation into Alex Salmond.

Nicola Sturgeon made phone calls and had meetings with Mr Salmond while claims of sexual harassment – which he strongly denies – were being investigated.

Continue reading First Minister refers herself to standards panel over Salmond investigation

“Completely Unacceptable” waits for drug and alcohol treatment in Lothian

Scottish Conservative Health Spokesman and Lothian MSP Miles Briggs, has hit out at SNP Ministers over waiting times for Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs) in NHS Lothian.

Latest figures from ISD Scotland, for quarter ending 30 September 2018, have revealed that only 81.6% of patients have been seen within three weeks to start their first treatment, a drop of 2.5% from 84.1% in the previous quarter ending 30th June 2018.

NHS Lothian has not met the national target of 90% of patients seen within three weeks in any of quarters over the last year, and patients are forced to wait longer for first alcohol and drug treatments at Lothian ADPs than any other health boards across Scotland.

For the latest quarter, ending 30 September 2018, Midlothian ADP had by far the lowest percentage of patients seen within three weeks for first treatment than of any ADP across Scotland, with only 61.7% of patients seen within three weeks and only 66.7% of patients seen within five weeks.

For the previous quarter, ending 30th June 2018, West Lothian ADP had the longest waiting times in Scotland for Drug and alcohol treatment, with 66.2% seen within 3 weeks and 71.6% seen within 5 weeks.

In November, the Scottish Conservatives launched their new drug strategy that would halve the number of drug deaths in 5 years and increase the number of problem drug users accessing treatment from just 40% to the UK average of 60%.

Miles Briggs, Scottish Conservative Lothian MSP, said: “These figures show that previous cuts by SNP Ministers to Alcohol and Drug partnerships have had a detrimental impact in NHS Lothian.

“Patients in Lothian are being forced to wait longer than anywhere else in Scotland for Alcohol and Drug treatment, which is completely unacceptable.

“It is critical that  patients who need treatment for alcohol and drugs are not having to wait months to get the support that they need, but this is what some are having to do.

“I have written to the Scottish Government to again raise my concerns over waiting times for treatment at Lothian ADPs and asking what actions are being taken to improve waiting times.”

Brock calls for scrapping of ‘settled status’ scheme for EU citizens

Deidre Brock MP has called for the UK Government to scrap plans for EU citizens living in the UK to have to apply to the ‘Settled Status’ scheme and pay a fee in order to have the right to remain here. Continue reading Brock calls for scrapping of ‘settled status’ scheme for EU citizens

Scottish Government commits £125 million to combat UK austerity

Scottish Ministers are on course to invest over £125 million in 2018-19 to mitigate against the worst impact of UK Government welfare reforms and to protect those on low incomes. Continue reading Scottish Government commits £125 million to combat UK austerity

Scottish Cabinet papers released

Files from 2003 now open to the public

Files opened for the first time at National Records Scotland (NRS) show details of Scottish Cabinet discussions in 2003.

The records cover the Scottish Parliament elections which saw Jack McConnell return as First Minister. Included in these files are discussions by the Labour/Liberal Democrat Cabinet about striking firefighters, regeneration of the Clyde waterfront and the potential domestic impact of the Iraq War.

The papers are made available to the public as part of the Scottish Government’s proactive commitment to releasing archived records after 15 years.

Welcoming the latest releases, Paul Lowe, Chief Executive of NRS and Keeper of the Records of Scotland, said: “These records are important for our understanding of our recent history as well as the fabric of our society.

“Preserving our records and making them available to the wider public is one of the most important aspects of our work here at the National Records of Scotland.

“It’s fascinating to see the range of important issues covered in 2003 ranging from discussions on civil partnerships to child protection and cultural policy in Scotland.”

Minister for Parliamentary Business and Veterans Graeme Dey said: “The vast resource of information that’s been made available for members of the public to view at the NRS, as well as the wealth of documents which have been published on our website, shows the Scottish Government’s commitment to openness and transparency.

“I am sure that these newly opened files will make for fascinating reading.”

Information on the files is available on the NRS website.



“Optimism and Hope”: Prime Minister’s New Year Message

In a video message to the country on New Year’s Day, Prime Minister Theresa May said: “New Year is a time to look ahead and in 2019 the UK will start a new chapter. The Brexit deal I have negotiated delivers on the vote of the British people and in the next few weeks MPs will have an important decision to make. If Parliament backs a deal, Britain can turn a corner. Continue reading “Optimism and Hope”: Prime Minister’s New Year Message