Stolen Lives: Forthview pupils produce WW1 poetry anthology

A series of emotional First World War poems written by Forthview primary school children  have been transformed into a new book.

Stolen LivesForthview Primary School P and P7 pupils saw the National Theatre’s superb production of War Horse at the Festival Theatre earlier this year, and they were so inspired by the show they decided to write a series of poems based on the experiences of Scottish people during the war.

These have now been turned into an anthology, Stolen Lives, which was recited for the first time at a special launch event at the Festival Theatre yesterday (Tuesday 30 September).

The poems were read out by actors from the critically-acclaimed First World War play Regeneration, which is currently on a week long run at the King’s Theatre in Edinburgh.

The pupils watched War Horse as part of the START project run in conjunction with the Festival Theatre which aims to make cultural venues more accessible to young people. They were then helped in turning their poems into a book by author Mary Turner Thomson – and it was during one of her workshops that P7 pupil Demmi-Leigh Brammer came up with the title Stolen Lives.

war horseDemmi said: “We wrote our poems after seeing War Horse and hearing some World War 1 poems. I thought of the title, ‘Stolen Lives’ because the soldiers were killed by complete strangers as if their lives were being stolen from them.

“I am really excited about the launch. I think it’s going to be really fun but, at the same time, I am quite nervous about singing in front of lots of people.”

Forthview Primary School Head Teacher Eileen Littlewood said: “The pupils were inspired to write these wonderful poems after seeing War Horse as they were captivated by the story of Joey and the historical events of the First World War. The pupils really are very talented writers and thanks to their excellent teachers they’ve succeeded in writing very beautiful, atmospheric poems.”

Mary Turner Thomson said: “I was very impressed with the pupils’ poetic endeavours and felt they had put a lot of effort and emotion into their contributions.  This whole project has been an amazing experience and a reminder of the horrors the people who fought in the war went through.

“It’s good that a whole new generation of our children are inspired to think about their sacrifice 100 years since it began. These young poets, seeing their work in print within their very own book of poetry, will now remember and pass this on to the next generation as well.”

Cerin Richardson, Learning & Participation Manager at the Festival and King’s Theatres, said: “Watching the inspirational War Horse led the pupils to taking part in some artist-led music, dance, puppetry and poetry workshops in school, as part of the START project funded by the Princes Foundation for Children and the Arts.

“The children produced some extraordinary work and this encouraged them to write the poems included here in their book, Stolen Lives. The Festival Theatre is delighted to have been part of the process which has led to this wonderfully imaginative and beautifully written book of poems.”

Today’s launch also coincides with Historic Scotland, who run Edinburgh Castle, launching their new school project ‘Learning about Scotland’s First World War’.

Craig Fletcher, Senior Learning Manager at Historic Scotland, said: “We are delighted to be working with Forthview Primary School and other partners on this new project which allows young people to explore their local heritage, whilst learning more about the war and its impact on Scottish people.

“Historic Scotland will work in partnership with local schools during the commemorative period for the First World War. Pupils will visit historic properties to explore buildings, museums and objects as they investigate and discover the impact of the War in Scotland and discover real people’s stories. They will also have the opportunity to participate in interactive workshops enabling them to reflect on their learning experiences.”

Special thanks also go to officers from the City of Edinburgh Council’s Integrated Literacy Strategy team and students/tutor from the Illustration Department of Edinburgh College of Art who worked with the pupils to illustrate their poems.

War Horse wee

Liz Lochhead to be part of North Edinburgh’s Big Night Out

lochheadScotland’s national poet Liz Lochhead will be among the participants at a major community event to be held in North Edinburgh later this month. ‘The Big Night Out’, an evening of songs, fun, poetry and protest, is being organised by the local Power to the People group.

The programme is yet to be finalised, but the event will also feature a photography and artwork exhibition.

CLD worker Lynn McCabe, who supports the group, explained: “There’s going to be a couple of exhibitions on the history of protest (one is a photographic exhibition, the other is being put together by arts students from Edinburgh (Telford) College.  The main part of the night will be in the theatre and will include  protest poems and protest poetry.   We have just had word  that Liz Lochhead will be doing a turn which is great, and it’s likely that some  pupils from Craigroyston High School will also be participating in the event – I’m meeting with their teacher to discuss this further. There’s still a lot to organise and confirm but the Power to the People group are very excited about The Big Night Out.”

Power to the People’s Big Night Out will be held in

North Edinburgh Arts on Friday 29 November from 6.30 – 9.30pm.

Tickets £3. All welcome.


Poem: Poverty and Protest

Poverty and protest go hand and hand

Fighting for a better land

Working class people taking a stand

Against the injustices

Since time began

Porteous Riots at Edinburgh’s gates

This unjust man knew his fate

When he shot these people down

The riots started throughout the town

Look through history you will find

Protests were on people’s minds

The right to have their voices heard

Was what these people so deserved

Throughout the ages we can see

The right to speak was not to be

So the protest did begin to start

To demonstrate came from the heart

Of people who were tired and weary

Of poverty oppression and desperation

So they gathered to mount a demonstration

This was done in many ways through songs and plays

People gathered information through thinkers of their generations

Playwriters Poets Artists Trade Unionists Socialist all

Gathered together to hear the call

Of people who were so unhappy starving homeless

Made them fight which leaders called unrest

Polictians make promises for votes

Once elected they are all forgot

Activists present charters with good intentions

City fathers leading them on

Promises broken What has gone wrong ?

Trade Unions now have no say

Thatcher took all their rights away

She crushed communities even took our childrens milk

Riots on street this women caused

With her unjust brutal laws

Poll tax she tried to impose the Scottish nation angerley rose

To fight the cuts we brought her down

No longer for her to rule with an iron hand

She killed our nation throughout the land

Future governments once elected

Did not repeal the Acts she created

Broken promises once again

When will this torture end ?

Now there will be a referendum for independance

Political parties running scared incase Scotland vote YES

They tell us we are “BETTER TOGETHER ” people know what is best

Scottish people will decide no more Broken promises Unjust cuts

Welfare reforms Prices rising .

No jobs to see beyond the horizon

For our youths there is no future

People shivering in the winter

For many it is heat or eat

Poverty rising at an alarming rate

Homeless people have no hope

This present government is a joke

“BETTER TOGETHER ” ? Better for who ?

Polititians not me or you

Now they are trying to gather the masses

For what ? I believe to save their own asses

Scotland should show the way

Vote differently have your say

Remember all the broken promises

Remember all this on referendum day.

Anna Hutchison (by email)