Fancy volunteering at PY? We are looking for adults to support us in our clubs and groups.
See information (above) or email volunteer@pycp.co.uk
Fancy volunteering at PY? We are looking for adults to support us in our clubs and groups.
See information (above) or email volunteer@pycp.co.uk
We’re so excited to welcome everyone back to our groups next week!
All our groups are back from Monday 13th of January – remember if you are new to us or have not completed a consent form since before September 2024 then you need to collect one to come along!
Also please pay attention to the age of the groups as some of them have changed! Any questions, give us a call or pop by and we are happy to help
We’re ready to go after a week of planning and prep! Buzzing to see all our young people this week
Reminder: All young people need a consent form to attend our project, this MUST be completed by the legal guardian of the child – if you have completed one since September last year, you do NOT need to do another one.
NORTH EDINBURGH BIG FOLK!!!!! We are so excited to announce that booking is now open for the first 4 sessions in our new North Edinburgh venue!
Beginning on 25th October and running on Wednesdays in the beautiful Pilton Youth and Children’s Project (PYCP) centre, we would love to see you and your wee folk there.
Sessions are FREE but please book a space so we can manage numbers at https://www.eventbrite.com/o/mini-melodies-nycos-67069471743
Only the child attending requires a ticket as accompanying adults are included in booking. If you can no longer make a session, please cancel the space on Eventbrite or send us a message so we can open the space to someone else.
The Christmas countdown is now officially underway with the launch of Cash for Kids seasonal charity drive, Mission Christmas. Continue reading Christmas countdown underway with launch of Mission Christmas 2018