A chance to say farewell to HELEN TAIT on her last day at Pilton Equalities Project
Friday 27 September from 11am – 2pm at PEP, West Pilton Park

PEP is overseen by a Board of Trustees who have overall responsibility and accountability for the Project. They set and maintain PEP’s vision, mission and values; support strategic development of services, establish and monitor policies, monitor employment procedures alongside the Manager, support the Manager and ensure good governance.
About Pilton Equalities Project:
Aims to enhance the quality of life for older people in North Edinburgh by continuing to develop services that measurably reduce isolation and which enable people and other vulnerable and isolated adults to actively participate in community life.
Experience Required:
Good independent judgement, ability to think creatively, willingness to speak your mind, an understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship, an ability to work effectively as a member of a team and to take decisions for the good of the charity.
Training Details:
PEP, 3 West Pilton Park, Edinburgh, EH4 4EL . Training will be given on commencement of volunteering as a Trustee.
Location/Travel Details:
Board meet once a month for 2 hours, normally meetings are held in the PEP Office.
Accessibility Details:
Named Contact for Volunteer. Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet
Contact Details:
0131 315 4466
3 West Pilton Park
PEP is overseen by a Board of Trustees who have overall responsibility and ac-countability for the Project. They set and maintain PEP’s vision, mission and values; support strategic development of services, establish and monitor policies, monitor employment procedures alongside the Manager, support the Manager and ensure good governance.
About Pilton Equalities Project:
Aims to enhance the quality of life for older people in North Edinburgh by continuing to develop services that measurably reduce isolation and which enable people and other vulnerable and isolated adults to actively participate in community life.
Experience Required:
Good independent judgement, ability to think creatively, willingness to speak your mind, an understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship, an ability to work effectively as a member of a team and to take decisions for the good of the charity.
Training Details:
PEP, 3 West Pilton Park, Edinburgh, EH4 4EL . Training will be given on commencement of volunteering.
Location/Travel Details:
Board meet once a month for 2 hours, normally meetings are held in the PEP Office.
Public transport and out of pocket expenses paid.
Accessibility Details:
Named Contact for Volunteer. Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet
Hello@pepscot.org or tel. 0131 315 4466
Website www.pepscot.org
Facebook: Piltonequalitiesproject
The Pilton Equalities Project AGM will take place over Zoom on Monday 21 November at 11am.
If you would like to attend, please email pepequalities@btconnect.com
The Pilton Equalities Project is a voluntary organisation based in North Edinburgh since 1989, providing a range of services to older and other vulnerable adults.
We are looking for a part-time driver who holds a D1 category license and who is over 25 years old (for insurance purposes).
Must be physically fit as there will be moving and handling involved.
Hours to be agreed, but flexible working is a requirement as holiday cover will be required.
The main duties include transporting groups to venues in and around Edinburgh, picking up surplus food donations, maintenance checks, bus washing etc.
Experience of working with the elderly and disabled is essential. Knowledge of driving minibuses and operating wheelchair restraints is desirable but full training can be given.
PEP are seeking to employ a skilled Mental Health Support Worker to develop two new wellbeing groups in North Edinburgh for older people aged 65+.
The purpose of these groups will be to support older people whose wellbeing has been negatively affected by the pandemic.
This will include, but not be limited to, older people who have experienced bereavement, social isolation or mental health issues.
PEP are seeking to employ a skilled Mental Health Worker to be responsible for the daily running and further development of PEP’s Mental Health Service.
The purpose will be to support older and other vulnerable adults, whose wellbeing has been negatively affected by the pandemic.
This will include, but not be limited to, older and other vulnerable people who have experienced bereavement, social isolation or mental health issues.
Pilton Equalities Project
Charity registered in Scotland SC010108
To enhance the quality of life for older and other vulnerable adults in North Edinburgh by continuing to develop services that enable active community participation, which encourage independence and which measurably reduce isolation.
It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden death of our friend and colleague Mandy Hosey, aged 54.
Mandy worked at PEP for 15 years delivering our mental health services. Many people in the area will have known Mandy and valued the support that she gave to everyone that she worked with.
Mandy was a valued member of the team at PEP, and we will all miss her very much.
Mandy is survived by her children Oran and Eva to whom we give our sincere condolences
Helen Tait, Pilton Equalities Project
MONDAY 22 NOVEMBER 11am – 12 noon
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 22 November from 11am to 12 noon.
The meeting will be held on Zoom.
If you’d like to attend, please email pepequalities@btconnect.com and we will send you a link to the meeting.
North Edinburgh Active Travel Network are hosting a number of events this weekend to promote active travel.
See poster for more information – we hope you find an activity to take part in.
North Edinburgh Arts are hosting a Dr Bike Session on Saturday either in MacMillan Square or in the Shed if the weather is poor.
We hope to see you at one of these events!
Pilton Equalities Project (PEP) is a member of The Edinburgh Community Transport Operators Group (ECTOG).
With the support of EVOC, ECTOG has put together a report on the services we have all provided during the COVID pandemic.
You can read the report here (or see below):
Here at PEP, we’ve been active in the North West Edinburgh area, serving the community right from the start of the pandemic. You can see what we’ve been up to in the image above.
Well done, everyone!