So, what IS a Citizens’ Assembly?

The Scottish Government has proposed a Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland, but what IS a citizens’ assembly? 

The University of Edinburgh and Electoral Reform Society Scotland have organised a panel discussion on Monday (July 8th) from 6pm – 8pm with speakers including:

  • Joanna Cherry MP QC (SNP Justice and Home Affairs spokesperson)
  • Dr Jess Garland (Electoral Reform Society)
  • Dr Oliver Escobar (University of Edinburgh)
  • Professor David Farrell (Research leader of the Irish Citizens’ Assembly)
  • Louise Caldwell (Irish Citizens’ Assembly member)
  • Lesley Riddoch (Journalist)
  • David Martin (Citizens’ Assembly Convener Designate)

The event has been incredibly popular, and is oversubscribed so we will be live streaming it at

We are collecting suggestions for questions for the panel. You can submit your questions here

Bookmark the link now and add the event to your calendar – don’t forget to tweet along with the stream with the hashtag #ShapingScotland

Phil Connor,

Campaigns Officer,
ERS Scotland

Citizens Assembly to help shape Scotland’s future

First step to set up new Assembly to help shape Scotland’s future.

The process of establishing the new Citizens’ Assembly to explore some of the major challenges facing Scotland has begun.

A contractor is being sought to randomly select 120 members of the public to serve on the Assembly. The individuals will be broadly representative of Scotland’s adult population in terms of age, gender, socio-economic class, ethnic group, geography and political attitudes.

The Assembly will consider three broad issues:

* what kind of country should be

* how can Scotland best overcome challenges, including those arising from Brexit

* what further work is required to enable people to make informed choices about the future of Scotland

Constitutional Relations Secretary Michael Russell said: “This is the first time a Citizens’ Assembly has been used in Scotland and will bring together a wide range of ordinary people from across our country in a genuine attempt to reach consensus on the issues that we face. Similar models have been used successfully in countries including Ireland, Canada, Australia and Poland.

“It is a bold idea and one I hope everyone, whatever their political view, can embrace. I believe we all want the best for Scotland and if we have learnt anything from Brexit it is the need to make space for people to engage with information and to exchange different views.”

The Citizens’ Assembly is one strand of the Scottish Government’s three pronged approach to chart a distinctive course for Scotland. The others are the establishment of a legal framework providing the option for a referendum and cross-party talks to identify areas of agreement on constitutional change.

The Scottish Government’s approach is based on lessons learned from a range of Citizens’ Assembly initiatives.

Members will be identified by early September, with the Assembly meeting on six weekends between the autumn and Spring 2020.

Assembly members will receive a gift of thanks of £200 per weekend to recognise their time and contribution. Travel, accommodation and other reasonable costs, such as child care, will also be covered.

MSPs, MPs, MEPs, councillors and members of the House of Lords, political party staff, public appointees and senior public and civil servants will be ineligible to sit on the Assembly, as will representatives and officials of relevant advocacy groups.

An announcement on the convenership of the Assembly will be made by Constitutional Secretary Michael Russell shortly.



Major new initiative to get more women into politics

A new initiative has been announced by an alliance of women’s organisations and the Scottish Parliament in a move to tackle the gender imbalance in Scottish politics. Continue reading Major new initiative to get more women into politics

Neighbourhood Networks: exciting new chapter for community planning?

Community groups, voluntary sector organisations and local councillors will come together across the city this month for the inaugural meetings of the new Neighbourhood Networks. Continue reading Neighbourhood Networks: exciting new chapter for community planning?

Stronger Community Councils can improve local democracy, says new report

Yesterday, during #CelebrateCCs month, Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) and What Works Scotland jointly published research into community councils. The report recommends that the Local Governance Review should consider #StrengtheningCCs to improve local democracy in Scotland. Continue reading Stronger Community Councils can improve local democracy, says new report

May Days: Citizen at North Edinburgh Arts

Edinburgh International Book Festival has announced two days of activity in May as part of their Citizen programme.  Citizen at North Edinburgh Arts on Thursday 9 and Saturday 11 May will feature events and activities for schools and Edinburgh residents, bringing people together to share stories, experiences and ideas of what it means to be a Citizen.  Continue reading May Days: Citizen at North Edinburgh Arts

Wardie Bay Beachwatch: Saturday 30th March

Our next Wardie Bay Beachwatch, providing citizen science data to Marine Conservation Society, will also be a general litter pick of land-based litter for those keen to clean up the whole shore.

Please join us!

Sign Up!

Saturday 30 March, 11:30am – 2pm

Please come and encourage friends and family to come along too.
Gloves and litter picking equipment are provided.
Please also visit our twitter page @wardiebaybeach for regular tweets or find the event on the MCS website, register and sign up there!…/b…/wardie-bay-beach/event/2019-03-30

Email Karen at for further information.

Looking forward to seeing you!