Anyone for tennis in Trinity?

Partnership serves up new free sports facilities

Victoria Park 1T

Councillor Lesley Hinds opened new tennis courts and a basketball court in Victoria Park yesterday. The Environment Convener was joined by Minister for Sport, Health Improvement and Mental Health, Jamie Hepburn and Culture & Sport Convener Councillor Richard Lewis to open the new sports facilities, which came about following a consultation organised by Trinity Community Council.

Cllr Lesley Hinds said: “We have many wonderful parks and green spaces throughout the city and Victoria Park is a fantastic example of an excellent outdoor space that is enjoyed by the whole community.

“The consultation showed us that there is demand for free local sports facilities so the opening of these new tennis and basketball courts is great news. I hope it will encourage even more people to make the most of this beautiful park.”

The new courts are thanks to a £95,000 investment jointly funded by the City of Edinburgh Council and Sportscotland via the Legacy 2014 Active Places Fund.

A community consultation found that some local residents were discouraged from using local sports facilities due to financial barriers and that there was a lack of quality free sports provision in the area. The results of the consultation led to the development of the courts, which will also benefit the three schools located nearby, Trinity Academy, Trinity Primary and Holy Cross Primary.

Culture and Sport Convener, Cllr Richard Lewis, said: “I am delighted that these new facilities are now open and the fact that they are free and accessible to everyone makes them an excellent resource for the community.

“A key priority for the Council is to provide more opportunities for people to get active and encourage greater participation in sports as part of healthy lifestyle. The new courts will help us to achieve this and will be a real asset for local people of all ages.”

Victoria Park was first awarded a Green Flag in 2011 and forms part of the North Edinburgh Cycle Network, National Cycle Network and North Sea Route.

Victoria Park allotments? Drop-in and have your say

Edinburgh and Lothian Greenspace Trust (ELGT) and the City of Edinburgh Council propose to turn the bowling green furthest away from the club house in Victoria Park  into allotments.

A community consultation drop-in event will take place on Thursday (4 December) from 4 – 7pm in the Bowling Green Clubhouse. Go along to see what’s being proposed and air your views.

See below for details:

Victoria Park Allotments consultation Victoria Park


Priceless! Putting a value on the city’s parks

New research has revealed just how much our parks are worth to us

VictoriaParkAnalysis carried out on behalf of the Council by Carrick Associates demonstrates for the first time the impact of the city’s 140 green spaces. The study, which uses a Social Return on Investment (SROI) approach, has valued their benefits at an impressive £114m.

By measuring the social, environmental and economic change experienced by those who use Edinburgh’s parks, researchers were able to apply a monetary value to the effects.

Environment Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds, said: “This research demonstrates just how important parks are for our health, well being, environmental awareness and even local economy.

“Our parks are the gem in Edinburgh’s crown and are a real success story for the capital, as recent awards from Britain in Bloom and Entente Florale have recognised. But more than that, they are at the heart of many of the city’s communities.”

As part of the analysis, parks were divided into different categories – Premier, City, Natural Heritage and Community – and their stakeholders and benefits assessed.

Amongst these were the community, whose gains varied from enhanced fitness levels to well being, local employers, who could benefit from a more productive workforce, and school pupils, who are expected to build environmental awareness from a visit to the park.

By monitoring and interviewing visitors on their experiences, analysts concluded that, for every £1 spent by the Council maintaining parks, £12 of social, economic and environmental benefits will be delivered. The report also estimates an annual revenue of £51m for local businesses, health and well being benefits worth around £40.5m and outdoor education experiences equating to just under £1m.

Analysis builds on the results of the Edinburgh People’s Survey 2013, which found that the average Edinburgh resident visits a park in the city on 49 days in the year – almost one day a week.

Over the past five years a steady improvement in the quality of parks has been evidenced by annual Park Quality Assessments, as well as a record number of Green Flag Awards, and national and international recognition by Britain in Bloom and Entente Florale.


Edinburgh’s parks: Their value

  • This analysis has allowed the Council to predict that by using City of Edinburgh Council’s parks:
  • Individuals will gain health and wellbeing benefits worth around £40.5 million
  • The impact on social inclusion and community capacity is calculated to be worth over £6 million
  • Local businesses and the economy will gain additional revenue from visitors to the parks in the region of £51 million
  • Schools, nurseries and colleges are able to provide outdoor educational experiences that equate to just under £1 million
  • The awareness and understanding gained by visitors of their local environment is valued at just under £5 million
  • For an investment of £9,684,000 in parks and green space by City of Edinburgh Council it is estimated benefits worth £114,191,000 are generated.

Priceless! Putting a value on the city's parks

New research has revealed just how much our parks are worth to us

VictoriaParkAnalysis carried out on behalf of the Council by Carrick Associates demonstrates for the first time the impact of the city’s 140 green spaces. The study, which uses a Social Return on Investment (SROI) approach, has valued their benefits at an impressive £114m.

By measuring the social, environmental and economic change experienced by those who use Edinburgh’s parks, researchers were able to apply a monetary value to the effects.

Environment Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds, said: “This research demonstrates just how important parks are for our health, well being, environmental awareness and even local economy.

“Our parks are the gem in Edinburgh’s crown and are a real success story for the capital, as recent awards from Britain in Bloom and Entente Florale have recognised. But more than that, they are at the heart of many of the city’s communities.”

As part of the analysis, parks were divided into different categories – Premier, City, Natural Heritage and Community – and their stakeholders and benefits assessed.

Amongst these were the community, whose gains varied from enhanced fitness levels to well being, local employers, who could benefit from a more productive workforce, and school pupils, who are expected to build environmental awareness from a visit to the park.

By monitoring and interviewing visitors on their experiences, analysts concluded that, for every £1 spent by the Council maintaining parks, £12 of social, economic and environmental benefits will be delivered. The report also estimates an annual revenue of £51m for local businesses, health and well being benefits worth around £40.5m and outdoor education experiences equating to just under £1m.

Analysis builds on the results of the Edinburgh People’s Survey 2013, which found that the average Edinburgh resident visits a park in the city on 49 days in the year – almost one day a week.

Over the past five years a steady improvement in the quality of parks has been evidenced by annual Park Quality Assessments, as well as a record number of Green Flag Awards, and national and international recognition by Britain in Bloom and Entente Florale.


Edinburgh’s parks: Their value

  • This analysis has allowed the Council to predict that by using City of Edinburgh Council’s parks:
  • Individuals will gain health and wellbeing benefits worth around £40.5 million
  • The impact on social inclusion and community capacity is calculated to be worth over £6 million
  • Local businesses and the economy will gain additional revenue from visitors to the parks in the region of £51 million
  • Schools, nurseries and colleges are able to provide outdoor educational experiences that equate to just under £1 million
  • The awareness and understanding gained by visitors of their local environment is valued at just under £5 million
  • For an investment of £9,684,000 in parks and green space by City of Edinburgh Council it is estimated benefits worth £114,191,000 are generated.

More Green Flag glory for Edinburgh


A record number of 59 Scottish parks will fly a Green Flag this year after receiving the environmental award, eight more than last year. Edinburgh topped the list with 26 flags – two up on last year.

Entrants are assessed on eight criteria, including whether the park or green space is welcoming, healthy, safe, clean and well-maintained. Parks and green spaces must also be sustainable, manage conservation and heritage, have community involvement, market themselves and have good management.

The Award scheme is administered by Keep Scotland Beautiful. Derek Robertson, chief executive of the charity, said: “Scotland’s parks are going from strength to strength. We’re very proud of all of our award winners and particularly of the army of local volunteers who work all year round in rain or shine to make Scottish parks beautiful.”

Environment minister Paul Wheelhouse said: “The availability of high-quality green space and parks is very important for the health and well-being of the people of Scotland. Long may these commendable efforts continue.”

The announcement comes during Love Parks Week (26 July – 3 August), a celebration of our beautiful parks and green spaces across the UK. This annual campaign is managed by Keep Britain Tidy and supported, in Scotland, by Keep Scotland Beautiful.

The city council’s Environment Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds, said: “We have a beautiful array of parks here in Edinburgh, ranging from small residential spots like Montgomery Street Park to world famous landmarks, such as Calton Hill.

“With the invaluable support of dedicated community and Friends of Parks groups, our parks team work tirelessly to ensure the green spaces across the city, many of them Green Flag Award-winners, are of a national standard.

“But we can’t do this without the support of the public. Our parks provide a haven for people around Edinburgh, particularly during the warmer weather, and I ask those who use them to keep them that way by behaving responsibly and disposing of litter.”

Edinburgh is currently gearing up to represent the UK in the Entente Florale, Europe’s largest environmental competition – judges visit the city’s parks and open spaces next month.


Blooming brilliant – Edinburgh strikes gold!

Edinburgh has won a top prize at the Britain in Bloom National Awards.  Scotland’s capital city beat off competition from every corner of the UK to win the prestigious Gold award in the Large City category, it was announced at a ceremony last night (Saturday 12 October).

City council Environment Convener Councillor Lesley Hinds said: “This is fantastic news, I am delighted that Edinburgh has won such a prestigious award. This is entirely due to the talents and sheer hard work of our many Friends of Parks’ groups, community volunteers and the Council’s parks team. Edinburgh is a stunning city with beautiful parks and green spaces, and we will continue to work towards protecting and enhancing them.”

Britain in Bloom is an annual competition organised by the Royal Horticultural Society.


Getting greener!


Fifty-plus Green Flag parks in Scotland and Edinburgh’s home to half of them!

More Scottish parks than ever before will be flying a Green Flag this year, with over 50 parks and green spaces being awarded the Flag – and more than half of them are in Edinburgh!

Victoria, Ravelston and Inverleith Parks are among 26 Edinburgh green spaces to receive the award, but sadly no Green Flag will fly over Drylaw, West Pilton or Muirhouse Linear Park this year.

The Green Flag Award, which is administered by Keep Scotland Beautiful, is the benchmark for a quality green space, and awards have been made this year to parks and gardens run by local authorities, a university and a community group.

In all, 51 parks have been awarded, up from 44 last year.

Parks are assessed by volunteer judges who usually have a background in parks management, conservation or ecology. They judge against eight criteria testing whether the park or green space is: welcoming; healthy, safe and secure; clean and well-maintained; sustainable; manages conservation and heritage; has community involvement; markets itself, and has good management.

Carole Noble, Head of Environmental Services for Keep Scotland Beautiful, said: “This is a real success story for Scotland – we now have over 50 Green Flag parks for the first time.

“We’re very proud of the local authorities and other park managers, and particularly of the army of local volunteers who work all year round in rain or shine to make Scottish parks beautiful.

“Just like in our other campaigns such as Clean Up Scotland and Beautiful Scotland, great people make great places, and these awards are for them.”

Councillor Lesley Hinds. The city council’s Transport and Environment Convener, said: “It is wonderful that once again the parks of Edinburgh have been honoured by these national awards. Winning Green Flags for Parks’ awards for another year is a wonderful achievement.

“Our beautiful green spaces are managed and maintained by an excellent team who work hard to create attractive and peaceful spots for visitors and locals to enjoy. Their efforts have been rewarded and I would like to offer my congratulations to everyone involved.

“We will keep up the momentum by working with organisations such as Keep Scotland Beautiful to protect and develop our parks and gardens.”

Edinburgh's Green Flag ParksKeepScotlandBeautiful

Flying the flag: Edinburgh’s greenest of them all!

Edinburgh’s parks have scooped a record number of Green Flag Awards for the best green spaces in Scotland. Of 44 flags awarded in Scotland this year, the capital scooped no less than 24 awards – more than half of all flags presented across the country!

Ravelston Park and Woods is one of four new city parks to receive Green Flag recognition for the first time this year, and they join twenty who retained their awards from last year.

Parks are judged against eight criteria, including community involvement and sustainability. The Green Flag Awards criteria:

  • A welcoming place
  • Healthy, safe and secure
  • Clean and well maintained
  • Sustainability
  • Conservation and heritage
  • Community involvement
  • Marketing
  • Management

Welcoming the announcement, city environment leader Councillor Lesley Hinds said: “We’re delighted that, once again, Edinburgh is leading the way is providing high quality parks and gardens for our residents. The awards positively reflect on the hard work carried out by local communities and staff to ensure Edinburgh’s renowned parks are preserved.”

Flag raising ceremonies will take place in the four newly awarded parks next week.

The Green Flag Awards were established by Keep Britain Tidy in 1996. Paul Todd, Green Flag Award scheme manager, said: “An award provides national recognition for the achievements of all those whose hard work and dedication has helped to create these fantastic places for all to enjoy”.

Edinburgh’s green roll of honour

The parks and green spaces in Edinburgh to be given a Green Flag Award this year are:

  • Prestonfield Park (New award)
  • Ravelston Woods Local Nature Reserve and Park      (New award)
  • Ferry Glen and Back Braes (New award)
  • Lochend Park (New award)
  • Braidburn Valley Park
  • Pentland Hills Regional Park
  • Harrison Park
  • Easter Craiglockhart Hill LNR
  • Hopetoun Crescent Garden
  • Burdiehouse Burn Valley Park
  • Inverleith Park
  • Figgate Park
  • Station Road Park
  • London Road Gardens
  • Corstorphine Hill
  • Craigmillar Castle Park
  • Portobello Community Garden
  • Morningside Park
  • Muir Wood Park
  • Hailes Quarry Park
  • Victoria Park
  • Hermitage and Blackford Hill Local Nature      Reserve
  • St Margaret’s Park
  • Princes Street Gardens

For more information on the Green Flag Award scheme, visit

Flying the flag: Edinburgh's greenest of them all!

Edinburgh’s parks have scooped a record number of Green Flag Awards for the best green spaces in Scotland. Of 44 flags awarded in Scotland this year, the capital scooped no less than 24 awards – more than half of all flags presented across the country!

Ravelston Park and Woods is one of four new city parks to receive Green Flag recognition for the first time this year, and they join twenty who retained their awards from last year.

Parks are judged against eight criteria, including community involvement and sustainability. The Green Flag Awards criteria:

  • A welcoming place
  • Healthy, safe and secure
  • Clean and well maintained
  • Sustainability
  • Conservation and heritage
  • Community involvement
  • Marketing
  • Management

Welcoming the announcement, city environment leader Councillor Lesley Hinds said: “We’re delighted that, once again, Edinburgh is leading the way is providing high quality parks and gardens for our residents. The awards positively reflect on the hard work carried out by local communities and staff to ensure Edinburgh’s renowned parks are preserved.”

Flag raising ceremonies will take place in the four newly awarded parks next week.

The Green Flag Awards were established by Keep Britain Tidy in 1996. Paul Todd, Green Flag Award scheme manager, said: “An award provides national recognition for the achievements of all those whose hard work and dedication has helped to create these fantastic places for all to enjoy”.

Edinburgh’s green roll of honour

The parks and green spaces in Edinburgh to be given a Green Flag Award this year are:

  • Prestonfield Park (New award)
  • Ravelston Woods Local Nature Reserve and Park      (New award)
  • Ferry Glen and Back Braes (New award)
  • Lochend Park (New award)
  • Braidburn Valley Park
  • Pentland Hills Regional Park
  • Harrison Park
  • Easter Craiglockhart Hill LNR
  • Hopetoun Crescent Garden
  • Burdiehouse Burn Valley Park
  • Inverleith Park
  • Figgate Park
  • Station Road Park
  • London Road Gardens
  • Corstorphine Hill
  • Craigmillar Castle Park
  • Portobello Community Garden
  • Morningside Park
  • Muir Wood Park
  • Hailes Quarry Park
  • Victoria Park
  • Hermitage and Blackford Hill Local Nature      Reserve
  • St Margaret’s Park
  • Princes Street Gardens

For more information on the Green Flag Award scheme, visit

Love Parks! Let’s celebrate our city’s green spaces

Inverleith Park

Residents across Edinburgh are being encouraged to love their local park this week as national Love Parks Week launches across the country. From 21-27 July, events will be held across the Capital with the aim of encouraging people to visit, enjoy and take pride in their local parks and green spaces.

Edinburgh is home to over 130 parks – ranging from small community parks, to natural heritage parks and large premier parks. A broad range of activities are on offer – from play areas, skateboard parks, peaceful gardens, football pitches to ponds and wildlife. We have our fair share of them here in North Edinburgh – from Inverleith and latest Green Flag winner Ravelston (pictured below) to Drylaw, West Pilton and along to Victoria – large and small, there are so many green spaces to be enjoyed right on your doorsteps.

City Environment Leader Councillor Lesley Hinds (pictured below), said: “Attractive and well-presented parks and greenspaces are fundamentally important to maintaining the quality of life in Edinburgh. We take particular pride in ensuring good outdoor spaces are accessible to all and the city has the highest number of Green Flag parks in the country.Although the weather might not be the best at the moment, we’re still hoping lots of people will turn out next week to visit their local park and take part in some of the events.”

This year Love Parks Week will focus on access for all to healthy green spaces. The campaign will highlight what a healthy (quality) green space looks like and will begin to assess the nation’s parks by encouraging people to give their park a simple health check.

In 2006, 96,000 people attended 240 events across Britain. Last year 1,200 events were held with an estimated one million participants.

Among the local ‘Love Parks’ event highlights this week are:

Inverleith Park: 12 – 4pm, Wednesday 25th July

Go behind the scenes and meet the people behind our parks and woodlands at our depot in Inverleith Park. Staff from the Forestry Service will talk about their work and demonstrate their tree climbing skills. There will also be a horse logging demonstration.

You can also visit the blacksmiths and joiners workshops – the teams responsible for looking after the safety of our play areas and maintaining our presentation seats.

Our Allotment Officer will be joining the Inverleith Allotment Association to give tours around the Inverleith Allotment site, crowned the best allotment site in the city in the Edinburgh in Bloom competition 2011.
Chat with our Park Rangers about the work they do to improve our parks for people and wilidlife, with a site visit to the new annual wildflower meadow in the park.

Cammo Estate and River Almond Walk: 10 – 1pm, Thursday 26th July

Join our natural Heritage Ranger at the Cammo Estate visitor centre for a gentle stroll along the banks of the River Almond then a meander around Cammo Estate looking at history, heritage and wildlife. This is one of the best parks and river walks around Edinburgh.

Age 12 and above.

Water of Leith – Balerno to Slateford: 10:30 – 2:30, Sunday 29th July

Follow the Water of Leith from Balerno to Slateford, passing through old mill villages of Edinburgh. Hear about the history of the area, the importance of the river – past and present and discover the wildlife which thrives along this corridor. Bring a packed lunch, wear sturdy footwear and dress for the weather. Please note you will have to arrange your own transport, the walk will begin in Balerno and end in Slateford.

Age 12 and above.

Edinburgh has a number of Friends groups looking after parks and greenspaces in the city. Working with the Council, the Friends of Parks groups give residents a greater say in what goes on in their park. Find out more on the city council website or contact the Parks department on 0131 529 3030 / for information on whether your local park has a friends group, or, if not, how to set one up.

Victoria Park in Spring