Curbs on legal highs cut need for hospital care, study suggests

Fewer people sought hospital treatment for the toxic effects of so-called legal highs following temporary restrictions, a study based at an Edinburgh hospital suggests. The research has been welcomed by Scottish Conservatives health spokesman Miles Briggs MSP, who said figures are ‘very encouraging’. Continue reading Curbs on legal highs cut need for hospital care, study suggests

NHS Lothian: urgent action needed to address ‘bullying and harassment’

An independent investigation into NHS Lothian has found a culture of “bullying and harassment”. The review,  produced by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, for the Scottish Government, investigated the circumstances surrounding NHS Lothian’s  reporting of A&E waiting times – and concludes that said the situation requires “urgent action”. Continue reading NHS Lothian: urgent action needed to address ‘bullying and harassment’

Baby friendly Scotland!

Scotland has achieved full UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative accreditation in all of its maternity and community health visiting services, following NHS Lothian receiving the honour. The accreditation demonstrates that health boards across the country are providing new mums and babies with the best possible support and care. Continue reading Baby friendly Scotland!

Queen’s Award for Ageing Well

Edinburgh project Ageing Well, which promotes healthy lifestyles for older adults in the capital who are inactive, has been awarded a prestigious Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS), the ‘MBE’ for volunteer groups.

Continue reading Queen’s Award for Ageing Well

Hospital Parking: Something needs to be done, says Briggs

They are not heeding my warnings, says Lothian Tory MSP

Miles Briggs, Scottish Conservative & Unionist MSP for Lothian, has received a written response from Shona Robison on his call for a national review of parking at all Scottish Hospitals (see below). Continue reading Hospital Parking: Something needs to be done, says Briggs

Briggs: NHS Lothian accounts for almost a quarter of Delayed Discharge in Scotland

NHS Lothian accounts for almost a quarter of Delayed Discharge in Scotland

Delayed discharge costs our NHS over £100 million per year, with NHS Lothian accounting for £28 million of the total. That means less money to spend on treating patients who require medical attention, while patients awaiting discharge are being kept in hospital for longer than they need to be, says Tory health spokesman Miles Briggs. Continue reading Briggs: NHS Lothian accounts for almost a quarter of Delayed Discharge in Scotland