Briggs welcomes £3 million investment into CAHMS staff recruitment

Scottish Conserative health spokesman Miles Briggs MSP has welcomed the news that NHS Lothian are investing £3million into the recruitment of Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services staff. Continue reading Briggs welcomes £3 million investment into CAHMS staff recruitment

“A state of chaos”: Further delay to full paediatric service at St John’s

The full reinstatement of 24/7 paediatric services at St John’s Hospital has been further delayed, Health Secretary jeane Freeman confirmed today. Continue reading “A state of chaos”: Further delay to full paediatric service at St John’s

National award for Lothian’s Rapid Response Team

NHS Lothian’s pioneering Rapid Response Team is celebrating after they picked up a title in this month’s Scotland’s Dementia Awards.

The team, which provides an alternative to hospital admission for older people by providing mental health and support at home, was recognised in the national ceremony in Glasgow this week. Continue reading National award for Lothian’s Rapid Response Team

NHS Lothian trials tiny eye implant to treat glaucoma

Experts in NHS Lothian are trialling a microscopic eye implant to revolutionise glaucoma treatment.

The team, led by Dr Andrew Tatham (above) at the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion, are conducting a study of the pioneering biodegradable device. Continue reading NHS Lothian trials tiny eye implant to treat glaucoma

End in sight to rip off TV charges at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary

NHS Lothian have confirmed that they are not going to renew their contract with entertainment provider Hospedia, who have come under criticism due their expensive fees for patients to watch television in hospital.

At the ERI patients are charged £5.00 for two hours of television or £17.50 for two days. Continue reading End in sight to rip off TV charges at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary

“They should hang their heads in shame”: New Sick Kids won’t fully open for a year

Edinburgh’s new Sick Kids hospital won’t be open for at least another year, and fixing the latest blunders will cost the taxpayer an extra £16 million.

On top of the additional £16 million costs, NHS Lothian will continue to pay £1.35 million a month to the site owners at Little France, which will total a further £16 million by the time the hospital finally opens. Continue reading “They should hang their heads in shame”: New Sick Kids won’t fully open for a year

More people to be trained to spot eating disorders thanks to the National Lottery

More young sufferers and their families will benefit from Beat’s vital support as the UK’s eating disorder charity has been awarded more than £1 million in National Lottery funding. Continue reading More people to be trained to spot eating disorders thanks to the National Lottery

NHS Lothian needs more government support, says Briggs

NHS Lothian lowest funded health board per head of population.

NHS Lothian have not hit a single one of their performance targets and have the lowest funding per head of population, with £1,540 based on mid 2018 population estimates. Continue reading NHS Lothian needs more government support, says Briggs