Children in hospital’s Christmas Wishes redirected to people of Edinburgh

Letters to Santa from children in hospital are being redirected to the people of Edinburgh this Christmas.

Children at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People (RHCYP) have shared their heart-breaking wishes, but sadly Santa alone can’t make these wishes come true.

Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity (ECHC) has stepped in to ask the people of Edinburgh to help bring a little magic to families who won’t be at home for Christmas this year.

Macy, aged 4, is one of the children whose letter to Santa has been sent to homes across the city. She was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in January this year and has since been receiving treatment at the RHCYP.

Mum, Gillian, said: “Due to Macy’s chemotherapy treatment, she has lost her lovely blonde hair which she has found really hard. Her wish this year is for her hair to grow back long enough so she can put it in a ponytail just like mine.

“We are also hoping that she will feel a little bit better as last Christmas she was very poorly. She had frequent colds prior to her diagnosis and just wasn’t in the mood to play with any of her toys.

“Throughout Macy’s treatment, the care and kindness from her nurses, all of the NHS Lothian teams we’ve met and the support from ECHC, as well as lots of other charities, has been phenomenal. It really has made our hospital journey that little bit easier and we are so very grateful to all those who have stood beside us during the most difficult times.”

ECHC supports the work of the RHCYP and NHS Lothian. The charity’s new ‘Redirected Letters to Santa’ appeal is asking supporters to make a gift to support families facing a hospital stay this December.

Pippa Johnston, Director at ECHC, said: “The reality is that some children and young people have to be in hospital over Christmas, so what should be a time of magic and laughter becomes a time of worry – for them and their families.

“While we can’t take away their pain, we can deliver some happiness. Together with our friends in the NHS, we work hard to make sure no child or young person misses out on the joy of the festive season.

“You don’t need a sleigh, or reindeer, or a white beard, but some letters will need more than Santa’s help. We are asking the people of Edinburgh to make a donation to help deliver magic and make Christmas in hospital that little bit easier for children and families.”

To make a donation to ECHC’s ‘Redelivered Letters to Santa’ appeal, visit:

A Career in Care: Edinburgh College launches new free course


NHS Lothian has partnered up to support the launch of a new Edinburgh College course designed to introduce students to a career in care.

The free course, which is 10 weeks long leads to a guaranteed job interview for participants with a social care provider, opening the doors to potential future employment.

NHS Lothian, working in partnership with Lothian’s four Health and Social Care Partnerships has helped to develop the Lothian Care Academy (LCA) to support education, training and recruitment of health and social care staff.

The step into care course is an initiative championed by the LCA designed to support our the current health and social workforce, while attracting new talent to the profession.

The course itself is aimed at those who enjoy working with people, are compassionate, have a sense of fun and are seeking a new rewarding career they perhaps thought they never had the qualifications to start.

Mhairi Mackay, Senior Project Manager for Lothian Care Academy, NHS Lothian said: “The rationale for this course was to look at new ways of recruiting into social care and to provide people with experience of the job.

“We have adapted the SSSC ‘Introduction to Social Care’ course to include workshops on personal care, infection control and communication so people can be best prepared for what a career in social care might be like. We’re also guaranteeing interviews for candidates who complete the course, so it is a ‘one stop shop’ so to speak.

“The interviews could take successful candidates into a career in a care home or in a care at home service that helps people to keep their independence and stay in their own home.”

Alison Payne, Manager of Erskine Care Home, Edinburgh said: “The course is very important in opening up the option of working in care to a whole new potential workforce.

“I am hopeful that people who have considered working in care, but felt they didn’t have the skills or necessary experience will see this course as a great opportunity and even a steppingstone into a whole new career.

“One of the biggest issues facing the care sector at the moment is recruitment, in particular for care homes and care at home services.

“I think as a care home it was important for us to be involved in this project so that we can give a real insight into what care homes are really like to work in. I would also love people to see the real care home experience and the positive impact this has for residents and their relatives.”

It’s only by working in partnership with care services and Edinburgh College that’s allowed the course to come into fruition.

Commenting on the partnership Andrew Clark, Skills Boost Leader, Edinburgh College said: “One of our key aims at Edinburgh College is to improve employability within our local community.

“This partnership is really a win-win situation as it provides a pathway for people wishing to work in the care industry and gives much needed assistance to the people who require care.”

To find out more about the course, please visit:

NHS Lothian introduces e-bikes to boost sustainability efforts

As part of NHS Lothian’s sustainability programme, they have recently introduced the use of e-Bikes to several services, which will allow nearly 200 staff to access this healthier and more eco-friendly way of getting around.

Last year the Podiatry department in Edinburgh were the first to be part of a trial in NHS Lothian designed to reduce carbon emissions, save money and support staff wellbeing. The eCargo bikes were used as a way of travelling to see and support patients.

Gillian Hawthorne, Team Lead Podiatrist said: “Although this pilot has both financial and environmental benefits, it also has the bonus of supporting our staff’s health and wellbeing by giving them more access to fresh air and exercise while working.

“We hope this project will help to reduce the use of cars for undertaking home visits whilst addressing the ever-increasing traffic congestion in the City of Edinburgh.”

Although the trial started small with just two e-bikes, the health board now has a total of 24 e-bikes over multiple services.

Some of the teams now using the e-bikes include a Rapid Response Team, a Health Visitors team, a Community Mental health team and several others.

We recently spoke to Ciara Feeney, Podiatrist, about her experience using the e-Bikes to visit patients and travel around the city. Watch a short video with Ciara online

Jane Hopton, Sustainability Lead and Programme Director for Facilities in NHS Lothian, said: “This roll out is the next step to our overall sustainability work in Lothian and we hope it will inspire other departments to do the same.

“The more people that make the decision to cycle or walk rather than drive, the more impact this will have on NHS Lothian’s carbon emissions.”

NHS Lothian is committed to sustainability and reducing carbon emissions.

You can find information at

Breastfeeding Buddies at PCHP

Lothian Breastfeeding Buddies will be here at Pilton Community Health Project tomorrow and every Thursday at 1pm.

Pop in to chat with the peer-supporters here. This group suits any mums who are breastfeeding and have any questions or experiences they’d like to share. It also suits any mums-to-be who have questions or are thinking about breastfeeding. Just pop in!

Lothian Breastfeeding Buddies also deliver groups and advice elsewhere.

Click on this link to find out more

Be prepared for Road Works when travelling to RIE and New Sick Kids

If you are travelling to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh or Royal Hospital of Children and Young People for an appointment, please be aware of road works which are due to commence Monday 17 October 2022, for 24 Weeks as this will affect your travel time to your appointment.

The road works will result in 2-way Temporary Lights on Old Dalkeith Road near Little France Campus. The lights will move as work progresses from the campus up towards Shawfair Park and Ride/Train station. This will take a break for 2 weeks from Friday 23 December 2022 until Friday 6 January 2023.

We have been informed that this will result in a minimum of 20 minutes delay up to 50 minutes at peak times.

It has been suggested that people travelling to these sites should instead travel via Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh which runs parallel to Dalkeith Road, to access the Campus, as this may limit time impact.

STOP: Mum issues safety warning after toddler suffered 27% burns

A mum whose daughter fell into a scalding bath when she was just three-years-old has urged other parents to be aware of the dangers of burns.

Little Courtney, now seven, spent years battling back to full health after she suffered devastating burns to more than a quarter of her body.

The schoolgirl, from Kirkcaldy, had to undergo numerous painful procedures and physiotherapy at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People (RHCYP) in Edinburgh following the accident.

Now on “Burns Awareness Day” (12th October), her mum, Chloe Abrahams, is warning other parents to be aware of potential burns hazards around the home.

Chloe said: “I would never have thought that tap water could burn so badly.

“The pain Courtney went through just from lifting her into a different position on the hospital bed still breaks my heart when I think about it. Seeing my daughter in that state was the worst thing I’ve ever been through.”

Courtney’s accident happened in 2018. She was reaching for a toy when she tumbled into a bath that was filling with scalding water.

Chloe said: “We heard horrendous screams and found that Courtney had fallen into a scalding hot bath. I quickly scooped her out of the bath, stripped her clothes off and wrapped her in a wet towel. She was covered in massive bulging blisters and we rushed her to hospital. But at this point, I didn’t realise how much damage had already been done.”

Courtney was immediately transferred to the high dependency unit in the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People (RHCYP) where she was sent to theatre every few days to get her burns scrubbed and redressed to prevent any infections.

Her little thighs and feet received the worst damage as her socks and pants had held the scalding water close to her skin.

After being released from hospital, Courtney’s feet had to stay bandaged for over a month, meaning that she was struggling to walk for up to two months.

She received regular physiotherapy alongside numerous other appointments for over a year to aid her recovery and to help with the inevitable scarring.

Chloe added: “I honestly can’t thank all the amazing doctors and nurses at the RHCYP enough. Courtney is now seven and is doing great. She has lots of scars but she doesn’t let them define her.

“I would like other families to know that you can turn the water temperature down on your boiler. If we had known that – things might have been different for us.”

According to the Burns and Plastics Clinic at the RHCYP, burns are the most common household injury with over 7,000 children suffering serious burns or scalds in the UK in 2021.

As Halloween and bonfire night approaches Rosie Bainsfair, Burns & Plastics Nurse Specialist at the RHCYP, said: “Many of the children we see at the RHCYP in Edinburgh are injured in accidents around the house, involving very common things like hot drinks, irons or hair straighteners.

“If your child has a burn or scald, follow this simple ‘STOP’ first aid advice:

Strip clothes, jewellery or nappies off (unless they are stuck to the skin).

Turn on a cold tap or shower and run the burn under cool water for 20 minutes whilst keeping the child warm. Do not use ice.

Organise medical assistance – attend A and E or dial 999.

Protect the burn with cling film, provide painkillers and keep the child warm.”

To find out more about how you can prevent burns from happening at home, please visit the Royal Society For The Prevention Of Accidents website here

Multi-agency exercise in Edinburgh

Police Scotland is taking part in a multi-agency exercise in Edinburgh to test the response to a major incident.

The simulated exercise will take place from Monday 17 October to Thursday 20 October 2022.

It’s one of many pre-planned exercises that provides training and experience working with other agencies.

Exercises happen regularly at various levels with other emergency services and organisations. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the last exercise of a similar scale held in Scotland was October 2017.

This exercise will test the multi-agency response to a major incident involving hazardous materials.

Assistant Chief Constable Mark Williams, head of Operational Support, said: “This is one of many pre-planned exercises and not in response to any specific threat.

“The public should rightly expect Police Scotland to practice and strengthen our response to a major incident alongside other organisations.

“We are part of a well-established multi-agency training programme that provides valuable training and learning.

“It’s important for exercises to be as realistic as possible however they are always planned proportionately in controlled settings and there will be limited disruption to people living nearby.”

There will be an increased presence of emergency services and military vehicles in Edinburgh during the exercise days.

The exercise is being organised by the Scottish Multi-Agency Resilience Training and Exercise Unit (SMARTEU). Other agencies involved in this particular exercise include NHS Lothian, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Scottish Government and City of Edinburgh Council.

Local healthcare heroes win prestigious NHS Lothian awards

Local healthcare workers at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh have been honoured for their exceptional work at a prestigious ceremony.

Sponsored by NHS Lothian Charity, the annual Celebrating Success Awards 2022 are nominated by fellow healthcare workers across the organisation.

Thomas Faulkner, Specialist Biomedical Scientist at the Western General Hospital won the Young Achiever award for going the extra mile in everything he does.

Although in the very early stages of his career, Thomas has played a huge part in the implementation of a new system and training in the laboratory. His team praised him for his dedication, commitment, energy, passion and enthusiasm.

Thomas said: “I’m very grateful to everyone who has nominated me. I was not expecting it so very happy that I’ve won.”

The Visible Haematuria One Stop Clinic Team at the Western General Hospital won the Best Example of Quality Innovation and Productivity Award.

The clinic is a collaboration between the Urology & Radiology department and Quality Improvement Support Team. It has greatly improved the patient experience and significantly reduced the time from referral to diagnosis for patients with urgent suspicion of cancer as well as the number of visits they make.

The Team said: “We’re very surprised but very thankful to have won this award.”

Calum Campbell, Chief Executive, NHS Lothian, said: “It is fantastic seeing staff being able to come together again and celebrate in person.”

“Even though we still face significant pressures across NHS Lothian, I continue to take pride in the work that our staff do 365 days a year. I want to extend my warm congratulations to all this year’s finalists for their achievements.”

Professor John Connaghan CBE, Chair of NHS Lothian Board added, “The resilience and dedication of staff over the course of last year and since the start of the pandemic has been remarkable. They have provided high quality care under the greatest pressure.”

“It is testament to the commitment of our staff that they continuously innovate in the delivery of care to our patients.”

“I’d like to say well done to all of our finalists as we celebrate success.”

For the full list of award winners, including some short winners film please visit the NHS Lothian Celebrating Success Winners page.

NHS Lothian: Winter Vaccinations

If you are aged 50 to 64 with no additional risk factors, please wait to be contacted about your winter vaccination appointment. The flu and COVID-19 vaccines are being given to those most at risk first.

For more information visit

Winter vaccine appointment letters starting to land for those aged 5+ with underlying health conditions

Appointment letters for winter vaccines inviting those aged 5 and over who are at higher risk of COVID-19 or flu are being sent out by NHS Lothian via post, e-mail or text over the next five weeks.

This includes those with certain underlying health conditions such as chronic respiratory, liver, kidney, heart or neurological disease, diabetes or with a severely weakened immune system. 

More than two million people in Scotland will be offered vaccines over the next three months – with those most at risk the first to be vaccinated to protect themselves and help relieve pressure on the NHS.

Pat Wynne, Nurse Director for Primary and Community Care for NHS Lothian, who is overseeing the delivery of this year’s programme, said: “We strongly recommend those who are more vulnerable to serious complications from COVID-19 and flu get the vaccines.  Both COVID-19 and flu can be serious even if you are healthy. 

“Protection fades over time, so it’s important to restore it by having the vaccines when offered them.  If you are unable to make the appointment time, please follow the instructions on your letter to rearrange it.”

Appointment letters will include information about how carers aged 16 and over and people aged 5 and over who live with someone with a weakened immune system can book an appointment.

If you have a condition and do not receive an appointment letter, you can check whether you are eligible and book an appointment at NHS Inform.  Appointments for children under 16 must be booked by calling 0800 030 8013. 

All people aged 65 or over should have received a scheduled appointment for COVID-19 and flu vaccinations by now. If you have not yet received this you can book an appointment at NHS Inform.

Those who are pregnant are also eligible and should speak to their midwife if they do not yet have an appointment.

If you are aged 50 to 64 with no additional risk factors, please wait to be contacted about your winter vaccination appointment.