A consultation seeking the views of business, retailers and shop workers on New Year’s Day trading has been published by the Scottish Government. Union leaders have welcomed the announcement – but say it’s 14 years late!
The move follows an Usdaw petition to the Scottish Parliament, which was supported by the Public Petitions Committee who pressed Ministers to commit to a consultation.
Running for 10 weeks until 24 August, the consultation aims to determine whether the current law should change and restrict large retailers from trading on New Year’s Day as is the case on Christmas Day.
Affected stakeholders, including large retailers and their staff, are strongly encouraged to participate in the consultation which follows a parliamentary petition calling for trading on 1 January to be prohibited.

Public Finance Minister Tom Arthur said: “The last year has shown how much we all rely on retailers and their staff who have supported the country during the pandemic. As we look at recovery and building a sustainable economy we need to consider what will support businesses and their staff in the future.
“Following a petition to the Scottish Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee calling for trading to be banned on New Year’s Day, the Scottish Government has been engaging with business groups, trades unions and others to understand what impact this would have on business and staff.
“This consultation will help us to determine whether the current law should change and restrict large retailers from trading on New Year’s Day, as they currently do on Christmas Day.
“The Scottish Government encourages everybody with an interest to complete this consultation to ensure their views are considered.
“As we recover from the COVID pandemic we are committed to building on the £3.6 billion in support we have delivered to businesses since March 2020 and ensure we seize Scotland’s economic potential, creating secure, sustainable and satisfying jobs.”
Tracy Gilbert, Usdaw Regional Secretary for Scotland, said: “Today’s launch of a consultation on large stores closing on New Year’s Day, after an unnecessary 14 year delay, is a step forward in our campaign to get a proper break for shopworkers over the festive period.
“As key workers delivering the essential service of keeping the nation fed, shopworkers deserve a decent break over the festive period. They have worked long hours in difficult circumstances throughout the pandemic, faced unprecedented levels of abuse and worried every working day about catching the virus and taking it home to their families.
“However this is not just a campaign for the pandemic, our members have for many years demanded a proper break after the extremely busy and stressful shopping period in the run-up to Christmas. 98% say that large stores should be closed and only 4% are happy to work on New Year’s Day or 2 January.
“Hogmanay and New Year is a special holiday, but this is not reflected in the experience of many retail workers, with three-quarters saying they spend too little time with friends and family.
“We will be encouraging our members to engage with the consultation, to ensure the voices of shopworkers are heard. If we can secure a positive outcome, Usdaw will be calling for the necessary legislative processes to be completed in time for 1 January 2022.”
New Year’s Day Trading for Large Retailers Consultation – Scottish Government – Citizen Space