
Dear Editor

A hustings was arranged  at Muirhouse  Millennium Centre on Thursday 19th April . Despite prospective candidates having been invited to this event to discuss issues which effect the Forth Ward, only three candidates bothered to attend . Labour Conservative and the Green parties were represented – there was no representation from the  SNP, LibDems and the Anti-Cuts candidates .

Steve Cardownie has also indicated that he will not be able to attend a hustings on April 26 at Royston Wardieburn  Community Centre . I understand that these so called  representatives are busy however they have not  indicated that they will send anyone from their parties  to the hustings. George Gordon is also standing in the Forth Ward  along with Councillor Cardownie for the SNP; surely  one of these candidates can represent their  parties? Invitations have been sent to all prospective candidates  to attending the hustings, some have not bothered to reply to their invitations   Yet they expect people in Forth Ward to  vote for them ?  I think not !!!!!!

I hope the electorate remember this  when they vote on May 3rd

Anna Hutchison

Crewe Road West

Millennium Centre celebrates despite tough year

It’s been a tough twelve months for Muirhouse Millennium Centre, but despite ongoing problems with limited funds the Centre’s staff and volunteers have had an impressive year. Members attending today’s annual general meeting heard that Muirhouse was the first community centre in Edinburgh to receive a Healthy Living Award and that careful financial management has seen the Centre’s deficit cut from nearly £18,500 to just under £400!

Millennium Centre vice-chair Jim McGinty told the meeting: “Funding has been a huge challenge for us and we have had to become even more efficient in everything we do. We’ve sharpened up our fundraising efforts and we are also working hard to develop the Centre’s profile, which helps to attract additional income by encouraging outside agencies in need of a satellite office space to use the Centre”.

Manager Peter Airlie said: “What a year it has been! With a budget cut of 54% the Centre had to go it alone, but anyone can see we did manage pretty successfully. It wasn’t easy, but with the support of centre users – who helped generate the extra income needed for heating, lighting, insurance and general running costs – we got there!”

The year ahead looks sure to be as busy and eventful as ever. A new website is currently being planned, and the Centre’s staff and management committee are looking forward to forging new links and new partnerships in the months ahead.