89 dashcam videos of driving offences sent to police every day

‘Always drive as if you are being watched by the police’ – RAC says dashcams are a ‘game changer’ in enforcement

As many as 89 dashcam video recordings of alleged motoring offences were submitted to police forces every day in 2019, according to data analysed by the RAC.

A total of 32,370 pieces of footage were received by 24 police forces that accept video evidence of driving offences from members of the public, double the number recorded in 2018 (15,159). Data from the RAC’s freedom of information request also shows that a quarter of these (25% – 8,148) went on to result in prosecutions.

Police forces, according to the RAC’s study, are making it increasingly easy for drivers and other road users to submit camera footage of unsuspecting alleged rule-breakers, with all of Britain’s 44 forces now accepting dashcam video, and the vast majority online via their websites.

The greatest number of potentially prosecutable offences in 2019 were – perhaps unsurprisingly – submitted to The Met Police, a total of 8,082. Surrey had the second highest tally with 3,542, followed by West Midlands – 3,242 in third spot and Gwent – 3,037 – in fourth. Greater Manchester received the fifth highest number of dashcam videos with 2,940.

The footage submitted to police related to the following offences: dangerous driving, careless driving/driving without due care and attention, driving too close to cyclists, contravening red traffic lights, contravening double white lines, contravening ‘no entry’ signs, illegal use of a handheld mobile phone and evidence of vehicles apparently without MOTs.

RAC road safety spokesman Simon Williams said: “Even before the decline in the number of roads police enforcing traffic offences, law-abiding drivers were often frustrated that there was never an officer there to deal with infringements they witnessed.

“The advent of dashcams, phones with cameras and helmet cameras have been a game changer as drivers can now easily submit footage to almost every police force.

“As so many drivers and cyclists are now using dashcams and helmet cameras every road user needs to be very conscious that any of their actions that aren’t in accordance with the law could end up with the police. Some will inevitably find this out the hard way while others will hopefully become increasingly mindful of it.

“In terms of how effective dashcams are from a law enforcement point of view our freedom of information request shows that one-in-four footage submissions lead to a successful prosecution.

“There are no doubt numerous reasons why this figure isn’t higher, but we suspect it has to do with the recorded evidence not being as conclusive as it needs to be. This may be due to the nature of the offence, with certain offences such as double white line, red traffic light and ‘no entry’ contraventions being easier to determine than illegal handheld mobile phone use and careless driving.

“It might also be the case that footage filmed on mobile phones is not as comprehensive for officers to work with as video evidence from dashcams and helmet cams which film live footage continuously when the vehicle is in motion. Those choosing to submit mobile phone video – whether as passengers or pedestrians – may well have missed the worst of the alleged offence as they reached to capture it.

“With more and more people getting dashcams the message for 2021 has to be: always drive as if you’re being watched by the police. If more drivers who are inclined to break the laws of the road were to think this way, the safer the roads would be for all of us.”

The RAC stocks a range of dashcams at varying price points at: 


Police condemn ‘astonishing’ driving offences over Easter weekend

Police Scotland is reminding motorists of the importance of being safe on the roads after a number of people were detected driving at high speeds as well as drink or drug driving over the Easter weekend.

Between 10 and 14 April, 10 people were detected for high level speeding offences and 16 people were detected for drink or drug driving offences by Road Policing officers.

Notable incidents include:

• A 23-year-old man has been reported in connection with dangerous driving after being detected travelling at 70mph in a 40mph limit and in excess of 100mph in a 60mph limit on the A96 near Forres on 10 April.

• A 56-year-old man has been charged in connection with drink driving after being observed by officers driving in an erratic manner in Kirkcaldy on 10 April. He was found to be 4 times over the alcohol limit.

• A 25-year-old man has been reported after being detected at 118mph on the M8 near Chapelhall on 10 April.

• A 28-year-old woman detected at over three times the alcohol limit on the A9 near Halkirk, Caithness on 11 April.

• On 11 April, a 21-year-old man in Inverness was arrested in connection with alleged drug driving after failing a roadside drug test and had his vehicle seized due to having no insurance. Enquiries are ongoing.

• A 19-year-old man involved in a collision in Wick on 12 April was found to be over three times the alcohol limit.

• A 29-year-old man has been reported in connection with dangerous driving after being detected in excess of 130mph on the A90 between Peterhead and Ellon on 12 April.

• A 34-year-old man was charged after being stopped on 12 April on the A9 near to the A824 Auchterarder and arrested after failing a roadside drug test.

• A 26-year-old woman has been charged with road traffic offences including drink driving, failing to stop and report a collision, no insurance and careless driving following a crash in Alness during the early hours of 13 April.

• In Edinburgh, three men and three women have been charged after being detected driving at speeds between 61mph and 71mph in a 40mph limit on the A90 at Cramond during the morning of 14 April.

• A 35-year-old man has been charged after being detected driving at 90mph in a 70mph limit and 80mph and 70mph in a 50mph limit on the A720 Edinburgh City Bypass.

Superintendent Simon Bradshaw, from the Road Policing Division said: “Drink or drug driving is never acceptable and it is astonishing to see people behave so recklessly, particularly when we all need to be doing our bit to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives.

“Officers remain on patrol on the road network and in local communities to deal with illegal driving behaviour in order to keep people safe. While the roads may be quieter as the majority of people stay at home, there still remains the potential for unexpected changes to road conditions, such as the presence of pedestrians or deer and other wildlife.

“Nobody can predict what is around the corner and speeding or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs significantly increases your chances of being involved in a crash.

“The consequences of speeding or drink or drug driving can be fatal and it simply is not worth the risk. Now, more than ever, we urge motorists to drive safely and legally and to pay heed to government guidance on staying at home.”