Living in Harmony: the next steps

And this has nothing to do with the referendum aftermath …!

Living in Harmony Multicultural Forum

Come along to help us think about future activities that can bring all our communities together, and hear about what is already going on in North Edinburgh for your community.

Tuesday 30 September 5.30-7.30pm
North Edinburgh Arts, 15a Pennywell Road

Creche and language support available but must be booked in advance.

Contact Rachel Farrier to book or for more information:

Call 551 1671 or email 


Hidden gems hunt to launch new community map


There be treasure in Forth!

North Edinburgh community group Living in Harmony has been working with Forth Neighbourhood Partnership to produce a new print and online community map. That work is now complete and a fun family event is being held to launch the new resource.

The Hidden Gems Community Treasure Hunt takes place on Friday 21 March (1 – 3pm) when local families can use the new map to find venues around the area, answer clues and take part in fun activities in each participating venue. The thinking behind this is that once you’ve visited a place and met someone friendly it’s much easier to go back again!

Sounds like fun – all welcome!

See attached flyer for further info:


Living in Harmony update

harmony1Pilton Community Health Project’s Anita Aggarwal gives an update on a key local initiative:

Since the closure of Community Organisation for Racial Equality (CORE), PCHP, Community Learning and Development (CLD) and Edinburgh Lothian Regional Equalities Council (ELREC) have been working together to try to minimise the impact of the loss of this important organisation.

The City of Edinburgh Council commissioned a report which examined the ongoing needs of BME communities in the area.  This highlighted the difficulties people have integrating with the local population, as well as a host of other issues.

You’ll find that report here:  Living in harmony 13

At this point it was felt important to involve other agencies and more local people in this process, and so we pulled together an action planning session on 31 May.

Over 30 people attended this event, representing a wide range of local people and organisations.  At this event we identified actions to be taken and many committed to take these forward.

These actions are recorded in this document:  action plan 31.5.13 final

If you weren’t able to be at the event and have ideas about how you or your organisations can contribute please add them in to the plan.  This document is an aid to action, not a fixed strategy document to sit on a shelf and get dusty!

We agreed to come back to discuss next steps at another meeting, when we will look at what progress is being made and how we resource some of the ideas on the action plan.

The next meeting will take place at the

Spartans Community Football Academy on Friday 19 July from 10 – 12.

This meeting is open to anyone – please contact me on 0131 551 1671 if you need crèche.

Anita Aggarwal


Living in Harmony: making it happen

National, citywide and local agencies, organisations and individuals joined together to find ways to fill the gaps when CORE (formerly the Black Community Development Project) was forced to close last year. That work continues, as Pilton Community Health Project’s Anita Aggarwal reports …

You may be aware that since the closure of CORE last year a small group of local people and organisations have been looking at the ongoing  issues for the BME (black and minority ethnic) community.

There was a short consultation and the findings have been written  up in the   ‘Living in Harmony’ report (see below). We have offered to facilitate an action planning  session to look at how local organisations and people can come together to  tackle some of the issues raised in the report.

There has been a significant rise in the incidence of hate crime in the area, as well as many issues that affect  the wider community.  We hope that a broad spectrum of people and  organisations will want to be part of this planning event. We also hope that by the end of the event local organisations and individuals will have committed to take forward actions that encourage interaction and integration between ethnic groups in the area and  remove or reduce some of the barriers for the BME population to accessing services.

This workshop is open for  all and we will provide creche (IF BOOKED IN ADVANCE) and refreshments.  We  particularly welcome members of the local Scottish community to take  part.

It will take place on Friday  31 May from 9.30 – 12  followed by lunch, at The Spartans Academy at Ainslie Park. Please let me know if you will  attend, or give me a call if you would like more information. Please feel free to forward this  invitation to other interested parties.

Living in harmony

 Anita  Aggarwal
Senior Development  Worker (Health Inequalities)
Pilton Community  Health Project, 73 Boswall  Parkway
Edinburgh, EH5  2PW
0131 551  1671
