Scottish Lib Dems reveal there is no monitoring of sewage dumping in Edinburgh North and Leith

Mike Andersen, the Lib Dem candidate for Edinburgh North and Leith, has today called for Scotland’s sewage network to be upgraded and for a blue flag system for Scotland’s rivers to be introduced.

This comes as new analysis by the Liberal Democrats revealed that Edinburgh North and Leith is one of 14 Westminster constituencies in Scotland where there is no monitoring of sewage dumping pipes.

Across Scotland in 2023 sewage was dumped 21,660 times, an increase of 10% on 2022. However, the problem is likely to be far worse because, unlike in England, hardly any dumping pipes are monitored.

Scottish Liberal Democrats have launched plans for a Clean Water Act that would see:

  • Scotland’s Victorian sewage network updated;
  • Every sewage dump monitored and published with binding targets for their reduction;
  • A blue flag system for Scotland’s rivers;
  • A complete ban on the release of sewage in protected areas such as bathing waters.

The proposals for Scotland are part of a UK-wide campaign by the Liberal Democrats to clean up waterways and get governments to take action.

Mike Andersen said: “SNP ministers have become spin doctors for the government-owned water company and outdated standards. Bosses are taking home bumper bonuses while millions of litres of sewage gets dumped into our rivers, lochs and beaches.

“Monitoring of sewage dumping is so lacking that there is no monitoring whatsoever in Edinburgh North and Leith.  In England, at least there is proper monitoring in place so that we know the scale of the problem.

“On Thursday, you can use your vote to end the appalling sewage scandal. Scottish Liberal Democrats want a Clean Water Act for Scotland to update the sewage network, proper monitoring to find all the dumping, and a complete ban on this filthy practice in protected areas such as bathing waters.

“Liberal Democrats up and down the UK have led the campaign to turn the tide on the sewage scandal. If you elect a Liberal Democrat MP in Edinburgh North and Leith you will get a hardworking local champion who is focused on getting the sewage out of our rivers and winning the change our country desperately needs.”

You can find data for all Scottish Westminster constituencies here.

Lib Dems select Mike Andersen for Edinburgh North and Leith

The Scottish Liberal Democrats formally announce the selection of Mike Andersen as their candidate for Edinburgh North and Leith in the upcoming general election. Originally hailing from South Africa, where he practiced as a litigation attorney, Mike now lives in Canonmills with his husband and their dog.

Mike’s passion for his chosen country and his commitment to community service led him to join the Liberal Democrats, where he has become an active and engaged member.

I love having the opportunity to get out on the streets of Edinburgh North and Leith to connect with constituents, listen to their views, and understand their concerns.

“I am additionally immensely proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the committed Liberal Democrat Councillors of Edinburgh North and Leith. Their relentless dedication mirrors our party’s steadfast commitment to serving the community and driving real, positive change.”

Raised in a household where service and community were paramount values, Mike’s upbringing instilled in him a profound sense of duty and accountability.

“From a young age, with my father serving in the military, I can remember being taught to do the right thing and not only the easy thing. I resolutely believe that ethics and accountability in public service are non-negotiables. Ethics should not only be talked about but should be seen and shown in action.”

Mike’s decision to stand as a candidate reflects his desire to enact meaningful change, placing the needs of Edinburgh North and Leith front and centre. He envisages a future where promises are kept, voices are heard, and every individual has an opportunity to reach their potential, embodying the core principles of the Liberal Democrats.

Scotland is filled with talented, good, hardworking people. People who are simply seeking a fair deal in life, the deal they were promised through their hard work. The Liberal Democrats are the only party working to fulfil this promise of a fair deal.”

As the candidate for Edinburgh North and Leith, Mike presents a vision of a United Kingdom that embraces a role as a global leader in human rights and culture, while fostering an environment where both individuals and businesses can flourish.

“We can have a UK that is again proud to hold its head high on the global stage, as both a voice for Human Rights and a cultural superpower. We can have a UK which helps the vulnerable in society while providing the space for people and businesses to flourish.

“We can have a UK where voices are heard and Scotland sits as an equal partner. It is this vision I am fighting for and it is a vision which can become a reality but only if we vote for actual change”

Mike Andersen embodies the spirit of change, offering a fresh perspective and a steadfast commitment to Edinburgh North and Leith, Scotland and the United Kingdom, say the Lib-Dems.

Emergency: Lib-Dem calls to stop sewage dumping in the Water of Leith

The Water of Leith deserves better. It’s been a freshwater resource for centuries – ebbing and flowing across Edinburgh, connecting the Pentlands to Colinton, Saughton, Roseburn, Stockbridge, Canonmills, Bonnington and Leith. Our communities were literally built around it’s clean, fresh flowing water (writes Lib-Dem Cllr JACK CALDWELL).

It’s home to over 11 species of fish, thousands of plant species and is absolutely vital to Edinburgh’s local ecosystem, providing a biodiverse habitat for birds, otters and ducks.

So why have we let it fill up with untreated human waste?

There are 65 Combined Sewage Overflow Stations (CSOs) on the Water of Leith, 14 of which are between the Leith Shore and Warriston, a stretch of the river where you can typically find ducks nesting, or people simply enjoying public “green and blue space” as many of us escape from our gardenless flats.

As of January, none of these CSOs currently retain any data of how much sewage they pump out of them when the drains are overwhelmed by harsher weather, which is becoming more and more common due to climate change.

However 24 of Scottish Water’s 108 highest priority assets for urgent upgrade across the country are located here. New screens have been fitted on several CSOs in the past few years with varying anecdotal results, but the issue ultimately lies with sewage flowing into our precious river in the first place. But how much?

When the ‘Sewage Scandal’ broke last in 2021, data was published across the UK. Sadly Not in Scotland though. We know Sewage is being dumped in the Water of Leith, but we don’t know the extent. We also know that extreme weather led to a 40% increase of raw sewage dumping across Scotland in 2021.

The data we do have in nearby rivers is concerning. In December 2019, the Newbridge CSO, which is monitored, spilled sewage water into the River Almond 13 times discharging over 2,100 litres of water in one month (source: SEPA FOI).

Lots of volunteer-led organisations are doing fabulous work trying to get more information or trying to help clean it up themselves. SOS Leith and the Water of Leith Conservation Trust, among others, both remove tonnes of litter every month from the river and surrounding paths. However, they can’t, nor shouldn’t have to, remove excrement and wet wipes.

Scottish Lib Dem MSP Liam McArthur has been pressing Holyrood Ministers to fund and fix the issues, but locally the new Edinburgh and Lothians Drain Partnership must work with Scottish Water and SEPA (the Scottish Environment Protection Agency) to start collecting data before we can even begin to seriously tackle the issue.

With several Scottish Government officials quoted saying Scotland is “way behind” England in terms of solving the raw sewage spill problem, our country, city and communities deserve better.

We need to stop taking Edinburgh’s natural environment for granted. The Council recently declared a nature and biodiversity emergency.

This is why Lib Dem councillors have tabled a motion at this Thursday’s Council meeting to get a public meeting of the Edinburgh and Lothians Drain Partnership as agencies working together and collecting data is a key and urgent part of ultimately stopping the discharge of human waste into Edinburgh’s longest river.

It’s a pity there aren’t more in Holyrood who see the urgency of this issue, but I hope that Councillors can back our plan to move this forward;–

The Lib-Dem motion:

“Council –


1)    That there are a large number of Combined Sewer Overflow (CSOs) outputs in Edinburgh’s waterways, such as along the Water of Leith, the River Almond and the Figgate Burn.

2)    That many CSOs are not actively monitored, despite promises from Scottish Water and SEPA that a number of monitors would be installed by the end of 2022.

3)    That although plans have come forward Scottish Water to reduce the amount of CSOs in total, action is still to be taken outwith ‘upgrading’ a small percentage of CSOs.


1)    The important benefits that our rivers and coastline plays for our community, and that many voluntary organisations clean up our waterways, and thanks them for their ongoing service.

2)    The current situation is contradictory to the City of Edinburgh Council’s declaration of a Nature and Climate Emergency.

3)    The City of Edinburgh Council is a member of the Edinburgh and Lothians Drain Partnership along with Scottish Water, SEPA and others.


1)    The Edinburgh and Lothians Drains Partnership holds an extraordinary meeting to draft a publicly accessible plan of action and invites key stakeholders and campaign groups including (but not exclusive to) The Water of Leith Conservation Trust, River Almond Action Group, Figgate Friends, Forth Rivers Trust and SOS Leith with Full Minutes published on the Council website alongside a map of all river-based CSOs within the City of Edinburgh.

2)    That Transport and Environment Committee is:

provided six-monthly updates on the installation of sewage monitoring to the business bulletin.
provided ongoing data when this monitoring is live

3)    The Council Leader write to the Scottish Government, Scottish Water and SEPA, outlining the Council’s major concern that no-one knows how much sewage is being dumped in Edinburgh’s biodiverse waterways.


that the ambition should be that Edinburgh’s waterways are free from the discharge of human waste.”

Moved by: Councillor Jack Caldwell
Seconded by: Councillor Hal Osler

Lib Dems Celebrate Eye Pavilion Victory

Edinburgh Western MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton has welcomed an announcement from the First Minister that the Scottish Government will save Edinburgh’s historic Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion.

This U-turn comes after a hard fought community and cross party campaign and after the Lib Dems secured a vital commitment towards a replacement facility from the Scottish Government, as part exchange for Liberal Democrat votes for the Scottish budget, earlier this year.

In those negotiations, the Lib Dems persuaded the Government to protect specialist eye services within the City of Edinburgh as well as securing a massive boost to mental health funding. In this afternoon’s announcement, the First Minister made good on that commitment and promised “the renewal and replacement of health facilities across Scotland – including the Edinburgh Eye Pavilion.”

Commenting, Mr Cole-Hamilton said: “This is a huge victory today, not just for the cross party MSPs who worked to save the Eye Pavilion, but also for everyone across Edinburgh and the Lothians who fought to see the promise of a replacement facility in the capital made real.

“The First Minister’s announcement is welcome, but it should have come much sooner. Even after securing the protection of specialist eye services, the Scottish Government was attempting to rail road a more casual set up, with different treatments and services dispersed across the Lothian region.”

“I know from both constituency correspondence, and conversations on the doorsteps throughout the recent election campaign that this was a major issue for local communities. The thought of losing the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion was genuinely upsetting for people, especially those who are affected by full or partial sight loss.”

“I am delighted that Edinburgh no longer risks being the only capital city in Europe without a dedicated eye care centre. This demonstrates what can be achieved when politicians seek to work productively, on a cross party basis, for meaningful change.”

Lib Dems announce candidate list and pledge to “Put Recovery First”

As nominations close, Scottish Liberal Democrats have announced their list of candidates for Lothian and are pledging their commitment to make recovery from the pandemic their number one priority as MSPs.

Today the Scottish Liberal Democrats submitted their nomination papers for the upcoming Scottish parliament election to be held on the 6th May.

The Scottish Liberal Democrat candidate for Edinburgh Northern and Leith will be Rebecca Bell (above). She is also the mental health spokesperson for the Scottish Liberal Democrats.

Rebecca Bell said: “People are under huge pressure from the pandemic. There’s a lot of work to be done to recover from this crisis. It will not be easily done and we will need our complete focus on the project at hand.

“As an MSP, I want to focus on cutting mental health waits, a bounce back plan for education, creating jobs and tackling the climate emergency.

“After years of arguing about independence and Brexit, the last thing we need right now is another independence referendum.

“As the MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith, I will put the recovery first.”

Willie Rennie said: “This election is about priorities. Liberal Democrats will put recovery first. After the dreadful year we have endured, people want a needle-sharp focus on jobs, mental health, our NHS, schools and the climate crisis.

“With ten years of experience as leader I have won support for areas like mental health, education and nursery education.  For me it has always been about investing in people so they can do great things.

“For the next five years the divided nationalists will put independence first, dividing the country too.

“For the next five years I will put the recovery first, cut mental health waits, help pupils bounce back, create jobs and take action on the climate. The SNP will prioritise another independence referendum.

Willie Rennie challenged over Lib Dems’ pro-Brexit stance


The SNP has challenged Willie Rennie to say whether he backs his London bosses, after UK Lib Dem leader Ed Davey confirmed that his party would abandon any attempts to rejoin the EU, joining Labour and the Tories in becoming a pro-Brexit party. 

In an interview with the BBC’s Andrew Marr, he said that the Lib Dems are “not a rejoin party” – despite promising to voters in their 2019 General Election manifesto that every vote for the party was a “vote to stop Brexit and stay in the European Union”.

The move confirms the SNP as the only major party committed to reversing Brexit and securing Scotland’s membership of the EU.

SNP candidate for Edinburgh Western, Sarah Masson, said: “The Lib Dems have firmly joined the Tories and Labour in becoming pro-Brexit parties, making it crystal clear that the only way to protect Scotland’s interests and secure our place in the EU is to become an independent country.

“With the Lib Dems delivering another trademark U-turn, Willie Rennie must end the silence and clarify whether he stands by his previous pledge to ‘pursue re-entry’ to the EU – and if so, how he squares that with his UK colleagues’ policy –  or if it was all hollow rhetoric and he will simply now fall into line and accept the devastating impact Brexit is having on Scottish businesses, including our vital fishing communities.  

“The SNP is now the only major pro-EU party committed to rejoining the EU. With the main Westminster parties all signed up to Brexit and the damaging consequences it brings – even in the event of a change in government – there is no route back to the EU through Westminster.

“Scotland can do so much better than a Westminster system acting against our interests. Only by becoming an independent country will we be able to work to rejoin the EU, protect our vital industries and economy, and be part of the world’s largest single market.”

Christmas is NOT Cancelled in Kirkliston!

Santa will be touring the village on Christmas Eve – all within government ‘elf and safety guidelines!  

The curse of COVID has crushed festive plans for so many, but a local resident was determined to keep spirits high in his village, Kirkliston, this year by working hard to preserve a tradition that has been cherished for many years gone by.   

This year’s plans for Santa’s visit were set to be scuppered with the council calling time on the activity earlier in the year due to the potential health and safety hazards that it could impose, however after much determination and good will, members of the community have managed to use their connections and influence to save the event.  

Geoff Crow, Director of local company 21CC Group, and responsible for the team who successfully delivered Wondrous Woods at Hopetoun House earlier on this year, said: “We understand that this event was initially cancelled for very good reasons but with the release of new government guidance, my team and I, along with some residents of the village were able to find a way to make this happen safely this year.  

“This is such a wonderful example of community solidarity and togetherness, and we’re absolutely delighted to be sharing this news with the village. I personally can’t wait to see the smiles on so many children’s faces on Christmas Eve after what has been such a hard year for so many families.”  

Alex Cole-Hamilton, MSP for Edinburgh Western commented: “I am absolutely thrilled that Santa will be making an in-person appearance in Kirkliston, on Christmas Eve ahead of his world tour that evening. How lucky are we?! This will be such a lift at the end of a dark year. Particular thanks to his helper, Geoff Crow for making it happen.”  

Joining in with the festive fun is local Lib Dem councillors Kevin Lang and Louise Young, who will be dawning their elf outfits and joining Santa on route. Children will be able to watch Santa and his elves pass by from the safety of their homes and gardens.   

Santa’s tour of the village on Christmas Eve will commence at 3.30pm before taking to the skies, to fly over Queensferry and the Firth of Forth on their way across to Fife and beyond.   

21CC Group are an Edinburgh based Event Management company, established in 1999. They produce events around the country for corporate groups, festivals, local authorities, and private clients.   

#santaiscomingtotown #christmasinkirkliston

Jo Swinson: Back Lib Dems to stop Tory majority and stop Brexit

Liberal Democrat Leader Jo Swinson delivered her final speech of the election campaign in Esher and Walton, urging voters to back the Liberal Democrats to stop Boris Johnson getting a majority and stop Brexit.

Ms Swinson attended a series of rallies with activists throughout to the day including in the Conservative-held seats of Esher and Walton, Guildford and Wimbledon.

The Lib Dem leader said:

“My message today is clear. To stop Brexit, we must stop Boris Johnson. We have one more day left to do it.

“To all my fellow Lib Dem activists up and down the country – I say this: keep going. Keep fighting for every vote.

“And to everyone out there who has a growing pile of Lib Dem leaflets on their kitchen table: we can win where you live.

“You can stop another Conservative MP being elected. You can stop Boris Johnson from getting a majority he doesn’t deserve. You can help us stop Brexit.

“On Monday, Boris Johnson once again showed us the kind of leader he is going to be.

“Faced with that heart-breaking image of Jack, he refused to look at it, to acknowledge it, even taking the phone out of the journalist’s hand and putting it in his pocket. As though that would somehow make it all go away. What a coward.

“He doesn’t care about Jack, and if he wins a majority, he’ll spend the next five years not caring about you or your family either. He’ll spend five years running away from scrutiny. Avoiding inconvenient truths. Hoping that his power and privilege alone will keep him in Number 10.”

It’s all about the Union as Edinburgh elects new council

Resurgent Tories run SNP close 
The Local Government Election results for Edinburgh’s 17 wards were announced at Meadowbank Sports Centre yesterday following the 4 May vote. The SNP is now the biggest party – but only just. Campaigning on the Indyref2 issue, Conservative and Unionists ran the SNP very close, with the outcome of the election hanging in the balance and going down to the declaration of the final ward result.

Continue reading It’s all about the Union as Edinburgh elects new council