Ever wondered what the earthworms in the soil and compost are actually doing? Join us with @RealFarmED to find out all about earthworm ecology, and help us monitor the populations on the farm:

Ever wondered what the earthworms in the soil and compost are actually doing? Join us with @RealFarmED to find out all about earthworm ecology, and help us monitor the populations on the farm:
Join us to take action in protecting wildflowers meadows in Edinburgh!
On Saturday 22nd October 2022 at Lauriston Farm. From 11am to 1pm.
Grab your free ticket here: …https://wildflowersplantingevent.eventbrite.co.uk
Neighbours! Would you like to learn about the Granton Wheat and how it has been growing on street corners in Granton – and help us sow a big plot of it at Lauriston Farm?
https://eventbrite.com/e/our-granton-wheat-at-lauriston-farm-tickets-424923787487… #FoodSovereignty #FreeEvents #NorthEdinburgh #Edinburgh #SeedSaving
It’s nearly time… our Harvest Festival with @DandelionScot and @northedinarts is next weekend.
Details of the lineup on are our blog https://lauristonfarm.scot/posts/175
See you down on the farm!