Every little helps Kirkliston community project thanks to Tesco food scheme

A community project which supports local residents in Kirkliston has teamed up with Tesco and food charity FareShare, to receive surplus food and additional items from the supermarket to provide the community with food products for their community fridge.

Established back in 2022, the Waste Not, Want Not in Kirkliston group is an encouraging and positive community project which helps to divert food from being wasted and creating an environmentally friendly way to offer key support for residents across the town.

The group, which is run by volunteers, offers a multitude of services that help deliver educational and sustainable ways for the local community to access food, whether it’s the community gardens where people can grow food or the community fridge which provides breads, baked goods, meat and dairy products supplied very the Tesco Community Food Connection.

Waste Not, Want Not in Kirkliston receives food every week as part of the Community Food Connection surplus food scheme, which involves Tesco stores and food redistribution charity FareShare.

Elizabeth Pemma Ellis-Huddleston, organiser at Waste Not Want Not in Kirkliston, said: “Thanks to the Community Food Connection scheme, we’ve been able to further supply a variety of food items for residents in the local community to enjoy and prepare enjoyable meals with.

“Our community fridge project has been very positively welcomed by our local residents, who are welcome to access all of our services at Waste Not, Want Not, as we are just here to help any and all people who need it.

“We hope that by offering to help anyone and everyone we can, we can also break down the self consciousness about using our community fridge service as well.”

“We’d like to thank Tesco and FareShare for helping us with this project and I wish to extend our thanks to all of our volunteers, some of which actually joined our team after visiting our group themselves. It’s that sense of community spirit that we find incredibly humbling and affirming.”

The Community Food Connection scheme ensures that surplus food from Tesco doesn’t go to waste and is instead provided to charities and community groups, whose volunteer members then distribute it to the public.

Tony McElroy, Corporate Communications and Sustainability Leader at Tesco, said: “Working with community groups and schools, such as Waste Not Want Not in Kirkliston, to help them get the food they need is such an important service for us to offer.

“The dedication they have to their local community is amazing, and we are pleased to do what we can to support.

“We firmly believe no good food should go to waste, which is why we began our Community Food Connection scheme. It enables us to ensure our surplus food is put to good use in communities.”

FareShare is the UK’s biggest charity fighting hunger and food waste. Two-thirds of the organisations it provides food to, support children and families.

Katie Sadler, Head of FareShare Go, said: “The food that Tesco redistributes through FareShare makes a huge difference to people facing food insecurity across the UK.

“We work with thousands of charities and community groups providing essential support to their communities, and receiving a steady stream of food helps them to feed the people who need it most.”

By providing the surplus food to help communities, it is also aiding the environment by ensuring that the food does not end up as landfill.

Charities and community groups that could benefit from the support of the Community Food Connection scheme can find further information at:


Conifox enlists Living History Scotland to deliver a right Royal experience 

FIT FOR A QUEEN: Platinum Jubilee weekend will see the Adventure Park transform into the Kingdom of Conifox 

Conifox Adventure Park are calling all Knights and Princesses to join them for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend celebrations, where they will be able to enjoy a fun and interactive trail for all the family.  

Guests will be able to meet the Queen and rescue her husband the King as well as enjoy meeting other characters, including the Evil Knight and the King’s wacky jester! Children can also learn about life as a knight, handle authentic swords and even try on some armour. 

The family run business has enlisted the support of Ayrshire based company, Living History Scotland Ltd. that specialise in authentic costumed interpretation and re-enactments to deliver this once in a lifetime experience, which will take place on the Jubilee weekend (3rd – 5th June 2022) running across 2 sessions (morning; 09.30 – 13.00 and afternoon; 13.30 – 17.00). 

As well as meeting the Queen and her Lady-in-Waiting who will tell visitors about life in the Kingdom of Conifox, guests to the park over the Jubilee weekend will also be able to join in with Knight School as the Queen’s Guard teaches them about being a knight and introduces them to their weapons and armour.

Children and adults alike will also be able to venture into the maze and follow the trail of shields to find the King. The King’s Jester will be waiting in the maze and will have plenty of clues and wacky entertainment to help you on your way but remember, beware of the Evil Knight! 

James Gammell, Managing Director of Conifox Adventure Park, says: “Kirkliston was the location of the first recorded parliament in Scottish history; the Estates of Scotland met there in 1235, during the reign of Alexander the Second so we have some pretty important royal connections here.  

“The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is a really important occasion, and through teaming up with Living History Scotland we are able to deliver an immersive experience that will educate and entertain all of our visitors over the weekend.” 

This is a completely outdoor, all-weather event. Normal outdoor Adventure Park entry terms and conditions apply, and refunds or exchanges cannot be issued. Tickets for the Indoor Activity Centre must be purchased separately. 

Tickets to Kingdom of Conifox include access to the Adventure Park and cost £14 for children 2 and over, £6 for children 12-24 months and £6.50 for accompanying adults. Children younger than 12 months go free. 

To find out more visit www.conifox.co.uk/whats-on and/or Conifox Adventure Park’s dedicated Facebook page 

Cars vandalised in Kirkliston

Police are appealing for witnesses after a number of car tyres were vandalised overnight from Sunday 17 October into Monday 18 October 2021 in The Glebe, Manse Road and Almondside areas of Kirkliston.

We would appeal to the local community living in or near these streets to check any CCTV or doorbell camera footage and any drivers who were in the area at the time and who may have a dash cam, to review the footage and get in touch if you believe it may be able to assist us.

Information can be passed to Police Scotland via 101 quoting reference number 0569 of 18 October, 2021 or alternatively via the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

New Indoor Activity Centre at Conifox Adventure Park

Adventure park bounces back bigger and better post-pandemic

Conifox Adventure Park in Edinburgh is preparing to welcome back fun seekers with an even bigger and better offering that will quadruple business and boost local employment. 

The team behind the popular visitor attraction on the outskirts of Kirkliston have taken advantage of the enforced pandemic closure to create a new indoor activity centre providing additional facilities including an indoor play barn with soft play, parenting room, three party rooms, café and 200-seater function suite. 

Conifox Adventure Park already boasts a huge outdoor space with attractions for adults and children of all ages including a 9-hole footgolf course, pedal go-karts, off-road pedal tractors, supersized sand pit, kid’s pedal tractor farm, springers, giant jump pillow, trampolines, swings, balance beams, rope bridge, and much more! 

It now anticipates the new facilities, which represent a £2m investment and covers 35,700 sq ft, will mark out the park as a go-to destination for families, wedding parties, school groups, conference and corporate event organisers and others looking for a unique indoor venue. 

The development signals an optimistic return for the enterprise which has overcome the challenges of Covid-19 to not only survive but emerge with a business set to thrive better than ever – and provide up to 15 new jobs. 

James Gammell, Director of Conifox Adventure Park, said: “The events sector has had a particularly challenging time this past year or so, but we’ve been able to put much of this period to great use creating a really special environment for a wide range of users.  

“Although the pandemic slowed some things down it has given us the opportunity to ensure we re-emerge stronger than before with a bigger and better range of attractions. We aim to quadruple the amount of business we do. 

“Our main idea with the indoor facilities was to combat the Scottish weather, enhance the business opportunities and put us on the Scottish attraction map, offering an all-weather destination with national appeal – we’re only 20 mins from Edinburgh city centre and accessible to visitors from all over Scotland and the central belt.” 

The park, which complies with the Visit Britain Covid 19 We’re Good To Go industry standard, is also available for MICE events, book and Christmas fairs, private events and 200-guest weddings.  

James added: “The space is adaptable and very versatile. We’re looking forward to welcoming a whole range of new visitors, as well as our returning guests who we’ve missed so much over the pandemic.” 

To find out more visit the Conifox Adventure Park Facebook page @conifoxadventurepark and their  website.  

There’s snow stopping 21CC Group

  • Leading Scottish Event company put their tools to good use by clearing over 34 miles of roads 
  • Good deed enables 160 local residents to attend Covid vaccine appointments and 200 NHS and care workers to travel safely to work  

Scottish based events group, 21CC have put their tools to good use this week by taking matters into their own hands and using their work vehicle and snowplough to clear over 34 miles of road across Kirkliston and North Queensferry.  

After posting a message on their local community digital noticeboard, the team spent 14 hours over the course of two days clearing main roads, artery roads and the housing estate roads enabling residents’ safe access from their house to the main roads, so that they could travel to get their flu jabs.  

Geoff Crow, Director of 21CC Group Ltd said, “After the latest snowfall we quickly realised we could put our vehicles to use, and we decided to create a post on the digital community noticeboard, asking if anyone needed help. In a matter of hours, we had received over 160 messages from residents who needed to get out for their Covid-19 jabs, but were now stuck due to the snow! 

“We also received just under 200 messages from NHS and care workers, asking for assistance in clearing their roads so they could get to work, so we got to work immediately in clearing all of the roads where people needed our help.

“We also helped three Scottish Fire & Rescue vehicles by digging them out of the snow and clearing their path so that they could respond to call-outs.” 

Lance from Scottish Fire and Rescue Service said: “Geoff was a great help to myself as my street was not passable without his assistance. The road is not adopted by City of Edinburgh council for winter operations as such was covered in 150-200mm of snow.

“It took myself and volunteers from the street 4 hours the day previous to clear the snow, something Geoff managed to do in 15 minutes allowing the crewing levels for South Queensferry to be maintained.” 

21CC received hundreds of grateful messages following their rescue mission including: 

 “Thank you for clearing the road at our wee care home. Our residents loved seeing you hard at work!” 

“Thank you for doing this Geoff. It makes such a difference” 

“You’re doing a wonderful job for the community. Well done.”. 

Geoff concludes: “Being in the right place at the right time and being able to make a difference to all these people was so important to us and we’re just glad we could help to make a difference to a few people’s lives. It was also a lot of fun!” 

MSP seeks Kirkliston flood prevention work assurances

Lothian MSP Miles Briggs has sought assurance from the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform this week that Kirkliston would be prioritised for future flood prevention works.

Early last December, after torrential rain, the River Almond burst its banks at Kirkliston, much to the concern of local residents, who have faced regular flooding threats and the damage that floods have caused over many years.

At the Scottish Parliament this week, Lothian MSP Miles Briggs, asked – What assessment has been made of the additional measures that will be required to protect residents and businesses in Kirkliston? Will the cabinet secretary assure local people that the Scottish Government will support any necessary measures?

Full transcript of question in Parliament below.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “I am pleased that the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform has agreed to look into what plans there are for flood prevention measure at the River Almond in Kirkliston.

“Last year saw unprecedented levels of flooding in Kirkliston and it is clear flood prevention work needs to be carried out.

“I will continue to lobby on behalf of residents and businesses in Kirkliston for the River Almond to be a top priority for flood prevention works to be carried out.”

Flood Prevention Measures (Lothian)

·         3. Miles Briggs (Lothian) (Con): 

To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to support flood prevention measures in Lothian. (S5O-04915)

·         The Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform (Roseanna Cunningham): 

In our programme for government, we committed to providing an extra £150 million for flood risk management, in addition to the £420 million 10-year funding that we have provided to local authorities.

We continue to work with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, local authorities and other relevant bodies to deliver the actions that are detailed in the current flood risk management strategies and plans. That includes supporting the estimated £42 million Musselburgh flood protection scheme, which is at design stage. The next round of strategies and plans will detail the actions that have been prioritised in the 2022 to 2028 flood risk management cycle in order to reduce the risk of flooding to communities in Lothian and elsewhere.

·         Miles Briggs: 

The cabinet secretary will be aware that, after torrential rain in early December last year, the River Almond burst its banks at Kirkliston, much to the concern of local residents, who have faced regular flooding threats and the damage that floods have caused over many years. What assessment has been made of the additional measures that will be required to protect residents and businesses in Kirkliston? Will the cabinet secretary assure local people that the Scottish Government will support any necessary measures? Will she also agree to a site visit with me to see the impact of flooding on the local community in Kirkliston?

·         Roseanna Cunningham: 

I am not certain that I can agree to the site visit proposal in the current circumstances. I will need to take advice, but we will certainly liaise with Miles Briggs on that.

For any proposal, detailed discussions involving local authorities and SEPA need to take place. I am not certain how far that process has gone in relation to Kirkliston. If Kirkliston is not already one of the areas that is listed in the plans, consideration will be given to its inclusion. I undertake to write to Miles Briggs on that specific issue. Given the recent nature of the incident that he talked about, it would be helpful to know the extent to which consideration and discussions are already taking place on the inclusion of Kirkliston in future flood risk management proposals.

Christmas is NOT Cancelled in Kirkliston!

Santa will be touring the village on Christmas Eve – all within government ‘elf and safety guidelines!  

The curse of COVID has crushed festive plans for so many, but a local resident was determined to keep spirits high in his village, Kirkliston, this year by working hard to preserve a tradition that has been cherished for many years gone by.   

This year’s plans for Santa’s visit were set to be scuppered with the council calling time on the activity earlier in the year due to the potential health and safety hazards that it could impose, however after much determination and good will, members of the community have managed to use their connections and influence to save the event.  

Geoff Crow, Director of local company 21CC Group, and responsible for the team who successfully delivered Wondrous Woods at Hopetoun House earlier on this year, said: “We understand that this event was initially cancelled for very good reasons but with the release of new government guidance, my team and I, along with some residents of the village were able to find a way to make this happen safely this year.  

“This is such a wonderful example of community solidarity and togetherness, and we’re absolutely delighted to be sharing this news with the village. I personally can’t wait to see the smiles on so many children’s faces on Christmas Eve after what has been such a hard year for so many families.”  

Alex Cole-Hamilton, MSP for Edinburgh Western commented: “I am absolutely thrilled that Santa will be making an in-person appearance in Kirkliston, on Christmas Eve ahead of his world tour that evening. How lucky are we?! This will be such a lift at the end of a dark year. Particular thanks to his helper, Geoff Crow for making it happen.”  

Joining in with the festive fun is local Lib Dem councillors Kevin Lang and Louise Young, who will be dawning their elf outfits and joining Santa on route. Children will be able to watch Santa and his elves pass by from the safety of their homes and gardens.   

Santa’s tour of the village on Christmas Eve will commence at 3.30pm before taking to the skies, to fly over Queensferry and the Firth of Forth on their way across to Fife and beyond.   

21CC Group are an Edinburgh based Event Management company, established in 1999. They produce events around the country for corporate groups, festivals, local authorities, and private clients.   

#santaiscomingtotown #christmasinkirkliston

Conifox Adventure Park gives back this Christmas

Family run for family fun, Conifox Adventure Park has spent the run up to Christmas giving back, in an attempt to show that ‘all is not lost’ when it comes to connecting with your community in 2020.

Donating a number of Christmas trees to different locations and running a competition to team up with a local care home, the park is showing its so much more than just a magical day out.

The home of the most festive firs and spectacular spruces, Conifox Adventure Park wanted to share in the mirthful merriment of Christmas by donating a number of its sought-after trees to some deserving homes.

Firstly, to the local community that has supported it through a difficult year, director James Gammell provided a magnificent tree to Kirkliston, where many families have been regular visitors and the park itself is based.

Secondly, a competition for locals, chosen by locals.

Launched on the first day of the Conifox Adventure Park Christmas Tree Market, Facebook followers were asked to submit an Edinburgh care home that meant something to them, and although it was a close-call until the competition closed on Saturday, Murrayfield House Care Home was voted the winner with the most nominations. They have now received an 8ft tree for the hard-working staff and residents to enjoy (pictured).

Park director, James Gammell, explains why he wants to give the gift of caring this Christmas: “This has been a tough year for everyone, and I know Christmas isn’t going to change that, but even when apart, there is always a little magic felt this time of year.

The locations we have donated trees to and the charities we have partnered with are close to our hearts, as they are for the hearts of our local community. We haven’t been able to celebrate with you the way we would all have wanted, but this is just a little way we are showing that, although different, Christmas this year is definitely not cancelled. At the end of the day, it’s about community, friendship and coming together, however we can.”

The donations follow the annual light switch-on of the 60ft tree on Edinburgh Mound, which is also sourced by Conifox Adventure Park. Locals can pick up their own 4-14ft Nordmann Firs, Norway Spruces and Fraser Firs from the park, with them ready to be netted and taken away, or delivered in Edinburgh, South Queensferry, West Lothian and more.

For those elves who already have their tree and have been to the park to donate what they can, but haven’t quite finished the Christmas shopping, gift vouchers are available, and can be used in the main park, the Stables Bistro and the new activity centre upon its opening.

Coming soon: an exciting new activity centre with an indoor soft play, baby room, 3 party rooms, cafe, 200-seater function suite and much more!

To find out more visit the Conifox Adventure Park Facebook page @conifoxadventurepark or www.conifox.co.uk.

Special events for October Half Term at Conifox Adventure Park

Grandparent’s Day

Conifox invites the young – and young at heart! – to come and celebrate their favourite people at their favourite place!

Grandads and Grandmas, Nanas and Papas, Pops and Grannies, whatever they are called, we want to join you in showing them some love!

So, on 4th October for every child’s ticket purchased, grandparents will gain entrance for free; all they need to do, is have some fun!


Especially for the most spooktacular month of the year, the bravest of the brave can follow the Spooky Trail around the park, with kids of all ages winning a goodie bag filled to the brim with Halloween treasures (£2 per child, plus park entry). 

Open from 17th October to 1st November, you can also enjoy Pumpkin Carving after walking the trail, choosing your perfect pumpkin from the Conifox haunted field, ready to carve into the most wickedly magnificent monster …

James Gammell, director of Conifox, is thrilled to prepare for the October half-term buzz: “We are so excited to welcome our friends and family back to Conifox.

“The months leading up to October will have been tough for everyone, not least because of a certain global pandemic, but because after so much time off, kids will be back to school and parents back to work. We want to remind you that fun is always just a hop, skip and a pedal-tractor away, so to keep your chin up and we will hope to see you soon!

He continues, “As a family run business, we are passionate not only about what we do, but also about delivering the absolute best in customer experience. No matter if you are 8 or 80 you are welcome here and we will do everything in our power to make it a day that stays with you as an everlasting, happy memory.”

Constantly innovating and improving their customer offering, Conifox is the perfect spot for a full day out with family and friends. Although the Stables Bistro is closed to ensure compliance with social distancing measures, there is still a selection of delicious food available, including a sizzling BBQ (weather permitting) and all-day breakfast baps, as well as coffee and tea when you need a little refresh.

Situated on the outskirts of Kirkliston, just five minutes from Edinburgh Airport, Conifox is the ideal venue for kids on half term.

To keep visitors safe, tickets are currently only available to pre-book and some attractions will be closed at certain times throughout the day for deep cleaning.

To find out more visit the Conifox Facebook page @conifoxadventurepark or www.conifox.co.uk.

Conifox re-opens to help you escape the city and have some safe family fun this summer

Family run for family fun, Conifox has re-opened its doors to welcome back kids, adults, parents and friends all in need of a little (wild) escape.

The adventure park and restaurant, situated 20 minutes from Edinburgh city centre, has passed the Visit Britain Covid 19 We’re Good To Go Industry Standard and is excited to once again see the park flooded with smiling faces and hear it ringing with peals of laughter whilst ensuring maximum safety guidelines are being followed and operated.

James Gammell, director of Conifox, is thrilled to see the park returned to its former pre-pandemic buzz: “we are so excited to welcome our friends and family back to Conifox.

“Whether we are watching you speed around the pedal go-kart racetrack or peeking out from behind our fingers as you off-road on our pedal tractors, it is so wonderful to be reminded of the park as it should be; a kids – and adults! – wonderland!

“To ensure the safety of our guests and our staff, we are adhering to the strictest guidelines, so even if you are showing off your skills on the 9-hole footgolf course, jumping on the giant pillow, bouncing all over the trampolines or excavating the giant sand pit, you can feel content that your wellbeing – and your enjoyment – is our paramount concern.

“As a family run business, we are passionate not only about what we do, but also about delivering the absolute best in customer experience. No matter if you are 8 or 80 you are welcome here and we will do everything in our power to make it a day that stays with you as an everlasting, happy memory.”

Constantly innovating and improving their customer offering, Conifox is the perfect spot for a full day out with family and friends. Although the Stables Bistro is closed to ensure compliance with social distancing measures, there is still a selection of delicious food available, including a sizzling BBQ (weather permitting) and all-day breakfast baps, as well as coffee and tea when you need a little refresh.

Alongside the huge and varied to-do list of activities you will certainly have planned ready for your arrival, there is also an exciting and everchanging calendar of events offering fresh and unique entertainment each and every month. From ‘Princess Parties’ to ‘Living Room Magic’, you will wish you had more hours in your day!

Situated on the outskirts of Kirkliston, just five minutes from Edinburgh Airport, Conifox is the ideal venue for school group outings, corporate fun days and birthday parties, thanks to boasting plenty of outdoor space for everyone to enjoy.

To keep visitors safe, tickets are currently only available to pre-book and some attractions will be closed at certain times throughout the day for deep cleaning.

To find out more visit the Conifox Facebook page@conifoxadventurepark or www.conifox.co.uk.