Jog for Jugs team sets new target

Jog for Jugs, the viral campaign raising breast cancer awareness and funds for the charity CoppaFeel!, has smashed its cheeky new target of £8,008 within just five days of the campaign going live.

Founder Becky Chapple (28), a regional manager for Amazon, and her fellow ‘Titty Committee’ have now ramped up the target to an ambitious new total of £18,008. 

Since its launch on Saturday, the campaign has spread like wildfire, with over 450 participants now contributing to the JustGiving page and nominating their friends to do the same. As Jog for Jugs’ original target of £1,000 was hit in just two short hours, Becky is confident that the new target can also be reached:

“We couldn’t be more grateful to everyone who has already donated, and we’re beyond excited to see what happens next”, she said. When we originally planned the campaign over a socially-distanced glass or two of wine, £8,008 going towards CoppaFeel! was our wildest dream.

“To reach that number in just five days is beyond anything we expected, and we’re hopeful that as more joggers nominate their friends, we’ll hit our new target. We’ve been thrilled to see so many ‘Check Yourselfies’ – for us, the really important thing is that everyone learns how to check their boobs or pecs for changes, and does so regularly.”

Jog for Jugs launched last Saturday (10th April) with a video starring national treasure Lorraine Kelly and a host of other famous faces including Lee McKenzie, Emma-Louise Connolly and Joanna Vanderham. Since then, the video has been widely shared across social media and has been viewed a massive 110,000 times.  

The idea for the campaign emerged as during lockdown, Becky received the unfortunate news that her mum Susan had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Thankfully, the signs were caught early, and swift treatment has meant that her future looks bright. However, after researching the disease over the course of her mum’s treatment, Becky discovered that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lives, and that regardless of gender everybody should be checking themselves regularly. 

Becky and her friends devised Jog for Jugs to shine a spotlight on the issue and to help reduce the stigma of talking about boobs.

Participants are encouraged to jog/walk/cycle/swim/SUP 8km, to donate £8 to the dedicated JustGiving page, to nominate 8 pals to do the same and – most importantly – to share a ‘Check Yourselfie’ on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #JogforJugs, to represent getting into the habit of regularly checking boobs or pecs for concerning changes. 

The campaign is particularly timely due to the recent news that 2 in 5 people have been too scared to visit their doctor due to Covid-19, and CoppaFeel! is deeply concerned that this will result in a flurry of late-stage diagnoses once lockdown restrictions are fully lifted.

To donate to the Jog for Jugs Campaign please visit 

and follow the journey on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Jog for Jugs founder sets cheeky new fundraising goal after busting original target in under two hours

Bosom buddies now aim to reach milestone of £8008 as star-studded social media campaign goes viral

From Dundee to Dubai and New York to New Zealand, Jog for Jugs – the new charity campaign that launched on Saturday – has captured the imaginations of social media users across the globe.

With over 40,000 views in just 24 hours, the tongue-in-cheek launch video, starring a host of Scottish celebs including Lorraine Kelly and Emma Louise Connelly, has been shared far and wide as participants helped spread the word to raise breast cancer awareness. 

Jog for Jugs’ original target of £1000 for breast cancer awareness charity CoppaFeel! was smashed in under two hours of the campaign going live, and the team has now upped the ante by aiming to reach £8008 (to represent ‘BOOB’) within the next four weeks. 

The campaign has been a labour of love for a group of ‘boomerang buddies’ who have temporarily moved back to their hometown of Dundee after over a decade of living elsewhere, to support each other, friends and family through the pandemic. 

During lockdown, Becky Chapple (28), a Regional Manager for Amazon, received the unfortunate news that her mum Susan had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Thankfully, the signs were caught early, and swift treatment has meant that her future looks bright.

However, after researching the disease over the course of her mum’s treatment, Becky discovered that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lives, and that regardless of gender everybody should be checking themselves regularly. 

Becky and her friends devised the Jog for Jugs campaign to shine a spotlight on the issue and to help reduce the stigma of talking about boobs.

Participants in the campaign are encouraged to jog/walk/cycle/swim/SUP (any way they can move their body) 8km, to donate £8 to the dedicated JustGiving page and to nominate 8 pals to do the same and – most importantly – to share a ‘check yourselfie’ on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #JogForJugs, to represent getting into the habit of regularly checking boobs or pecs for concerning changes. 

The campaign is particularly timely due to the recent news that 2 in 5 people have been too scared to visit their doctor due to Covid-19, and CoppaFeel! is deeply concerned that this will result in a flurry of late-stage diagnoses once lockdown restrictions are fully lifted.

Becky commented: “Those who know me know that I am very rarely lost for words, but on Sunday evening as I reflected on all of the craziness and kindness of our launch weekend, I was genuinely speechless.

“Our close-knit Jog for Jugs committee has been working on the campaign development for a couple of months now and we all thought we had a nice concept. However, we couldn’t have imagined that it would reach so many people in so little time.

“Our minds are totally blown and there aren’t enough words in the world to convey my thanks to each and every person who has donated or spread the word about Jog For Jugs so far.

“After such a challenging year for everyone, it really does show that light can come from the darkest of places. Our ambitious new target of £8008 would make such a tangible difference to the fabulous folks at CoppaFeel! who have suffered from a dip in donations due to Covid-19. I hope, with a lot of help from our friends, that we can achieve it.’ 

To donate to the Jog for Jugs Campaign please visit: 

You can follow the journey on InstagramTwitter and Facebook.

JOG FOR JUGS: Lorraine Kelly launches breast cancer campaign

Jog for Jugs, a new campaign aimed at raising awareness and money for breast cancer officially launches today (Saturday 10th April) in a bid to encourage men, women and non-binary individuals to check themselves so that cancers can be caught and treated early.

A star-studded, tongue-in-cheek, video to promote the campaign, introduced by the nation’s sweetheart, Lorraine Kelly and featuring other Scottish personalities including model Emma-Louise Connolly, actress Joanna Vanderham and presenter Lee McKenzie, has been released to mark the launch.

Inspired by her mum’s courageous response to her own breast cancer diagnosis last August, Dundonian, Becky Chapple hopes to encourage others to check themselves regularly and seek medical support straight away if anything feels abnormal.

Becky commented: “Throughout the pandemic, fewer and fewer people have been visiting the doctor when they find concerning changes to their boobs or pecs which is a real and worrying problem.

“Jog for Jugs is our small way of first and foremost encouraging everyone to check themselves, then jogging or walking 8km to raise vital funds for CoppaFeel!, a brilliant charity which raises awareness of breast cancer in young people and the importance of early detection.”

Jog for Jugs will be promoted across social media, with participants encouraged to jog or walk 8km, donate £8 to CoppaFeel!, check their boobs or pecs and nominate 8 friends to do the same by sharing a selfie of themselves with their hand on their chest and tagging their pals’ social handles.

The number ‘8’ symbolizes the devastating statistic that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.

Becky added: “While we are, of course, hoping to raise some vital funds for CoppaFeel! the campaign is more about awareness than anything else.  

“We want people to know all of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, and we specifically want to dispel the myth that if lumps are painful, they’re unlikely to be cancerous – any unusual changes are worth getting checked out.

“My family feel very fortunate that mum discovered her cancer early and we want to give everyone else the chance to do the same by spotting any changes in their boobs and seeking medical advice, regardless of lockdown.”

CoppaFeel! aims to ensure that all breast cancers are diagnosed at the earliest stage possible by educating people on the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, encouraging them to check regularly and instilling the confidence to seek medical referral if they detect abnormalities.

Currently 5% of diagnosed cases are already at stage IV with breast cancer being the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in women under 30 in the UK (181 new cases diagnosed and 12 deaths annually). CoppaFeel! is the third most recognized breast cancer charity amongst young people and those aware of CoppaFeel! are 58% more likely to check their boobs regularly than those not aware.

The charity’s recent research showing that a worrying 2 in 5 young people are avoiding contact with the NHS due to coronavirus, prove that normalising chest checking and empowering young people to speak to their doctors about any concerns has never been more important.

Katie from CoppaFeel!, commented, “We are thrilled to be supported by the Jog For Jugs campaign. The work that Becky and her friends in the team have put into this project is truly inspirational, and the awareness and funds it will raise in aid of CoppaFeel! will help us in our mission to stamp out the late detection of breast cancer. 

“The generous support of everyone involved will make a huge difference to our work in educating and empowering young people. After such a trying year, it is important now more than ever to spread awareness of the importance of getting to know your body, checking regularly and speaking to your GP if you notice any concerning changes.”

To donate to the Jog For Jugs Campaign please visit: 

and follow the journey on InstagramTwitter and Facebook.