Speaking on the eve of this weekend’s Eid Al Adha celebrations in Edinburgh. Lothian MSP Foysol Choudhury said: “It will be an honour to attend once again “Eid Al-Adha Pray in the Park” event at Inverleith Park on 9th July, which will start with a prayer at 9.30am. The event is organised by the Adha Trust in Edinburgh and is supported by Edinburgh Mosques.
“Last year’s celebration saw more than 2,000 people attending and this year, organisers are expecting 10,000 people to attend – if the weather holds up!
“Eid Al-Adha or the “Feast of Sacrifice” is a four-day celebration, which will be celebrated this year in the UK from 9th till 13th July according to moon sightings. This Muslim holiday also marks the end of the yearly Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.
“It is the biggest Muslim holiday, which is celebrated every year with friends, family and neighbours by Muslims across the world, with the symbolic sacrifice of a lamb that is divided in three to be shared with loves ones and the needy.

“I would like to offer my good wishes to the Muslim communities in the Lothians and across Scotland and the UK. It is special time where we can again celebrate Eid Al-Adha with our friends and family in person again and I hope Muslims worldwide will be able celebrate in peace and safety particularly during these challenging times.
“I find that these religious festivals are a great way for communities to get together, allowing us to share our cultures and traditions so we can better understand our differences and celebrate them to foster more tolerance in our society as well as enriching our daily lives.
“I have also submitted Motion S6M-05178 for Eid Al-Adha 2022, which has already gained great cross-party support.
“Eid Mubarak!”