Roll out of digital devices for city pupils is underway

The roll out of personal digital devices for every school pupil from P6 to S6 in the Capital, part of the city council’s ‘ambitious and inclusive’ education strategy Edinburgh Learns for Life, is underway.

The programme, being carried out in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council’s strategic technology partner, CGI, will see 27,500 new iPads being issued to pupils/teachers, refreshed iPads for up to 12,000 pupils/teachers and expanding connectivity by providing additional wireless access points in schools.

As well as the personal distribution to pupils, additional iPads will be handed out to P1 to P5 year groups so they can be shared for learning. Staff in early years will be getting 250 new iPads and having 900 iPads migrated.

The roll out for the Empowered Learning programme, which has been funded thanks to a £17.6m investment from the Council’s budget, is due to be completed by the end of this year and also includes a comprehensive programme of professional learning for teachers.

Benefits of the project include: providing equal access to education, personalising learning, improving teacher feedback, preparing students for future working, collaborative on and off-line working and, critically, supporting efforts to raise attainment.

This week, from Monday 24 January, pupils at St Augustine’s RC and Gracemount High Schools will be receiving their devices.

Leith Academy is one of the schools where digital devices have already been distributed. Council leader Cllr Adam McVey and deputy Lord Provost Joan Griffiths visited the school last week.

Head teacher Mike Irving said: “The roll out of digital devices to all P6-S6 young people and staff across Edinburgh’s schools is a significant, positive and exciting development for learning.

“Young people will discover new and innovative ways to engage by using many of the features available through the applications and technology available at their fingertips.

“Digital devices are not there to replace teaching and learning, but to enhance it further so youngsters can engage in learning that is relevant, fun and most importantly impactful.

“Young people know when they are being invested in, and this step from the Council is a significant and sustained investment in the future learning, outcomes and achievements of Edinburgh’s children and young people.”

Shlok Godiyal, S3 pupil at Leith Academy, said: “I think having the iPad will give me greater flexibility in how and when I can work on tasks, topics and assignments. There will be times when I need to log onto Teams sessions or complete work at home, the iPad helps me with this ability to work anytime, anywhere.

“I also think the iPad will open opportunities in learning by using features such as video recording, use of 3D imaging and it will help me with my independent learning and study as I progress into S4, S5 and S6. As young people today we are used to technology in our lives, so this is a good addition to our learning.”

Councillor Ian Perry, Education Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “It’s great to see the roll out getting underway as the Empowered Learning programme is about both investing in our children and young people and our teachers to maximise the exciting learning opportunities in Scotland’s Capital city.

“We’ve committed £17.5m from our budget so pupils from P6 to S6 can have their own devices and have equal access to learning. This programme opens up the opportunity for pupils to learn in new and exciting ways, brings with it a raft of wider benefits including extra support and professional development opportunities for teachers and is expanding wifi to provide fast and reliable internet access in every school.”

Councillor Alison Dickie, Education Vice Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “The roll out meets a key element of our Council business plan which is increasing attainment for everyone and reducing the poverty-related attainment gap.

“Ensuring pupils have their own device means they have personal access to digital learning whether with their teacher in school or at home. “

We want every young person to achieve their fullest potential and the Empowered Learning programme is another tool in the educational toolbox to equip our pupils with the skills and knowledge to succeed in a future that is becoming increasingly digital.”

Tara McGeehan, President, CGI in the UK and Australia said: “CGI is delighted to be working in partnership with City of Edinburgh Council to deliver Empowered Learning to pupils and teachers in the capital.

“Empowered Learning provides a learning environment that’s engaging and inspirational. It directly tackles the attainment gap and recognises the key role of educators in delivering a digital classroom.

“Through Empowered Learning, educators can create and tailor lessons to personalise learning, and access new ways of bringing learning to life. Above all, Empowered Learning delivers learning that is rich and rewarding for both pupils and for their parents, as well as providing the highest level of security and safety standards.

“The roll out meets a key element of one of the 15 outcomes and actions from the Council’s three year business plan ‘Our Future Council, Our Future City’: ‘increasing attainment for all and reducing the poverty-related attainment gap’.”

The 1:1 programme reinforces our commitment to becoming one of the world’s ‘smartest cities’ – in 2020 Edinburgh approved a new digital strategy to push forward its ambitions for becoming a sustainable Smart City.

Digital champions log on at city housing development

AN EDINBURGH housing development has been awarded iPads to keep elderly customers connected with loved ones throughout the pandemic, thanks to a Scottish Government initiative.

Castlebrae Glebe, which is run and operated by Bield, received 12 iPads from Connecting Scotland which is a project established in response to the Covid-19 pandemic to connect individuals who may have otherwise been isolated.

The programme has kept individuals across the country connected virtually when it has not been possible to meet in person and has also supported digital skill development.

Sharon Tomany, Development Manager at Castlebrae Glebe in Craigmillar applied for the programme in February after hearing about the initiative designed for individuals who don’t have the confidence, kit or connectivity at home in a bid to reduce digital exclusion.

“The project has been an amazing opportunity to help customers become more digitally connected and keep in contact with loved ones throughout a period which could have been extremely isolating.

“Everyone at the development has benefited from the donation in some way. One aspect that we didn’t appreciate would have such a big impact was that our customers now feel closer to the local community.

“Previously they may not have seen the communication from local businesses online or been able to get involved with local groups activities.

“The iPads have enabled customers to listen to music, watch videos, read the news and shop online – simple things that they didn’t necessarily have access to before.”

Customers have been supported by staff to set the iPads up and understand how to use the device safely.

Sharon added: “The feedback from friends and families has been very positive and many have expressed their delight about being able to get in touch with their loved ones at any point and actually have video calls, which is much better than talking over the phone.

“We know that many elderly people often battle loneliness and this has heightened throughout the pandemic, so it is especially rewarding to know that we have changed that for our customers by even just a little bit.”

For more information on the Connecting Scotland programme, visit:

Bield use technology to deliver a wide range of specialised housing and care services for around 20,000 older people across 23 local authority areas and is working towards becoming the first fully digitally connected housing association in Scotland.

Bield’s new strategy for property development provides housing solutions – with greater choice and flexibility – to address the needs of the current generation of older people and the next.

To find out more about us and our developments, visit: 

or follow on Facebook @bieldhousingandcare and Twitter @BieldScotland.

Digital boost for Edinburgh pupils

Every school pupil from P6 to S6 in Edinburgh will receive their own digital device as part of an ambitious and inclusive education strategy, Edinburgh Learns for Life.

The 1:1 roll out, being carried out in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council’s ICT services provider CGI, will start from September thanks to a £17.6m boost to learning and teaching. In addition to the personal distribution additional iPads will be also be issued to P1 to P5 year groups on an agreed ratio.

Key elements of the Empowered Learning programme, which will see a phased roll out of all the devices completed by the end of 2022, include: 27,000 new iPads being issued to pupils/staff, refreshed iPads for up to 12,000 pupils/staff and expanding the wireless connectivity in schools by providing wireless access points and a comprehensive programme of professional learning for teachers.                                                                                          

Benefits for young people include:

  • Fair and equal access from P6 to S6, ensuring all pupils have personal access to digital learning with their teacher in school or at home
  • Effective digital workflow to increase engagement, improve teacher feedback and raise attainment
  • A range of innovative accessibility features to improve access to the curriculum for pupils with additional support needs
  • Pupils can work online simultaneously in a class or collaboratively outside the classroom
  • High quality digital applications for productivity and creativity, providing more ways to personalise and choose how they learn
  • Development of learning, thinking and digital literacy skills vital for success in today’s rapidly evolving, technological society

The roll-out meets a key element of one of the 15 outcomes and actions from the Council’s three year business plan ‘Our Future Council, Our Future City’: ‘increasing attainment for all and reducing the poverty-related attainment gap’.

The business plan was approved by Councillors during their budget meeting on 18 February where they also agreed £8m funding for additional digital devices.

The 1:1 programme reinforces our commitment to becoming one of the world’s ‘smartest cities’ – last year Edinburgh was listed in the Smart City of Year Digital 100 shortlist following recent work by the Council, CGI and other providers to enhance connectivity and embrace new technologies. 

The roll-out also meets Article 29 (goals of education) for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which highlights the importance of developing every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.

Councillor Ian Perry, Education Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “This is a really exciting project which is going to be a real game-changer for the learning and teaching in our schools.

“Giving pupils their own device has been shown to improve outcomes and result in increased engagement and motivation for our young people. It will create a learning environment which will drive higher levels of creativity also improve teacher and learner collaboration.

“The roll out will build on the skills developed by our teaching staff by having many more opportunities to use digital technology and create effective digital leadership teams in all our schools. In addition to giving pupils their own devices we’ll make sure the IT infrastructure is in place by increasing the bandwidth capacity and wi-fi connectivity in our schools.”

Councillor Alison Dickie, Education Vice Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “This 1:1 roll out fits with the three goals of Edinburgh learns for Life – to transform, connect and empower.

“Giving every young person from P6 upwards their own device, is yet another tool in the educational toolbox to support and ensure the fullest potential of every child. 

“It’s so important for all our young people to have equal access as lockdown demonstrated quite starkly how some of our young people struggled because they didn’t have their own device.

“It’s essential that each learner is on a level playing field so the equity gap in Edinburgh does not widen. It will help equip all of our young people with the skills required for the modern workplace and our way of life in the digital age.”

Lindsay McGranaghan, CGI Vice President and Scotland Business Unit Lead, said: “We are delighted to be undertaking this project with the City of Edinburgh Council. We look forward to working in partnership to provide an effective and exciting digital solution for nearly 40,000 pupils and teachers.  

“Empowered Learning provides a learning environment that’s engaging and inspirational. It directly tackles the attainment gap, and recognises the key role of educators in delivering a digital classroom. Through Empowered Learning, educators can create and tailor lessons to personalise learning and access new ways of bringing teaching to life.

“Above all, Empowered Learning helps educators provide learning that is richer and more rewarding for both pupils, and for their parents, while also providing the highest level of security and safety standards.”