The Inverleith Festival of Walking & Cycling 2018 will take place on Sunday 2nd September 2018 from 1-4pm in Inverleith Park East. Continue reading Get set for Inverleith Festival of Walking & Cycling
The Inverleith Festival of Walking & Cycling 2018 will take place on Sunday 2nd September 2018 from 1-4pm in Inverleith Park East. Continue reading Get set for Inverleith Festival of Walking & Cycling
Sunday 24th September, 1.30 – 4.30pm – Inverleith Park
The Inverleith Festival of Walking & Cycling 2017 takes place on Sunday 24th September 2017 from 1.30 to 4.30pm in Inverleith Park.
There will be lots of FREE activities, tasters and information on how to take up or increase your walking and cycling.
Some activiites can be signed up in advance. See below:
1pm – Family and buggy friendly walk, with Ramblers, in advance of the Festival start
Meetup point will be the monument in the center of the park. From here we’ll follow the path towards the botanic garden (John Hope entrance) where we will follow the path that crosses the garden and get out through the east gate door. Here we’ll head to the Rocheid path (water of leith walkway) that will take us to the Inverleith Pond, before we go back to where we started.
It’s all easy paths, buggy friendly, and the walk will be around 1 hour. We will have plenty of time to enjoy the botanics and the pond. In the end everybody is invited to stay and visit what the festival has to offer. There will be 3 road crossings and we’ll need to be careful with the younger children.*
Sign up here! Walk meets at 1pm – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/inverleith-festival-of-walking-and-cycling-2017-tickets-37239431141
1.30 – 2.30pm – Inverleith Allotments are about to celebrate their centenary. The site was created in 1918 to grow food for ex-servicemen after WW1. It reverted to park land between the wars but is now a haven for wildlife and vegetable growing.
Contact elaine.lennon@edinburgh.gov.uk for more information