Three men sentenced following drugs offences across central belt

Three men have been sent to prison for serious and organised crime offences involving the large-scale supply of class A drugs based in Glasgow and stretching across the central belt of Scotland.

At the High Court in Edinburgh, yesterday (Friday, 10 May), Paul Martin, Peter Dickson and Grant Japp, were sentenced to five years and eight months, four years and three months, and three years and four months respectively.

Martin aged 43, Dickson aged 34, and Japp aged 30, had previously pled guilty at the High Court in Glasgow.

Acting on intelligence officers, executed a number of warrants in Glasgow which led to the arrest of Jaap in May 2021. Further enquiries resulted in Dickson also being apprehended.

A complex investigation enabled officers to identify Martin as the ring-leader. This included infiltration of the encrypted messaging service Encrochat via Operation Venetic – regarded as the most significant UK operation into serious and organised crime involving Police Scotland, the National Crime Agency and police forces across the UK.

Martin had fled to Spain before he could be arrested but was traced to Tenerife and extradited to Scotland in August 2022.

Detective Inspector Phillip Kennedy said: “These men made a substantial amount of money from a drugs operation importing and selling Class A drugs in the central belt of Scotland.

“Martin, in particular, lived a lavish lifestyle with properties in Scotland and Spain.

“The three men blighted our communities with drugs and their sentencing comes after a complex investigation.

“Disrupting the activities of organised crime groups and making the country an extremely hostile environment for them to operate is one of Police Scotland’s top priorities.

“There is no place for serious organised criminality in our society and, working in partnership with law enforcement agencies and the members of the Serious Organised Crime Taskforce, we will continue our fight against those involved in serious and organised crime to keep our communities safe.”

Anyone who has information or concerns about the sale and supply of drugs in their community is urged to contact Police Scotland via 101 or make a call anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Sex offender jailed for nine years

Bernard Callaghan has been jailed for nine years for a series of sexual offences which took place in the Fife, Edinburgh and East Lothian areas.

The 53-year-old targeted three women over a 15-year period from 2007 to 2022.

Callaghan was found guilty at the High Court in Edinburgh on Monday, 4 March, 2024, and returned for sentencing today, Wednesday, 17 April.

Detective Sergeant Craig Donnelly from Police Scotland’s Public Protection Unit said: “Bernard Callaghan is a very dangerous individual who is now being held accountable for his despicable behaviour towards the three victims.

“Their experiences will undoubtedly have left a lasting impact however I hope that today’s outcome provides them with some degree of closure and helps them to move on with their lives.

“Police Scotland takes all reports of sexual abuse extremely seriously and we will work with victims to thoroughly investigate and bring perpetrators to justice.

“We would encourage anyone who has, or is experiencing this type of crime, to have the confidence to come forward and make a report to Police Scotland on 101.

“There is no time limit on reporting and no matter when the abuse occurred you will be listened to, you will be supported and together we will bring the perpetrator to justice.”

Man jailed for string of sex crimes

A man has been jailed for a catalogue of sexual offences committed against four women in East Lothian and Edinburgh.

Gary Yuill, 45, was sentenced to 12 years in prison at the High Court in Edinburgh on Thursday after previously been found guilty by a jury of 21 offences, which included nine counts of rape.

The offences were committed against four women in Haddington, Dunbar, Wallyford, and Edinburgh between 2004 and 2021.

Police first began investigating Yuill following a report of rape which was received from a woman in May 2021. This subsequently led to other victims being identified and the scale of Yuill’s offending revealed. He was arrested and charged in June 2021.

Detective Inspector Laura White said: “Yuill subjected these women to horrific crimes and I would like to thank them for their cooperation as our investigations were ongoing. Hopefully today’s verdict will allow them to move on from this part of their lives.

“I would urge anyone who has been the victim of sexual violence to come forward and report it to us, regardless of the passage of time. We, alongside partner agencies, will support you through the process, investigate thoroughly and bring those responsible to justice.”

Man given Order for Lifelong Restriction for sexual abuse and online offences

A 52-year-old man has been given an Order for Lifelong Restriction, along with a custodial sentence of two years and three months, in connection with online sexual abuse and exploitation.

Mark Fordham pled guilty at the High Court in Edinburgh on Thursday, 9 November, 2023, in connection with the offences. He was arrested following an intelligence-led police operation.

Detective Inspector Bruce Ward said: “Mark Fordham is a dangerous and predatory individual who will now face the consequences of his despicable actions.

“Online offenders may think they are anonymous. They are not. No matter what steps they take to avoid detection, you cannot hide behind a computer screen. We will find you.

“We remain fully committed to protecting children and bringing anyone involved in these abhorrent crimes to justice.

“Any form of child sexual abuse is a serious criminal offence and a priority for officers. I would urge anyone with any concerns about a child at risk of abuse, or a potential victim, to contact us immediately.”

Police Scotland’s current #GetHelpOrGetCaught campaign proactively targets those who are either already offending or at risk of offending online, and provides signposts to available support.

Man jailed for sexual offence in Edinburgh

A man has been jailed for four years and three months after being convicted of a sexual offence in Edinburgh.

Antonio Pollio, 24, pleaded guilty to the offence involving a young female at the High Court in Edinburgh on Monday, 21 August, 2023. He was sentenced at the same court yesterday (Thursday, 28 September).

Detective Inspector Mhairi Cooper said: “Antonio Pollio is a dangerous man who manipulated and coerced a young female. He will now face the consequences of his actions.

“We treat all reports of sexual crime seriously and I would urge anyone who has been a victim to come forward, no matter how much time has passed, and report it to police.

“Be assured, we will fully investigate and you will be supported by police and our partner agencies.”

Sex offender Charters will be ‘monitored for the rest of his life’

Police Scotland has commented on the sentencing yesterday of Stephen Charters at the High Court in Edinburgh for a series of non-recent sexual offences, including rape.

Charters, 57, was found guilty of the offences against four women in Edinburgh, committed between November 1984 and October 2015, at the High Court in July 2021.

He was sentenced to five years in prison yesterday and given an Order for Lifelong Restriction (OLR) – one of the most unique sentences that can be given for non-murder cases. This means he will be subject to conditions and monitoring for the rest of his life.

Detective Inspector Jonny Wright said: “I would like to commend the victims for coming forward. Despite the passage of time, they were able to give us information which allowed detectives to carry out this investigation. Had it not been for their bravery in coming forward and giving evidence in court, Charters could have gone unpunished.

“Charters denied these crimes, but extensive work carried out by officers and partners, including the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS), means that he has now been brought to justice.

“This case is an example of no matter when the incident happened, Police Scotland will always thoroughly investigate and we are here to listen and support victims and have specially trained officers to carry out enquiries.

“We continue to be committed to bringing all perpetrators of sexual abuse to justice and time is no barrier for our enquiries. I would urge anyone who wishes to report sexual crime, regardless of when it happened, to contact us so we can conduct a thorough and professional investigation.” 

“Juliuszek left us the most beautiful memories that will remain in our hearts forever.”

Lukasz Czapla, 41, has been sentenced to at least 23 years in prison following his conviction for the horrific murder of his two-year old son Julius in Muirhouse.

Czapla, who claimed he suffered from poor mental health, murdered his son in a drink and drug-fuelled jealous rage to get back at the child’s mum Patrycja Szczesniak.

The court heard that, on the night Julius died, Ms Szczesniak had told Czapla he was seeing somebody new. 

Passing sentence at the High Court in Edinburgh yeserday, judge Lord Beckett said that Czapla’s use of drink and drugs were no excuse for what he did to Julius.

Lord Beckett said: “Your son will never grow up and his loving mother has lost him forever and will forever be haunted by the truly evil act that you did.

“Your son will never grow up and his loving mother has lost him forever and will forever be haunted by the truly evil act that you did. 

“You acted out of spite to punish his mother for leaving you and getting on with her life.

“Suffice to say you showed considerable determination to ensure that a defenceless child would die in considerable distress. 

“It is no excuse that you were full of drink and drugs. Indeed it is significantly aggravated given that you were being asked to look after a two-year-old.”

Emergency services were called to the family home at Muirhouse Place West in November 2020, where Julius was found seriously injured. He was pronounced dead at the scene a short time later.

The jury heard that Czapla shot Julius three times in the head with a gas-powered air pistol. Three ball bearings were later recovered from the child’s head. Czapla then stabbed the toddler with a metal skewer before smothering him with a pillow.

Detective Inspector Bob Williamson, of Police Scotland’s Major Investigation Team, said: “Julius was a bright, happy young boy and his loss in such horrendous circumstances has been devastating for his mother and his family.

“Lukasz Czapla is now facing the consequences of his actions. The outcome of this case will never bring Julius back but it does bring this aspect to a close. Julius’s family have understandably asked for privacy during this difficult time.

“I would like to thank the local community and our dedicated team of officers, along with our partner agencies, who assisted throughout the duration of the investigation.”

Patrycja Szczesniak, Julius’ Mother, has also released the following statement through Police Scotland and asks her request for privacy to please be respected:

“I only wanted the best for you. If only I could only turn back time to have you in my arms again my child.

“Despite the breakup with Juliusz’s dad, I wanted him to have contact with our son. I never stopped him seeing Juliusz. Julek loved him like every child loves their dad. He trusted him, he trusted him completely.

“Juliusz was murdered only for revenge. His dad wanted me to suffer, he succeeded and achieved his goal, at the cost of my beloved little boy’s life.

“If only I knew what was going to happen. I would have never thought he could do this to my child.

“He was only two and a half.

“Every day I think about Juliusz. I can’t imagine what his little, helpless heart felt that night and I feel his fear and pain every day. He was part of me, part of my heart and soul.

“I wish I could hug him, play with him and watch him grow.

“Every day I ask myself why there is so much evil in this world, why the innocent have to suffer.

“He not only took Juliusz life but my life too.

“That day, the world stopped, not only for me but also for my mother and my sister.

“Juliusz was a very happy child. He lit up the place wherever he showed up. He could put a smile on anyone’s face and always looked forward to calls with his Grandma and Auntie. They managed to build a strong relationship despite the distance in miles between us and enjoyed every minute they had together.

“It is breaking our hearts that we are no longer able to take his hand and lead him through life. To watch him enjoy riding his bike and eating his favourite ice cream. Listen to his giggling and laughing and being amazed by the things he learned every day.

“There was so much we wanted to show him but this chance was brutally taken from us and now the only thing we can do is to prey for the highest possible punishment. We want to believe in the justice system and that justice will be served, although I know there is no sentence that will bring my angel back to life.

“Czapla should not have the right to any defence and we will fight to ensure that monster never leaves prison.

“My suffering and my pain will stay with me for the rest of my life. But the unconditional love I have for my baby; my dearest child Juliusz will never end.

“My family, friends and l will miss him dearly and we will suffer his loss until the end of our days.

“Juliuszek left us the most beautiful memories that will remain in our hearts forever.”

Death on Calton Hill: Three years and two months for Fulton

Helpless Portobello schoolgirl abandoned on freezing winter’s night

A 20 year old man who caused the death of an underage girl by buying her alcohol and abandoning her on a freezing winter’s night has been jailed for three years and two months.

When Ewan Fulton, then 18, left 15-year-old Mhari O’Neill, she was not wearing a jacket and was too drunk to walk.

A dog walker found her body on Calton Hill the next morning. on 7 December 2018.

Pathologists said the probable cause of the teenager’s death was hypothermia, with intoxication.

Last month Fulton appeared at the High Court in Edinburgh and admitted killing Mhairi, who was 15, after buying her alcohol and abandoning her on Calton Hill on 7 December 2018.

Fulton pleaded guilty to culpable homicide. He admitted taking part in sexual activity with the under-age schoolgirl, culpably and recklessly endangering her health and life, and exposing her to risk of injury and death.

Ewan Fulton, who was 18 at the time, bit and throttled Mhari O’Neill, before abandoning her.

Fulton first met Mhari through social media site Yubo.

On the fateful night Fulton said he had bought a large bottle of vodka for them to share after he travelled to Edinburgh from Livingston to meet her.

Fulton told police Portobello High School student Mhari had been so drunk that she kept falling off a bench and could not walk. He claimed he was starting to panic and knew he needed to get the last train home. He maintained he told her several times he was leaving, but did not get a response as she was “unable to speak”.

The following day Fulton, a shop worker, sent Mhairi a text asking: “Are you alive?” He also sent text messages to friends, explaining: “I had no choice but to leave, what was I supposed to do?” and “I got her drunk she’s 15”. He told another friend: “That girl has a family and if I had stayed she would be alive.”

Fulton, from Livingston, abandoned the girl “in a remote and exposed location” in a state of partial undress without means to contact anyone and failed to seek help for her.

The culpable homicide charge stated Fulton behaved with “utter disregard” for the consequences of his actions towards her.

Det Insp Susan Balfour from Police Scotland’s major investigation team said: “This has been a distressing time for Mhari’s family and our thoughts remain with them and her friends.

“We welcome the conviction of Ewan Fulton and hope it brings some comfort to Mhari’s loved ones.”

Man guilty of Edinburgh child rape

A man has pled guilty to the rape of a then 12-year-old child which happened in Edinburgh in 2016. Balwinder Singh (54) pled guilty to raping the child at the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday.

Detective Inspector Jonny Wright of Edinburgh’s Public Protection Unit said:
“Today, Singh has pled guilty to raping a 12-year-old child in 2016. My thoughts remain with the victim and those impacted by Singh’s actions.

“Singh fled the country soon after the offence came to light and travelled across the world seeking to avoid detection.  However, his attempts would not be allowed to succeed and as a result of committed national and international partnership working, he was traced and deported from Canada, ultimately leading to his arrest in the UK on 12 March 2020.

“I would like to place on record my thanks to the Police Scotland International Unit, Canada Border Services Agency, Scottish Police Authority Forensic Services and Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service whom made significant contributions towards achieving Singh’s conviction today.

“Singh will now face justice for the abhorrent offence committed by him.

“We remain committed to bringing sexual offenders before the courts and treat all reports of sexual crime with the utmost seriousness.  Anyone wishing to report such offences should do so to Police Scotland via 101.”