Two convicted in connection with rape and murder of a man

Two men have been convicted of the rape and murder of a 24-year-old man in Fife that happened in November 2021. 

Dylan Brister, aged 27, and Cameron Allan (pictured below), aged 20, were found guilty yesterday (Friday, 19 July, 2024), following a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh. They will be sentenced on a later date. 

The body of Calum Simpson was found within a property on Herriot Crescent in Methil on 3 November, 2021. 

He had been drugged and subjected to a serious sexual assault. Enquiries were carried out and the two men were arrested and charged in connection with the assault and his death. 

Detective Inspector Scott Roxburgh, Senior Investigating Officer, said: “Our thoughts are very much with Calum’s family and friends and I hope that the conviction brings them some kind of closure. 

“This was a particularly horrific and sickening attack on a young man who died after being drugged and sexually attacked. Both men will now face the consequences of their actions. 

“I would like to thank officers who carried out enquiries as this was a complex and harrowing investigation. 

“Violence has no place in our communities and Police Scotland is committed to bringing those responsible for such crimes to justice.”

Nine years for serial domestic abuser

A man has been sentenced to nine years in prison after being convicted of a series of domestic abuse offences in the Edinburgh area.

Brian Taylor, aged 54, committed these crimes over a period of 15 years.

He was previously found guilty of eight charges following a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh and returned for sentencing yesterday – Thursday, 23 May, 2024.

Detective Inspector Mhairi Cooper of the Edinburgh Domestic Abuse Investigation Unit said: “Taylor is an abusive individual who showed no remorse for his violent and abusive behaviour.

“It is incredibly difficult for someone to confront their abuser and I would like to commend the women for their bravery in coming forward during the investigation. Their information was crucial in helping us build the case against him, and I hope this outcome provides them with some sense of closure.

“If anyone is experiencing, or has experienced domestic abuse, please do not hesitate to contact us directly or through one of our partner agencies.”

Attempted murder in Muirhouse: man jailed for six years

A 44-year-old man has been jailed for six years in connection with attempted murder in Muirhouse.

Craig McQuillian was sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday (Wedneday, 22 May) after pleading guilty the previous day.

McQuillian tried to murder a young boy and man on Sunday, 12 November, 2023 by setting a fire outside the door of their home in the Muirhouse area.

Detective Inspector Gordon Couper said: “This was a targeted attack which not only could have killed two innocent people, but also harmed many others in the building.

“McQuillian will now face the consequences of his deplorable actions.

“I would like to thank all officers involved for their dedication and commitment throughout the investigation as well as those members of the public who assisted with our enquiries.”

Father and son plead guilty to Greendykes murders

A father and son have pleaded guilty to the murder of 37-year-old Derek Johnston and 66-year-old Desmond Rowlings.

Mr Johnston and Mr Rowlings were subjected to horrific crimes before their deaths at the hands of Ian MacLeod and Dean McLeod in November 2022 in Greendykes Road, Edinburgh.

The pair admitted murdering their victims when they appeared at the High Court in Edinburgh today, Monday, 8 April, 2024.

Detective Superintendent Susan Balfour said: “My thoughts remain with Derek and Desmond’s families. They have had to endure unimaginable pain and trauma.

“These crimes were some of the most violent I have seen, and everyone involved was affected. There is no doubt in my mind that people are safer now that these two men are in prison.”

Two men convicted for non-recent sexual abuse of children

Two men responsible for the non-recent sexual abuse of children have been convicted.

At the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday (Tuesday, 19 September), Alexander Philip, 57, and Craig Hodgkins, 52, were found guilty of sexual offences against five young people aged between six and 13-years-old between 1978 and 2008.

The conviction followed a Police Scotland investigation after survivors came forward.

Following significant inquiry, the pair were arrested and charged in connection with the crimes, which took place in Edinburgh, Hamilton and Airdrie.

Police Scotland’s Detective Inspector Jonny Wright, who led the investigation, said: “Over the course of three decades, Alexander Philip and Craig Hodgkins subjected their victims to sustained levels of sexual abuse, sometimes together, and other times separately.

“Their offending may have gone undetected had it not been for the survivors coming forward and reporting the circumstances to police.

“The convictions of this pair should serve as a reminder that time is no barrier for Police Scotland to investigate any report of criminality and we will utilise all resources at our disposal to bring perpetrators of sexual abuse to justice.”

Philip and Hodgkins will be sentenced later.

Man convicted of murder in Niddrie

A man has been found guilty of the murder of a man in Niddrie. At the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday, Ryan McCabe was found guilty following trial of the murder of Liam Maloney.

Mr Maloney, 30, died in hospital on Saturday, 7 May, 2022, two days after being stabbed by 49-year-old McCabe.

The attack happened during the evening of Thursday, 5 May, 2022 at the junction of Niddrie Marischal Grove and Niddrie Marischal Road in the east of the city.

Mr Maloney was taken to hospital but died as a result of his injuries.

McCabe was arrested and charged on Monday, 9 May, 2022 and has now been found guilty of murder and possession of a knife.

Detective Inspector Scott Roxburgh from the Major Investigation Team said: “Liam Maloney had a young family when his life was ended by the violent actions of Ryan McCabe. Our thoughts remain with his loved ones at this time.

“Violent incidents are completely unnecessary and unacceptable but are felt by the whole community. We will always act swiftly to deal with offenders to ensure perpetrators are brought to justice.”

McCabe is due to be sentenced at a later date.

Badge of Shame: Unions secure important win against the UK Government’s attacks on trade unions

 In a major defeat for the Conservative government, the High Court yesterday (Thursday) ruled that its agency worker regulations are unlawful, after a successful legal challenge by trade unions, coordinated by the TUC. 

The “strike-breaking” regulations were brought in last summer and allow agencies to supply employers with workers to fill in for those on strike.   

The High Court ruled that the then Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Kwasi Kwarteng, failed to consult unions, as required by the Employment Agencies Act 1973 – quashing the 2022 changes. 

Eleven trade unions, coordinated by the TUC and represented by Thompsons Solicitors LLP, brought legal proceedings against the government’s changes to agency worker regulations in a bid to protect the right to strike. 

The unions – ASLEF, BFAWU, FDA, GMB, NEU, NUJ, POA, PCS, RMT, Unite and Usdaw – come from a wide range of sectors and represent millions of workers in the UK.  

Unison and NASUWT also brought separate legal challenges against the laws. 

The TUC says the ruling is a “badge of shame” for the Conservative government – and a “major blow” to “ministers’ attempts to undermine the right to strike”. 

In addition to these agency worker regulations brought in last summer, ministers are currently rushing through the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill, which is currently making its way through parliament.  

This could lead to workers being forced to work even when they have democratically voted to strike, and workers facing the sack if they refuse to comply. 

Damning assessment 

The Court was damning in its assessment of ministers’ failure to consult – and in particular, the conduct of the former Secretary of State for Business, Kwasi Kwarteng. 

The judgment says “the Secretary of State’s approach was contrary to section 12 (2) of the 1973 Act, so unfair as to be unlawful and, indeed, irrational.” 

The judgment goes onto say “the approach of Mr Kwarteng was to commit to the revocation of regulation 7 at a time when the advice to him was that it would be of negligible short-term benefit and probably be counterproductive.” 

Heavy criticism 

The change in agency worker regulations was heavily criticised by unions, agency employers, and parliamentarians. 

The TUC has warned these new laws could worsen industrial disputes, undermine the fundamental right to strike and endanger public safety if agency staff are required to fill safety critical roles but haven’t been fully trained.  

The Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), which represents suppliers of agency workers, has previously described the proposals as “unworkable”. 

The Lords Committee charged with scrutinising the legislation said “the lack of robust evidence and the expected limited net benefit raise questions as to the practical effectiveness and benefit” of the new rules. 

TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said:  “This defeat is a badge of shame for the Conservatives, who have been found guilty of breaching the law. 

“Bringing in less-qualified agency staff to deliver important services risks endangering public safety, worsening disputes and poisoning industrial relations.   

 “The government railroaded through this law change despite widespread opposition from agency employers and unions. The courts even found ministers ignored evidence that the measure would be counterproductive. 

“This is the same reckless approach behind the anti-strike bill, which has faced a barrage of criticism from employers, rights groups and international bodies, and which has been amended by the House of Lords on three separate occasions during parliamentary ping-pong.  

“Ministers should spare themselves further embarrassment. These cynical strike-breaking agency worker laws must be scrapped once and for all – and the draconian anti-strike bill must be junked for good too.” 

Richard Arthur, head of trade union law, Thompson solicitors added: “This is a significant victory for the entire trade union movement and preserves a vital safeguard in ensuring the right to participate in industrial action is effective.  

“The judgment makes clear that the then Secretary of State (above) had a staggering disregard to his legal obligations when introducing legislation that enabled employers to engage agency workers to cover the duties of striking workers.  

“He was driven solely by a political ideology to meet a self-imposed deadline to implement the regulations in the face of mounting industrial action across the country.  

“He took this decision notwithstanding advice he received that it was likely to be counter-productive to the problem he wanted to address and was being rushed through without any regard being taken to the duty to consult which was a fundamental legal requirement.  

“This is bad law-making made on the hoof and the Court has rightly held the Government to account.” 

Edinburgh rapist jailed for seven years

A 43-year-old man has been sentenced to seven years in prison for raping a woman in Edinburgh in August, 2020.

Christopher Pringle was convicted in Edinburgh on Friday, 12 May, 2023 and was sentenced at the High Court yesterday .He has also been placed on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Detective Chief Inspector George Calder said: “Pringle’s behaviour was despicable, and he will now face the consequences of his actions.

“It is my sincere hope the courage shown in this case will reassure all victims of sexual violence that they can come forward, no matter how much time has passed, and report it to police. Be assured, we will fully investigate, and you will be supported by officers and our partner agencies.

“This case was brought to conclusion by the Divisional Rape Investigation Unit, a specialist unit dedicated to robustly and sensitively investigate cases of this nature, bringing perpetrators to justice and supporting victims and their families.”

Man sentenced to 15 years for sexually abusing children at Edinburgh home

A 75-year-old man has been ordered to serve 15 years in prison for sexually abusing children more than 40 years ago.

Brian Dailey (below) was sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday (Thursday, 15 September) after carrying out the crimes while employed at a school in the Colinton area of Edinburgh.

He subjected boy and girls, aged between 7 and 12, to sexual abuse over several years between 1969 and 1979, and was convicted in August at the High Court in Glasgow.

Detective Inspector Jim McLauchlan, from the National Child Abuse Investigation Unit, said: “I cannot underestimate the courage and patience with which the victims have waited for justice.

“Dailey may have thought he was safe from prosecution but today’s sentencing is the culmination of a lengthy and complicated investigation.

“It does not matter how much time has passed, victims can be reassured that they will be listened to and we will thoroughly investigate any reports to ensure perpetrators are held to account.”

Man found guilty of sexual offences in Edinburgh

Detectives in Edinburgh have acknowledged the conviction of George Anthony McClure Newby for sexual offences, including rape.

The 32-year-old was been found guilty following a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh on Friday (26 August, 2022).

Newby was convicted of serious sexual crimes against two women in the Edinburgh area in 2020 and 2021.

Detective Inspector McArthur-Kerr of the Edinburgh Public Protection Unit said: “George Newby is a predatory and dangerous man who committed horrendous crimes against his two victims.

“It is thanks to the courage of the women who came forward that he has been now been found guilty of these crimes and the cruelty of his behaviour has been exposed.

“I would like to commend them in their bravery throughout this investigation and trial. Hopefully the verdict today will help them moving forward.”