Baby loss memorial book

Charities and health professionals help design book – now open for applications

A Memorial Book is now open for anyone who has experienced pregnancy or baby loss prior to 24 weeks.

The book, produced jointly by the Scottish Government and National Records of Scotland, will give parents an opportunity – if they wish – to commemorate their loss with a physical record.

It was developed after listening to people who have experienced a pregnancy or baby loss prior to 24 weeks of pregnancy and is a free and entirely optional service.

Launching the book during a visit to the baby loss charity, Held In Our Hearts, First Minister Humza Yousaf said: “The loss of a baby at any stage of pregnancy has a profound impact on everyone affected, and the Scottish Government has listened to parents who told us how difficult it was that they often felt that their loss was not recognised.

“We have worked with health professionals, Royal Colleges, baby loss charities and National Records of Scotland to develop a Memorial Book of Pregnancy and Baby Loss, which provides a record of the loss, and a commemorative certificate.

“I am pleased that this is now open for applications from anyone who has experienced pregnancy or baby loss prior to 24 weeks. I am very grateful to everyone involved in making this a reality.

“I hope this will provide acknowledgment and a measure of comfort to those who have experienced the terrible sadness of a pre-24 week pregnancy or baby loss.”

Welcoming the announcement Nicola Welsh, Chief Executive of Held In Our Hearts, said: “The loss of a much-wanted baby at any stage of pregnancy, can be incredibly painful and isolating. 

“A family are left grieving for a life they wished for and until now, for pre-24 week pregnancy and baby loss, there was no formal way to recognise that these little ones existed. 

“The Memorial Book will, for the first time, provide the opportunity for families to have their little ones’ names added to the National Records of Scotland.  We hope that by memorialising these little lives in this way, it will provide much needed comfort and recognition to these families.”

Chief Executive of Sands, and Chair of the Baby Loss Awareness Alliance, Clea Harmer said: “We hope that anyone who has been affected by pregnancy and baby loss prior to 24 weeks will find comfort in this new Memorial Book.

“We understand how vital it is for those who experience a bereavement at any stage in pregnancy to have their baby acknowledged and remembered and know that their babies’ lives mattered.”

National Records of Scotland will hold the Memorial Book, process applications and issue certificates.

The service is free of charge, completely voluntary and historical applications are welcome, as are applications for more than one loss.

Applications can be made by going online to: and downloading and printing the application form.

Kiltwalk: Local undertakers step out for Held In Our Hearts

This weekend is the Edinburgh Kiltwalk and we are delighted to say that Held In Our Hearts have 55 Kilt Walkers oner the weekend over all three events.

One local team of funeral directors are walking for bereavement charity Held In Our Hearts in the Wee Wander and we can’t thank them enough.

Funeral directors Barclays are going all out to make sure that Held In Our Hearts can continue to make sure that not family go through the trauma of being alone after the death of their precious baby. The charity offer support to bereaved families and have worked closely with Barclays over the years.

This year, Valerie, Andrew, Georgia, Elaine, and Marion will undertake 4 miles and walk from Silverknowes to Murrayfield .

As Valerie shared: “ We are so delighted to have the fantastic opportunity to be able to support  in this way”

You can donate to their page here :

Thank you Barclays Heroes!

Firewalk with Held In Our Hearts

Local charity, Held In Our Hearts, will again be hosting their popular FireWalk event on 4th December at Edinburgh Leisure’s Craiglockhart Tennis Centre.

The FireWalk will be a chance for locals to take part in a once in a lifetime challenge, daring to be different, and walking over hot coals to raise much-needed funds for the charity’s work supporting parents whose babies have tragically died.

Tracy Watt, Held In Our Hearts Fundraising Manager, said: “We know the journey that the parents we support is daunting and often it is the fear of the unknown that can be very frightening for them; by taking on this challenge, we want to stand in solidarity with bereaved parents across the city and beyond, to walk together with them.

“We hope that this event will appeal to many of the families that we support, as well as many of our supporters, who want to dare to be different and experience such a unique event, while raising much needed funds for our baby loss counselling and support.”

Rupert Seggins, who took part in the FireWalk last time for the charity said: “This is truly an experience like no other – bare feet, burning coals and incredible support from a team that have put hundreds of people through their paces.

“I had such a great time overcoming my nerves and stepping out to do something I didn’t think was possible for me. And all to help the wonderful Held in Our Hearts! What’s not to love?”

Held In Our Hearts FireWalk will be run by UK Firewalk, one of the UK’s leading experts who specialise in corporate and charity firewalking and glass walking events.

The UK FireWalk team will ensure the safety of every participant and viewer involved through the presence of official safety experts.

Winter Firewalk to support Held in our Hearts

Held In Our Hearts are excited to launch their first live event this year.

The Fire Walk will take place on 4th December from 6pm at Craiglockhart Leisure Centre and we are delighted to have Scott and the team back again from UK Firewalk.

In 2019 it was such a roaring success and we look forward to seeing  people coming back to events again.

We are asking you to push yourself out of your comfort zone and walk across red-hot coals to raise money to support our bereaved parents.

For more information on how to sign up please email

Big Steps for Small Feet walkers reach summit of Ben Nevis

Over the past weekend, Held In Our Hearts joined nine other baby loss charities to participate in the ‘Big Steps for Small Feet’ challenge where 106 walkers climbed to the summit of Ben Nevis to raise awareness and show the world that differences can be made when done collectively.

The Big Steps for Small Feet challenge was originally an idea of Michael McGuire from Fort William, in memory of his son Kyle. This then grew into a vision where several baby loss charities could come together, stand at the top of Ben Nevis, see the sun rise, and stand together in unity, strength, and remembrance.

Whilst battling harsh winds, snow, exhaustion, and treacherous terrain, the walkers successfully made it to the summit of Ben Nevis in the early hours of Sunday morning, June 13th.

Held In Our Hearts Fundraising Manager, and ‘Big Steps for Small Feet’ participant, Tracy Watt, said: “‘It was an experience that will never be forgotten. As all 106 participants climbed the mountain we were all united in looking to make a difference in support of baby loss and raising awareness.

“We knew it was not going to be easy but as the weather and terrain changed and nighttime descended we climbed together in support of one another.

“Walking side-by-side as a team was a complete privilege as we talked about our precious sons and daughters’.

Held In Our Hearts are absolutely delighted to have been a part of such a unique experience, and we give a special thank you to our seven inspirational climbers who made the ascent to the top in support of our bereaved families, and in memory of their precious babies.

Held in our Hearts launches new Thrive for Five campaign

Baby loss charity Held In Our Hearts announce their new fitness-focused campaign – ‘Thrive For Five.’ This campaign directly encourages the charity’s supporters to set themselves weekly goals and challenges in order to build up their ability over a number of weeks to run a 5k. 

The ‘Thrive For Five’ campaign is framed around the concept of 8 weekly challenges where Fundraising Manager, Tracy Watt, an ultra-runner herself, will release encouraging and motivating videos setting out the fitness guidelines of the week – this will enable the campaign to be inclusive, accessible, and welcoming to participants of all fitness levels. 

Tracy Watt, Fundraising Manager said; “We know that now an end to lockdown is in sight, many people may be feeling uneasy at the changes taking place, or lacking in confidence at leaving the house.

“So we wanted to create a challenge that is inclusive and encouraging to Thrive For Five! Our hope through the campaign is to get our supporters out the door moving again and feeling happier, healthier and aiming to complete their virtual 5k with the Edinburgh Marathon Festival at the end of May.”

Fitness-focused campaigns can be a daunting challenge for some, so Held In Our Hearts notes that it is critical for this type of campaign to express to participants that everyone begins their fitness journey at different starting points, with different goals.

The main focus is that participants challenge themselves and thrive towards a new goal which will help manage some of the anxieties we are all feeling coming out of lockdown. 

The ‘Thrive For Five’ campaign also offers the participants practical training to participate in the upcoming virtual Edinburgh Marathon Festival (EMF) – a challenge which subsequently supports Held In Our Hearts through vital fundraising. 

Fundraising through the Edinburgh Marathon Festival is vital in constructing community bonds, developing connections, and is critical for generating income to ensure the charity can continue its services for bereaved families. 

Held In Our Hearts have continued to run a full service to bereaved families throughout the crisis, and have seen a successful adaptation to the shifted landscape of support services directly linked to the current pandemic and various restrictions and regulations.

An early Merry Christmas for local community projects

As a difficult year draws to a close, 20 community groups in Edinburgh are ending 2020 with some good news: a £328,583 cash boost from The National Lottery Community Fund! 

Among the local organisations receiving early Christmas cheer are Ama-Zing Harmonies, Muirhouse Millennium Centre and North Edinburgh Arts.

Held in Our Hearts charity marks Baby Loss Awareness Week

October 9-15th is a very important week in the work of Held In Our Hearts. This is Baby Loss Awareness Week #BLAW and every day the charity will be sharing stories/ videos and podcasts of families and their own experience of loss.

From the workplace to home the families will share about how they have been supported by the charity and how you can get involved. The event will end on 15th at 7pm with a wave of light that will be shared by many.

You can get involved by sharing  as much as you can.

14 babies a day die in the UK and as a charity we want to make sure that all families get support. Charities have been adversely affected by the pandemic but we want to make sure that no one sits in silence.

Local hero Fiona leads the way

Edinburgh woman Fiona Fitzgerald has managed to keep a community spirit alive in her neighbourhood and helped them to stay fit at the same time.

Every Thursday Fiona would rally all her neighbours and friends and family to clap for the NHS and when that ended she  still managed to get them all out on a Thursday at 8pm by engaging them in the slosh (for younger readers, it’s a line dancing routine!) All ages and abilities were out and had a great time.

Fiona then decided she wanted to continue her support of a local charity Held In Our Hearts by getting the neighbours together in a walk round Arthur Seat. The virtual Edinburgh Marathon festival this year is being run until December and everyone taking part can register.

Fiona in the last few years has volunteered on a water station at the Edinburgh Marathon Weekend and has tirelessly cheered on our charity runners.  

Fiona arranged 50 of her friends and family to take a social distanced trip round Arthur Seat and kept everyone motivated and fully engaged whether is was one lap or two. In fact Brodie one of the younger runners did three laps.

Eileen Mitchell, the oldest lady ever to take part in an events for Held In Our Hearts, says: “It was so much fun top see the community come together and we are really grateful to Fiona for all her hard work.”

The group have raised £2,500 and we are truly grateful to every person that got involved.

You can still sponsor them and support Held In Our Hearts:

If you want to fundraise and get involved in an event, email:

Fundraise for Held In Our Hearts this September

Held In Our Hearts are looking for your help in virtual events in September

The Edinburgh Marathon weekend was due to take place on 5th and 6th September and now will be a virtual event.

You can sign up and run your chosen distance anytime between now and the end of December  and fundraise for Held In Our Hearts. You will still receive that all important blue t -shirt and medal.

The Edinburgh Kiltwalk was due to take place on 13th September  but will now go ahead as a virtual event.

You can still sign up and walk your chosen distance and fundraise for the charity

Held In Our Hearts is a local charity proving baby loss counselling and support to families. Formerly known as SANDS Lothians, we have 40 years’ experience of offering compassionate care bereavement care in the community.

When a family’s baby dies, it is an incredibly traumatic and extremely lonely time as parents struggle to find others who can connect with the overwhelming emotions they experience.

The majority of our staff are bereaved themselves, so we are there to let them know they are not alone. Through our support services, we journey with families providing empathy, while they start to come to terms with what has happened and help support them in their grief.

As we are now going into the second half of 2020  bereaved families need your support more than ever and as the world starts to return to a new normal our families know that life without their precious baby is a new normal for them.

For more information on your events or if you want to fundraise in other ways you can contact